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Harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (HEPWM) method has been widely applied to multilevel voltage source inverter (MVSI) to remove low frequency harmonics from its output voltage. However, the computation of the HEPWM switching angles for MVSI is very challenging due to several constraints, namely angle sequencing, very tight angular spacing and the numerous possibilities of angles distribution ratio. Realizing the potential of Differential Evolution (DE) to handle complex problems, this work proposes its application to solve the HEPWM problem for cascaded MVSI. Its emphasis is on improving the availability of HEPWM for higher output voltage by extending the maximum range of modulation index (M). It also removes the discontinuities in the switching angles and reduces the number of distribution ratio required to obtain the required solution. Compared to the most advanced (similar) work, i.e., 7-level MVSI with seventeen switching angles, DE covers a wider range of M; the maximum achievable M is 2.80. Furthermore, it exhibits very low second order distortion factor (DF2): for the worst case, the value of DF2 is 0.0014%. To verify the viability of the proposed algorithm, simulation is carried out and hardware prototype is constructed. Both results show very good agreement with the theoretical prediction.  相似文献   
一种新型单相不对称五电平逆变器   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
该文对一种新型单相不对称五电平逆变器进行研究,这种新型逆变器是通过将半桥二极管钳位逆变器和传统两电平半桥逆变器共享同一直流母线而获得的。针对这种新型拓扑结构该文分析了一种方波合成与消谐波三角载波PWM相结合的控制方法,在这种控制方法下,新型逆变器允许开关速度较快的器件和耐压值较高的器件工作在一起。文中将这种逆变器与其它三种单相五电平逆变器进行了比较。最后本文对一个单相五电平不对称逆变器电路进行了实验验证,并给出相关结论。  相似文献   
基于多电平逆变器通用组合拓扑结构的调制策略研究   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
以级联型多电平逆变器拓扑结构为基础,提出了一种多电平逆变器通用组合拓扑结构的构成原则,对多电平逆变器拓扑结构的研究进行了统一.根据该通用拓扑结构所提供的自由度,构造出了几种新型的组合拓扑结构.同时,基于传统的应用于多电平逆变器的多载波SPWM调制策略,提出了对应于组合拓扑结构的组合调制策略,根据所提出的组合调制策略,很自然地产生了一种基于移相理论的SVPWM.仿真及实验结果验证了组合拓扑结构及组合调制策略的有效性,为多电平逆变器组合拓扑结构的实际应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   
Wavelets have recently emerged as a powerful tool for signal compression, particularly in the areas of image, video, and audio compression. In this paper, we present a low-complexity wavelet-based audio compression algorithm that is capable of handling fairly arbitrary audio sources. The algorithm transforms the incoming audio data into the wavelet domain, and compresses data by exploring redundancy in the wavelet coefficients and exploiting the large runs of zeros in the transformed signal. Also there is a possibility of applying a threshold to the non-zero coefficients, thus a further increase in the number of zeros is expected. The audio signal is first preprocessed to scale down the wavelet coefficients. Then the preprocessed signal is wavelet transformed using a bi-orthogonal discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and threshold by applying energy compaction strategy. Encoding represents the threshold coefficients in compact form. A new encoding technique that is easy to implement, and that provides a reasonable compression ratio for a certain acceptable distortion level has been developed to encode the threshold DWT. So, a bit rate can be controlled such that the algorithm operates at virtually any pre-selected bit rate. The motivation of using the bi-orthogonal wavelet transform is that it permits the use of a much broader class of filters, and this class includes symmetric linear phase filters. The superior performance of this algorithm is also demonstrated by comparing it with two other popular audio compression techniques and this meets the requirements of multimedia computing.  相似文献   
轨道交通站台安全门作为公共安全防护设备,广泛应用在地铁、轻轨等轨道交通中的高架和地面站台上,具有节能、环保和安全功能。因此它在设计、制造、安装过程中需要充分考虑其自身的可靠性及乘客安全、行车安全。本文将对安全门系统的网络、控制及软件三方面进行详细论述。  相似文献   
This paper continues the theme of the recent work Chen et al. (2008) [18], in which fast collocation methods are introduced for solving ill-posed Fredholm integral equations of the first kind. We develop in this paper multilevel augmentation algorithms, which lead to fast solutions of the discrete equations resulting from fast collocation methods. Regularization parameter choice strategies are given for proposed methods. The theoretical analysis and numerical experiments illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   
多层关系数据库的函数依赖推理控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多层关系数据库是解决安全数据库中多实例问题的良好方法。防止未授权的用户从可读取的安全等级较低的数据中推理出安全等级较高的数据是多层关系数据库达到安全的必要保证。由于数据库中元组、属性、元素之间的相互关联性,推理问题成为安全数据库的重要内容。文章以数据库中的函数依赖来检查多层关系数据库的各个属性的安全等级,并在此基础上调整各个属性的安全等级,以保证数据的安全性。  相似文献   
In this paper, we will present a mathematical analysis of the transition proportion for the normal threshold (NorT) based on the transition method. The transition proportion is a parameter of NorT which plays an important role in the theoretical development of NorT. We will study the mathematical forms of the quadratic equation from which NorT is computed. Through this analysis, we will describe how the transition proportion affects NorT. Then, we will prove that NorT is robust to inaccurate estimations of the transition proportion. Furthermore, our analysis extends to thresholding methods that rely on Bayes rule, and it also gives the mathematical bases for potential applications of the transition proportion as a feature to estimate stroke width and detect regions of interest. In the majority of our experiments, we used a database composed of small images that were extracted from DIBCO 2009 and H-DIBCO 2010 benchmarks. However, we also report evaluations using the original (H-)DIBCO?s benchmarks.  相似文献   
在对称密码算法中移位操作使用频率非常高,尤其是在密钥生成中的应用。但各种算法之间的移位位宽和移位长度并不一致,所以现有的密码处理系统中还没有一个通用的移位单元支持所有对称密码算法的移位操作。本文在研究了多种对称密码算法的基础上,分析了高效灵活实现移位单元的方法,并提出了一种基于多级网络的可重构移位单元,它可以支持4/8/28/32/128-bit移位位宽以及可变移位长度的移位操作。此单元的设计与实现,不仅增强了密码处理单元的通用性,还使得可重构密码芯片的实现成为可能。  相似文献   
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