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将顶辊制成藕筒状,可以改善排汁和提高压榨效能。介绍了藕简辊的主要结构、性能和主要优点,提出了采用它时应注意的问题。认为,藕筒辊在我国发展较慢,对其应进一步深入探讨。  相似文献   
The proliferation of architectural media in Italy is prodigious. Valentina Croci describes the history behind the plethora of printed magazines, outlining the background and approach of the most prestigious titles. What does the future hold for such a large number of specialist publications? Are they to be eclipsed by the numerous new electronic newsletters and websites? Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
万敏  李在明  马明龙 《华中建筑》2010,28(12):94-97
考察了我国温泉利用及温泉旅游区的发展概况,从温泉旅游及其市场的目的地特征、短程市场特征、季节性特征、客源结构特征等4方面分析了温泉旅游市场对温泉旅游区及其规划设计的影响,并结合南阳莲花温泉案例介绍了其立足市场的规划设计措施。  相似文献   
陈周羡  陈琛  俞金玲 《中国园林》2004,20(10):45-49
水上公园是天津最大的综合性水景公园,经过几代园林工作者的辛勤耕耘,园景已是绿意盎然,花团锦簇,成为市民的绿色家园.为了营建常游常新的休闲康体环境,公园开发了一系列的主题花展.取得了社会效益与经济效益的双丰收,并通过荷花节的布展内容进一步阐述了此观点.  相似文献   
漪碧涵虚天人合一--保定古莲花池创作意象解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔俊婷  王其亨 《中国园林》2005,21(12):69-72
融园林、书院、行宫三位一体的古莲花池历经沧桑,形象地反映了这一时期宫苑园林的时代特征。莲池寄情山水、崇尚自然,龟藏了中国传统园林文化的体系。通过对莲池意匠的分析,解读其在工程技术、艺术形象等方面的创作思想,解剖其隐藏在形式语言背后的文化思想及审美意境。  相似文献   
冬荷品种选育与栽培技术研究--以三水荷花世界为基地   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张行言  王其超 《中国园林》2004,20(10):62-64,65
冬荷在亚热带地区四季常绿,花期长达10个月(3月~12月),性耐寒,5℃时叶不枯黄,10℃左右花蕾出水,18℃~20℃开花.花繁密,结实率高,地下茎不会膨大成藕,所以比普通荷花观赏价值高.广东三水荷花世界用3年时间,采用以藕鞭为材料的配套栽繁技术,选育出3个冬荷新品种,可在我国南方沿海地区和东南亚各国推广应用.  相似文献   
热带型荷花的发现与荷花品种分类系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪以来,通过荷花育种、生物学特性和生态习性观察、实地考察比较以及区域性试验,发现荷花分布面广,其品种资源中原本就存在两大自然生态型,即温带型品种群和热带型品种群。前者有明显的年生长发育期,最终地下茎膨大成藕而休眠,即便移种至热带国家(泰国)后,仍然长藕;后者一年四季生长不停顿,地下茎不膨大成藕,即使引入亚热带的广东沿海或经实生选育,地下茎仍为鞭状。三水荷花世界露地栽培者,从“五一”节前后至12月底生长不停顿,开花不绝,经大棚保护者,则四季开花。而在武汉地区花期只能延至10月底。由于荷花客观上存在两大生态型品种群,无疑应对原荷花品种分类系统进行调整,最后提出了修订方案,供同行讨论。  相似文献   
Preparation of superhydrophobic silica-based thin film with high transmittance (T%) in the visible light region by adjusting different pH value of mixing solution has been developed. The hybrid films were coated by the mixing solution which included precursor solution (sol–gel process) and polypropylene glycol (PPG) polymer solution. Rough surfaces were obtained by removing the organic polymer at high temperature and then the hydrophobic groups bonded onto the films were obtained by the reaction with hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS). Characteristic properties of the as-prepared surface of the films were analyzed by contact angle measurement, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atom force microscopy (AFM), UV–VIS scanning spectrophotometer and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrophotometer. The experimental parameters were mainly varied by the pH value (0, 1, 2.3, 6 and 8) of the mixing solution. The result showed that the contact angle of the film was greater than 150° and the transmittance of the film was greater than 90% simultaneously when the pH value of mixing solution was adjusted to 1. In addition, the highly transparent superhydrophobic surfaces was obtained by adding 20 μL acid solution into the mixing solution, which the contact angle of the film was 156.3° as well as the transmittance of the film at the 600 nm visible light was 97.9%.  相似文献   
给出了基于Lotus Domino/Notes的电力生产协同组织管理系统的总体结构及主要功能。文章介绍了电力生产协同组织管理系统的关键技术及解决方案,借助于Lotus Domino/Note处理非结构化信息的特长,电力生产协同组织管理系统可以大大提高电力生产管理的效率、正确性及可靠性,从而提高电力生产的安全运行水平。  相似文献   
Liao CH  Lin JY 《Food chemistry》2012,135(3):1818-1827
A novel lotus plumule polysaccharide (LPPS) was purified, characterised and cultured with RAW264.7 macrophages to evaluate its anti-inflammatory characteristics. LPPS was purified using Sepharose 6B gel filtration and dissolved into two major components, fraction-1 (F1) and fraction-2 (F2). The molecular weights of native F1 and F2 were approximately distributed at >2,000 and 25.7kDa, respectively. The total protein and carbohydrate constituent ratios in LPPS, F1, and F2 were 30.0±0.9% vs. 70.0±0.9%, 30.1±2.6% vs. 69.9±2.6%, and 96.5±6.1% vs. 3.5±6.1% (w/w), respectively, suggesting that F1 may be a major proteo-polysaccharide component and F2 a glycoprotein constituent in LPPS. Pro-/anti-inflammatory (IL-6/IL-10) cytokine secretion ratios by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages were significantly decreased by F1 and F2 treatments, particularly by F2, in a dose-dependent manner under a preventive experimental model. This study suggests that purified components, F1 and F2 from LPPS, have strong anti-inflammatory effects on LPS-induced inflamed macrophages in a preventive manner.  相似文献   
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