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介绍了逻辑链图的编制方法和应用逻辑图判别故障的方法.  相似文献   
基于神经网络优化法的故障诊断应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在机械设备的故障诊断中,常采用BP网络算法对故障进行诊断计算,但由于BP网络易于收敛于局部极小点,且在初始参数与网络结构选取不当时。网络将出现发散现象.为此提出了将神经网络优化算法应用于汽轮发电机组的故障诊断中,实现了神经网络权值和阈值的快速计算,并以汽轮发电机组的故障诊断为背景。将两种算法的结果进行比较,证明该方法比BP算法精度高且收敛速度快、可靠性好.  相似文献   
提出了适用于矿井爆炸性环境的高压防爆电机转子故障在线诊断方案。运用扩展Park矢量方法将转子断条故障特征频率与基频有效分离,与气隙偏心故障特征频率所处频段进行统一量化,形成BP网络的输入模式矢量,将网络输出作为证据理论的基本概率赋值;基于大量实测数据的分析结果,提取出基于启动电流信号小波变换的断条故障最小频带能量比判据和基于单相电流频谱的偏心故障特征分量相对比值判据,并运用自行构造的模糊数学隶属函数分别予以描述。通过将隶属函数扩充为与基本概率赋值函数等维数的向量,获得了诊断转子故障的3种证据。诊断实例表明,运用证据理论可显著提高故障诊断的准确性和置信度;同时指出,应用证据理论诊断复合故障时,不能只依靠所有证据的最终组合结果,还应当重视证据组合的中间结果,否则可能产生漏诊断。  相似文献   
简单介绍变压器油中产生的原因及油中溶解气体分析(DGA)诊断油浸式分接开关的某些故障.阐明分接开关故障的DGA判断方法,包括特征气体法、比值法、图示法判断过热性故障、放电性故障、绝缘受潮、油室渗漏等故障的具体方法及注意事项.  相似文献   
Iranian power system encountered major oscillations in January 2008 in the northeastern area with an amplitude of about 120 MW. Since not all the events and variables had been recorded, a scenario to simulate the recorded oscillations and results of studies conducted to reproduce the oscillations by simulation are discussed in the first part. Tuning of supplementary controllers, such as PSSs, on the generating units and the use of reactive power compensators in the long transmission line to enhance stability and eliminate severe oscillations between the north and eastern areas are investigated in the second part. Eigen-value analysis and participation factors are used to appreciate the nature of oscillations and the required PSS settings. The results show that, by using the properly tuned PSSs and accurate compensation of the reactive power, transient stability and damping of oscillations are considerably improved.  相似文献   
梁景棠 《电气开关》2011,49(6):13-15
由于差动保护和后备保护的局限性,变压器中、低侧断路器和电流互感器之间发生故障时保护可能发生拒动的情况,给变压器和电网运行带来严重后果.为此在原有运行继电保护设备的基础上考虑增加一种以中、低侧断路器位置为辅助判据,通过保护内部逻辑判据和更改相应的外部接线来消除此处故障的继电保护方法.根据理论判断和现场模拟,该方法满足运行...  相似文献   
The Late Cretaceous tectonic upheaval was an important event during the evolution of the Qaidam Basin, resulting in the omission of the Upper Cretaceous in the whole basin and unconformities between the Paleogene sequence and pre-K2 strata. Inte-grating geological and geophysical data, two different groups of Late Cretaceous faults were recognized in the study area, one group consisting of E-W extending strike-slip faults (e.g., the Maxian and Yema-Jinan faults in the Mahai area, which caused an E-W omission zone of Mesozoic), while the other one has NW-SE thrust faults, resulting in NW-SE fold-and-thrust belts. Consid-ering the different strikes and scale of these two groups, a simple-shear model has been employed to explain this structural phe-nomenon. The NW-SE thrust faults were thought to be subsidiary to the E-W strike-slip faults. Putting this into the framework of the Cretaceous paleogeographic environment of central Asia, it is inferred that this tectonic event of the Qaidam Basin is a response to the continuous northward drifting of the India plate.  相似文献   
以柔性制造实验系统为研究对象,研究了FMS检测监控系统的硬件体系结构和软件集成框架,提出了FMS检测监控中信息的选择及故障处理策略,建立了基于专家系统和动态图形技术的FMS运行状态检测监控系统,实现了运行状态的动态显示和故障的诊断。  相似文献   
提出了衡量单相接地故障选线方法性能的指标,对其中一种选线方法的性能指标进行了详细分析,给出了分析方法以及误判率的定量表示。结果表明,该选线方法的误判率与系统规模、信号处理电路噪声性能等密切相关。  相似文献   
大机组故障诊断技术的展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了国内外近些年大机组故障诊断技术的发展情况,简单地介绍了故障诊断技术的常用方法,并对各种方法的特点或优缺点进行了概括和总结;指出了现阶段故障诊断技术发展的不平衡及全面发展大机组故障诊断技术的重要性。文中最后提出了我国发电机组故障诊断技术未来发展方向的预测。  相似文献   
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