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PSA pressure vessels are equipments used in refining industries for cleaning the hydrogen upcoming from the reforming or hydrogen generation unities. In one regular inspection, some embedded cracks were found in the entrance nozzle-head weld. Then, instead of advance its decommissioning and waste much time until the refinery purchase a new vessel, a structural stress analysis using the finite element method was performed in order to obtain the stress field at the site of the crack, considering the real loading cycle. Despite the acting load is only the internal pressure, the nozzle-head weld is a region where a complex stress state is present (bending and axial stresses). ASME VIII Division 2, Appendix 5 addresses this issue by applying a rule for multiaxial fatigue life estimation for non-proportional loading. With ASME estimated fatigue life results, it was applied the British Standard 7910 procedure to decide if the equipment can operate safely. The calculation also assesses the crack growing by using a modified bi-linear Paris law. Finally, it was computed how long the cracks would take to get to their critical size and then retire definitively the equipment.  相似文献   
Several applications for renewable energy conversion make use of variable speed generators. A conversion from variable frequency to grid frequency is therefore essential. One part of the converter is a rectifier. A rectifier model is presented, which is integrated in a time stepping finite element simulation environment where the generator and circuit equations are solved simultaneously. The model handles bidirectional alternator speeds as the application is a linear generator for ocean wave energy conversion. The rectifier model is extended with a load model, consisting of R, L and E, and simulations show what impact the rectifier has on the generator’s behaviour.  相似文献   
Achieving adequate top and bottom reinforcement is important to minimize angular distortions in single-pass submerged arc welded (SAW) butt joints. This is achieved in the present work by using a reusable flux-filled backing strip and proper SAW process parameters without resorting to costly distortion mitigation techniques. The butt joints were made without edge (square butts) preparation. The process was also modeled by using three-dimensional finite element analysis by incorporating the top and bottom reinforcements into the modeling. Filler material deposition was also simulated. Temperature distributions and angular distortions obtained from the modeling closely matched with the experimental values. Thus, the cost effective experimental methodology established in the present work can be utilized for minimizing angular distortions in SAW square butts. The modeling methodology adopted can be used for predicting the angular distortions in SAW square butts with top and bottom reinforcements.  相似文献   
A detailed review of the archival reveals that the heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of circular cavities have not been investigated so far and of course their physical features are not understood. A prominent application of these cavities arises in the miniaturized packaging of electronic components that are subject to strict constraints. This paper addresses primarily steady-state laminar natural convection of air in a circular cavity of diameter H inscribed in a square cavity of side H where the corresponding sides are in contact at four points. A third cavity, an arc–square cavity whose shape lies between the square and circular cavity shapes is included in the analysis. The finite volume method is used to perform the numerical simulations. The methodology takes into account the second-order-accurate QUICK scheme for the discretization of the convective term, whereas the pressure–velocity coupling is handled with the SIMPLE scheme. Since the air is not assumed a Boussinesq gas, it was decided to take all thermophysical properties as temperature-dependent. In the end, it has been demonstrated that the circular cavity possesses a superior balance between heat transfer enhancement and size in cross-section area in comparison with the standard square cavity. The side of the square cavity is similar to the diameter of the circular cavity.  相似文献   
Using a three-dimensional finite volume model, the thermal performance of an electrochromic vacuum glazing was simulated for insolation intensities between 0 and 1200 W m−2. The electrochromic evacuated glazing simulated consisted of three glass panes 0.5 m by 0.5 m with a 0.12 mm wide evacuated space between two 4 mm thick panes supported by 0.32 mm diameter pillars spaced on a 25 mm square grid contiguously sealed by a 6 mm wide metal edge seal. The third glass pane on which the electrochromic layer was deposited was assumed to be sealed to the evacuated glass unit. The simulations indicate that when facing the indoor environment, the temperature of the glass pane with the electrochromic layer can reach 129.5 °C for an incident insolation of 600 W m−2. At such temperatures unacceptable occupant comfort would ensue and the durability of the electrochromic glazing would be compromised. The glass pane with the electrochromic layer must therefore face the outdoor environment.  相似文献   
设有垫层的水电站蜗壳结构联合承载分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分析了带有垫层的蜗壳及其外围钢筋混凝土联合承载结构,设定了一个计算模型,用三维有限元方法对某一工程蜗壳与外围混凝土结构进行了计算,计算结果和观测值较为一致。  相似文献   
本文对椭圆曲线密码体制进行了概述与研究,并对椭圆曲线的原理、群的构成、对数问题、“倍点”公式以及城上元素运算的实现等一系列问题进行了讨论。最后,介绍了在椭圆曲线支持下的公开密钥密码体制。  相似文献   
超大规模数字电路的信号开关速度和集成度的提高,导致了信号波形变异和信号耦合问题,并要求用全波分析法才能给出准确结果。文中用时域有限差分法(FD-TD)分析了高速数字信号传输线的耦合特性,给出了经介质补偿后的结果。FD-TD方法中采用了完全匹配层(PML)吸收边界和电流源激励等最新研究结果。研究表明FD-TD方法是计算高速数字电路的有力工具。  相似文献   
The crystal orientation of the tin phase in a Pb-free Sn solder joint has a significant effect on the stress state, and hence on the reliability of the solder joint. A set of crystal plasticity analyses was used to evaluate stress and strain resulting from a 165°C temperature change in a single-crystal joint using two simplified geometries used in practical solder joints. Phenomenological flow models for ten slip systems were estimated based upon semiquantitative information available in the literature, along with known anisotropic elastic property information. The results show that the internal energy of the system is a strong function of the tin crystal orientation and geometry of the solder joint. The internal energy (and presumably the likelihood of damage) is highest when the crystal c-axis lies in the plane of the substrate, leading to significant plastic deformation. When the a-axis is in the plane of the interface, deformation due to a 165°C temperature change is predominantly elastic. The texture of the copper substrate using isotropic Cu elastic properties, or anisotropic elastic properties with [001] substrate normal direction, does␣not have a significant effect on the stress or strain in the Sn phase of the joint.  相似文献   
Hybrid DC–DC converters for space applications should be designed for operation at full rated power within the military specification for temperature range of −55 to +125 °C. Hence, the thermal design is a crucial step in the design process of converter, ensuring that no component of the converter exceeds its rated maximum operating temperature. One of the objectives of this work is to guarantee that all electronic components operate below their maximum allowable temperature. For this purpose, a three dimensional model of a converter based on the finite element method was developed. Results based on numerical simulation were validated by experimental data from infrared camera. The total amount of dissipated power in every component was determined experimentally based on a prototype converter. In the case of a component with high power consumption, such as the field effect transistor, the increase in temperature was minimized by applying designed heat sink with a high-thermal-conductivity material.  相似文献   
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