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将有限元法和GHM法相结合,给出了建立主动约束层阻尼(ACLD)板结构动力学模型的新方法。建模时,考虑到粘弹材料(VEM)的纵向位移影响,采用GHM方法描述VEM的本构关系,解决了VEM的力学特性随温度和频率变化的难点,避免因VEM的复杂本构关系而产生的微分积分方程。算例表明本文给出的建模方法是准确的,ACLD结构能够有效控制结构振动。  相似文献   
薄膜润滑研究的回顾与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
薄膜润滑是20世纪90年代以来广泛研究的新型润滑状态。它是界于弹流润滑和边界润滑之间的一种过渡润滑状态,有着自己独特的润滑规律。文章回顾了薄膜润滑的研究历史,包括薄膜润滑概念的提出、测试技术的发展、薄膜润滑的膜厚特性、润滑机理探索以及计算理论等方面的研究成果与主要进展。  相似文献   
Crystallographically oriented etch traces produced by selective etchant on (111) and (110) habit faces of dicalcium strontium propionate [Ca2Sr(C2H5CO2)6] crystals are attributed to the growth traces nucleated during the superficial growth of crystal. This view is supported by the absence of such etch traces on seized habit faces and from the observations of layer structure on the bottom faces. Mother liquid acting as an etchant produces circular terraced depressions on habit faces. These depressions originate at the sites of isolated impurity centres. Identical features such as circular etch structures bounded by cylindrical outer periphery produced on cooled faces are attributed to isolated domains.  相似文献   
形状记忆聚氨酯的结构与性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以 2 ,4 -甲苯二异氰酸酯 (2 ,4 -TDI)、不同分子量的聚己二酸丁二醇酯 (PBAG)和 1,4-丁二醇 (BDO)为原料合成了具有形状记忆功能的聚氨酯材料。通过DSC、弯曲实验和力学实验 ,研究了形状记忆聚氨酯的性能 ,发现软段高度结晶和硬段聚集形成硬段微区是其具有较好形状记忆性能的必要条件。  相似文献   
This study focuses on numerical simulation of ductile failure in the Co binder phase of WC–Co hardmetal. The growth of edge cracks under mode I loading is considered. A computational micromechanics approach is taken where the Co binder ligaments are explicitly represented in finite element models. An embedding technique is employed. Crystal plasticity theory is used to represent plastic deformation in the Co ligaments. Crack propagation in the binder is simulated using an element removal technique based on a modified Rice and Tracey model for ductile void growth, and fracture resistance curves are generated. Parameter studies are performed for variations in microstructrual parameters such as numbers of Co ligaments ahead of the crack tip and local Co volume fraction. The importance of thermal residual stresses and finite element mesh density are also investigated.  相似文献   
The influence of plastic properties on chip formation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A two-dimensional finite-element model of the chip formation process is used to study the influence of the material law determining plastic flow on chip formation of titanium alloys at high cutting speeds. For simplicity, friction and thermo-mechanical properties of the tool are neglected in the simulations. Titanium chips are strongly segmented and therefore especially suitable to study the role of segmentation for the cutting force and other cutting parameters. Of special interest is the influence of the thermal softening parameter in the material law. Increasing thermal softening leads to a drastic decrease in the cutting force and a corresponding increase in chip segmentation. A variation of the hardening exponent is also performed. It is shown that the simulation results can be understood by using adiabatic flow stress curves. The variation of the hardening exponent leads to strongly differing chip shapes, although the cutting force stays nearly constant. This shows that mean cutting forces should not be used as simulation verification parameters.  相似文献   
Microstructure evolution during metal forming processes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recrystallization and grain growth evolutions during metal forming processes are considered. Coupling between the thermo-mechanical and microstructure processes is realized. Die forging of a rear-axle flange is simulated numerically on the base of the finite element method. Material parameters of the models are obtained experimentally. The influence of interpass and holding times on grain size distributions in the end product is shown.  相似文献   
In many applications of polymers, impact performance is a primary concern. Impact tests experimentally performed on molding prototypes yield useful data for a particular structural and impact loading case. But, it is generally not practical in terms of time and cost to experimentally characterize the effects of a wide range of design variables. A successful numerical model for impact deformation and failure of polymers can provide convenient and useful guidelines on product design and therefore decrease the disadvantages that arise from purely experimental trial and error. Since the specimen geometry and loading mode for multiaxial impact test provides a close correlation with practical impact conditions and can conveniently provide experimental data, the first step of validating a numerical model is to simulate this type of test. In this paper, we create a finite element analysis model using ABAQUS/Explicit to simulate the deformation and failure of a glassy ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) polymer in the standard ASTM D3763 multiaxial impact test. Since polymers often exhibit different behavior in uniaxial tensile and compression tests, the uniaxial compression or tensile tests are generally not representative of the three-dimensional deformation behavior under impact loading. A hydrostatic pressure effect (controlled by the parameter γ) is used to generalize a previously developed constitutive model ("DSGZ" model) so that it can describe the entire range of deformation behavior of polymers under any monotonic loading modes. The generalized DSGZ model and a failure criterion are incorporated in the FEA model as a user material subroutine. The phenomenon of thermomechanical coupling during plastic deformation is considered in the analysis. Impact load vs. displacement and impact energy vs. displacement curves from FEA simulation are compared with experimental data. The results show good agreement. Finally, equivalent stress, strain, strain rate and temperature distributions in the polymer disk are presented. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
 An efficient finite element model is presented for the static and dynamic piezothermoelastic analysis and control of FGM plates under temperature gradient environments using integrated piezoelectric sensor/actuator layers. The properties of an FGM plate are functionally graded in the thickness direction according to a volume fraction power law distribution. A constant displacement-cum-velocity feedback control algorithm that couples the direct and inverse piezoelectric effects is applied to provide active feedback control of the integrated FGM plate in a closed loop system. Numerical results for the static and dynamic control are presented for the FGM plate, which consists of zirconia and aluminum. The effects of the constituent volume fractions and the influence of feedback control gain on the static and dynamic responses of the FGM plates are examined. Received: 13 March 2002 / Accepted: 5 March 2003 The work described in this paper was supported by a grant awarded by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. CityU 1024/01E).  相似文献   
 A three-dimensional dynamic program for the anaysis of large deformations in contact-penetration problems is developed using the finite element Lagrangian method with explicit time integration. By incorporating a tetrahedral element, which allows a single-point integration without a special hourglass control scheme, this program can be more effective to the present problem. The position code algorithm is used to search contact surface. Eroding surfaces are also considered. The defense node algorithm was slightly modified for the calculation of contact forces. A study of obliquity effects on metallic plate perforation and ricochet processes in thin plates impacted by a sphere was conducted. It is well simulated that on separation of two parts of the sphere, the portion still within the crater tends to perforate, while the portion in contact with the plate surface ricochets. This deformation pattern is observed in experiments, especially at high obliquities. A long rod that impacts an oblique steel plate at high impact velocity was also simulated in order to study the dynamics of the rod caused by the three dimensional asymmetric contact. The agreement between simulated and experimental results is quite good. Fracture phenomena occuring at high obliquity deserves further investigations. Received: 20 February 2002 / Accepted: 20 September 2002  相似文献   
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