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文章围绕高职院校人才培养与服务地方经济社会的职能, 构建了以行业企业、政府、社会、学生和家长以 及第三方评估机构为主体的教育质量评价体系, 提出利用层次分析法及可拓学模型, 判断出对高职院校教 育质量影响较大的因素, 通过自主诊断及改进, 提高技术技能人才的培养质量。  相似文献   
Reviews the book, Language in the Americas by Joseph H. Greenberg (1987). Greenberg's work on universals of language has crossed disciplinary boundaries to become known to many psychologists interested in language. His equally important work in language classification, of which Language in the Americas is one part, remains unfamiliar to psychologists. This book is a pioneering work in that it is the first genetic classification of the indigenous languages of both North and South America. Greenberg maintains that all of the languages of the Americas belong to three families: Eskimo-Aleut, Na-Dene, and a family that he has named Amerind. This assertion is both important and controversial; the controversy lies in the grouping of most of the languages including all of those of South and Central America into the Amerind family. Most of Language in the Americas consists of the Amerind etymological dictionary, arranged so that the reader can assess lexical similarities within and between subgroups. Greenberg's discussion is informed, articulate, profound, and to the point. He draws on relevant sources and examples from diverse fields of knowledge. The depth and breadth of his scholarship and the clarity of his presentation create a work that is an intellectual pleasure to read. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
对于运行多年的通信局房电源系统,在扩容改造时,不仅需要解决当前问题,更要梳理遗留问题,充分体现完整、系统的设计思路。结合近期修订的有关配电设计规范条文,对通信局房电源系统存在的问题进行归类、总结,分析了通信电源设备的运行特点,提出电源系统扩容改造的设计要点。  相似文献   
在长距离需要对多路数据进行采集的情况下,提出了一种基于FPGA的多路级联式采集系统。本系统以FPGA为核心,实现对各路采集单元的命令控制和数据传输控制,并且各采集单元相互独立、所采集的数据单独存储。实验测试结果表明,各路采集数据能够可靠传输到读数单元。各采集单元以级联方式连接,可在采集点自由增减采集单元,实现任意路数据的采集与存储。  相似文献   
Ken-Chih Liu 《Software》1986,16(6):541-548
This paper presents an extension of Pascal with string pattern matching. Pattern definitions are built using six basic operations: alternation, concatenation, immediate value assignment, intersection, difference and complement. The last three have not been previously implemented and they increase the expressive power beyond context-free languages. The pattern matching actions are augmented with three options: trace, prefix and suffix. Comparisons with a SNOBOL4 implementation are also presented. This experiment demonstrates that Pascal with pattern matching is a useful tool for string processing applications.  相似文献   
A pattern language for designing e-business architecture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pattern language for e-business provides a holistic support for developing software architectures for the e-business domain. The pattern language contains four related pattern categories: Business Patterns, Integration Patterns, Application Patterns, and Runtime Patterns. These pattern categories organise an e-business architecture into three layers—business interaction, application infrastructure and middleware infrastructure—and provide reusable design solutions to these layers in a top-down decomposition fashion. Business and Integration Patterns partition the business interaction layer into a set of subsystems; Application Patterns provide a high-level application infrastructure for these subsystems and separate business abstractions from their software solutions; Runtime Patterns then define a middleware infrastructure for the subsystems and shield design solutions from their implementations. The paper describes, demonstrates and evaluates this pattern language.  相似文献   
The union of a monadic and a right-ground term rewrite system is called a murg term rewrite system. We show that for murg TRSs the ground common ancestor problem is undecidable. We show that for a murg term rewrite system it is undecidable whether the set of descendants of a ground tree is a recognizable tree language. We show that it is undecidable whether a murg term rewrite system over Σ preserves Σ-recognizability.  相似文献   
为确保原有的乌江渡水电站水工建筑物和发电设备以及扩建工程建筑物的施工安全,加快扩建工程施工进度,本扩建工程施工中对关键部位开挖所产生的爆破震动影响实施全面而有效的实时爆破监控,并根据监控成果的研究指导开挖爆破作业,以确定符合实际的安全爆破震动参数。  相似文献   
乐北联圩东湖电排站扩建工程原设计为常规轴流泵 介绍了在技施设计中 ,结合该工程的地形地质、施工环境、施工工期、城市景观等方面因素 ,并进行全面分析 ,选用了大型潜水电泵 ,达到预期的功效  相似文献   
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