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叶面积指数(LeafAreaIndex,LAI)是表征植被生物物理变化和冠层结构特征的关键参数,目前存在多个全球范围、长时间序列LAI产品,对其进行验证是LAI产品应用的重要前提,然而目前山区的验证工作尤其少见.在我国西南山区选取6个典型样区,考虑山区复杂地形特征,从产品时空完整性以及对山区植被时空特征表征能力等方面对GEOV1、GLASS和MODISLAI产品进行对比分析.研究结果表明:①相比于地形平坦地区,在山区随海拔和地形起伏度的增加,LAI产品时空完整性呈递减的趋势,其中,GEOV1LAI表现最差,MODISLAI次之,GLASSLAI表现最好;②GLASSLAI和GEOV1LAI的空间分布合理且具有较好的一致性,MODISLAI的空间分布和二者存在差异,3种LAI产品均难以准确反映山区植被垂直带谱的变化特征;③草地类型LAI产品间差值较小,林地和农作物GLASSLAI和GEOV1LAI产品一致性较好,MODISLAI产品和二者存在较大的差异;④GLASSLAI时间序列曲线平滑且连续,GEOV1LAI存在时间不连续现象,MODISLAI季相变化中的波动现象比较严重;各产品不仅难以准确反映冬季的常绿针叶林LAI,而且难以准确表征样区内农田作物轮作的物候信息.对比分析有助于发现LAI产品在山区存在的问题,并为今后LAI产品的算法改进提供帮助和参考.  相似文献   
叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)是作物长势监测及产量估算的重要指标,准确高效的LAI反演对农田经济的宏观管理具有重要作用。研究探索了联合无人机激光雷达(Light Detection and Ranging,LiDAR)和高光谱数据反演玉米叶面积指数的潜力,并分析了LiDAR数据不同采样尺寸、高度阈值、点密度对LAI反演精度的影响同时确定三者的最优值。该研究分别从重采样的LiDAR数据和高光谱影像中提取了LiDAR变量和植被指数,然后基于偏最小二乘回归(Partial Least Square Regression,PLSR)和随机森林(Random Forest,RF)回归两种算法分别利用LiDAR变量、植被指数、联合LiDAR变量和植被指数构建预测模型,并确定反演玉米LAI的最优预测模型。结果表明:反演玉米LAI的最优采样尺寸、高度阈值、点密度分别为5.5 m、0.55 m、18 points/m2,研究发现最高的点密度(420 points/m2)并没有产生最优的玉米LAI反演精度,因此单独依靠增加点密度的方法提高LAI的反演精度并不可靠。基于LiDAR变量获...  相似文献   
郭云飞  李勇  任昕  彭冬亮 《自动化学报》2020,46(11):2392-2403
针对杂波环境下多机动扩展目标跟踪问题, 提出一种基于高斯过程的变结构多模型联合概率数据关联方法.首先, 采用期望模型扩展方法构建自适应模型集, 并对各个扩展目标状态进行初始化.其次, 基于高斯过程建立联合跟踪门以选择有效量测, 形成联合关联矩阵.然后, 拆分联合关联矩阵得到可行关联矩阵并求解关联事件概率.最后, 利用联合概率数据关联滤波器更新各个扩展目标的状态和协方差, 并将更新的状态进行融合, 得到最终的状态估计.仿真验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   
This study systematically evaluated linear predictive models between vegetation indices (VI) derived from radiometrically corrected airborne imaging spectrometer (HyMap) data and field measurements of biophysical forest stand variables (n=40). Ratio-based and soil-line-related broadband VI were calculated after HyMap reflectance had been spectrally resampled to Landsat TM channels. Hyperspectral VI involved all possible types of two-band combinations of ratio VI (RVI) and perpendicular VI (PVI) and the red edge inflection point (REIP) computed from two techniques, inverted Gaussian Model and Lagrange Interpolation. Cross-validation procedure was used to assess the prediction power of the regression models. Analyses were performed on the entire data set or on subsets stratified according to stand age. A PVI based on wavebands at 1088 nm and 1148 nm was linearly related to leaf area index (LAI) (R2=0.67, RMSE=0.69 m2 m−2 (21% of the mean); after removal of one forest stand subjected to clearing measures: R2=0.77, RMSE=0.54 m2 m−2 (17% of the mean). A PVI based on wavebands at 885 nm and 948 nm was linearly related to the crown volume (VOL) (R2=0.79, RMSE=0.52). VOL was derived from measured biophysical variables through factor analysis (varimax rotation). The study demonstrates that for hyperspectral image data, linear regression models can be applied to quantify LAI and VOL with good accuracy. For broadband multispectral data, the accuracy was generally lower. It can be stated that the hyperspectral data set contains more information relevant to the estimation of the forest stand variables LAI and VOL than multispectral data. When the pooled data set was analysed, soil-line-related VI performed better than ratio-based VI. When age classes were analysed separately, hyperspectral VI performed considerably better than broadband VI. Best hyperspectral VI in relation with LAI were typically based on wavebands related to prominent water absorption features. Such VI are related to the total amount of canopy water; as the leaf water content is considered to be relatively constant in the study area, variations of LAI are retrieved.  相似文献   
The main objective of this paper is the validation of CYCLOPES version 3.1 LAI and fAPAR products. It is achieved by the comparison with MODIS collection 4 and 4.1 products and ECOCLIMAP LAI climatology over the BELMANIP representative set of sites, and with ground measurements over a limited set of sites. Great attention is paid to the consistency of the comparison: for the spatial dimension, product PSF appears to be the main aspect governing the spatial resolution at which the comparison has to be achieved. For CYCLOPES, a minimal size of the sites should be 3 km × 3 km2, while the optimal one is 10 km × 10 km2; regarding the temporal sampling interval and resolution, the problem is much easier to solve when assuming a relatively smooth time course of vegetation characteristics (8-16 days). Great care was also paid to the departure of products from the nominal definition, particularly for LAI where different scales of clumping have to be considered.Results showed that CYCLOPES and MODIS products have generally consistent seasonality, CYCLOPES being however characterized by a smoother temporal evolution as expected. Differences are mainly concentrated on the magnitude of products values, CYCLOPES achieving better performances both for LAI (RMSE = 0.73) and fAPAR (RMSE = 0.10) over the limited number of sites where ground measurements were available. This study also sets a framework to the validation exercise that could be used to evaluate other products or future versions of the same products and contribute to associate quantitative uncertainties as required by the user community.  相似文献   
基于NDVI与LAI的水稻生长状况研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
在水稻反射光谱特性与水稻生物参数关系的支持下,以吉林省德惠市夏家店镇为研究区,探讨了一条基于TM遥感影像反演得到的归一化植被指数(NDVI)与地面观测数据叶面积指数(LAI)的水稻生长状况的研究途径,并利用NDVI和LAI对该区2000年和2001年的水稻生长状况进行了分析研究。  相似文献   
无线传感器网络的节点定位算法中,LCO算法将节点间具有连通度的通信连接视为对节点位置的约束,并由此确定节点的位置估计.提出了一种改进的分布式节点定位算法LAI(Localization with All Nodes and Iteration),结合不具有连通度的节点位置关系进行定位.仿真实验结果表明,改进算法相对于LCO算法,提高了定位估计的准确性,减小了对于锚节点的依赖程度.  相似文献   
基于TM遥感数据的西藏林芝地区叶面积指数反演   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
叶面积指数(LAI)是分析冠层结构最常用的参数之一,它控制着植被的生物、物理过程,如光合、呼吸、蒸腾、碳循环和降水截获等。但是通过野外实测获取大面积的LAI比较困难,通过对西藏林芝地区的TM遥感数据进行处理获取各种植被指数,然后分别与实测LAI建立相应的回归关系,并对不同的回归模型进行分析找出相关性较好、误差较低的回归模型,最后利用该模型对林芝地区的叶面积指数进行制图。通过植被指数与实测LAI进行回归分析建立LAI估算模型,其决定系数最高为R2=0.653,具有较好的相关性。研究结果表明:TM遥感数据可以实现林芝区域LAI估算,能为生态环境研究提供数据支持。  相似文献   
基于BP神经网络的夏玉米多生育期叶面积指数反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)是生物地球化学循环中重要的植被结构参数。针对目前基于我国GF-1 WFV卫星影像的夏玉米多生育期LAI反演研究较少的问题,基于不同隐含层构建BP神经网络模型(BP1模型和BP2模型),对比分析BP1模型、BP2模型和6种统计模型(NDVI、RVI、DVI、EVI、SAVI、ARVI)反演之间的精度差异,并根据实测数据绘制BP1模型和BP2模型的夏玉米多生育期LAI动态变化图。结果表明:LAI与6种常用的统计模型均有良好相关性,其中NDVI指数方程式回归模型拟合度最优;BP神经网络模型整体R 2略小于统计模型,而RMSE则小于统计模型,取得了与实测值差异更小的结果,统计模型与BP神经网络模型各有优劣之处;BP2模型在R 2和RMSE均优于BP1模型,能获得更为精确的反演值,BP2整体预测精度更高;基于BP神经网络模拟夏玉米生育期反演,LAI值呈现缓慢升高—快速增长—逐渐减小的S型变化过程,基本符合作物生长规律。该研究结合不同隐含层建立的BP神经网络模型,为GF-1卫星在作物叶面积指数多生育期反演的应用推广提供了方法支撑。  相似文献   
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