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从美国发展网络电话的现状出发,介绍了网络电话的优缺点及其发展趋势.分析了网络电话对网络结构的影响。  相似文献   
葛样 《电子工艺技术》2005,26(4):235-237
主要介绍建立GIS资源管理系统的点滴体会,阐述了其必要性和设计原则,着重对主要设计系统功能进行了描述。  相似文献   
就我国高速公路信息系统工程的监控、收费和通信三大系统分别说明信息系统工程对高速公路运营管理不可或缺的技术支持作用。以某一条封闭式高速公路为例,具体阐述在监控分中心管理下信息采集与信息提供方法,针对过路收费制式介绍其停车收费和不停车收费及实际货币付费和“磁卡”付费的方式,以及对高速公路专业通信系统的网路组织、传输与交换设备的选择和风管都作了一定报道。  相似文献   
采用人工神经网络对天津市钻孔灌注单桩竖有限承载力及沉降进行了预测。实例分析表明,神经网络预测具有较好的精度因而其应用前景十分广阔。  相似文献   
本文提出并实现了一个经济实用的基于计算机网络平台的果品批发交易市场信息管理系统。叙述了系统方案的设计及硬件、软件的具体实施,并介绍了业务处理的几个关键问题。本系统可直接移植到各类批发交易市场税务征收及市场管理上。  相似文献   
Segment Storage System:基于P2P的网络存储服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Segment Storage System(S3)是一种基于P2P模型的网络存储服务,它具有高可用性、可靠性和持久性的特点。S3继承了P2P网络的优点并且摒弃了诸如文件时效性和不稳定性等缺点。S3的目标是提供一种高质量的网络存储服务。文章是对S3的设计架构的一个概览。  相似文献   
The debate over network neutrality started with the appearance of new Internet application services that are latency sensitive and the use of broad bandwidth. These services are still diffusing, and more applications that use broader bandwidth with greater latency sensitivity are expected to be developed. To estimate precisely the effect of network neutrality regulation, it is necessary to forecast the number of end-users that will adopt application services. However, previous studies are limited in that they assume that the potential market and the final number of adopters are constant at the current market penetration level. By computational experiments, this research estimates the effect of network neutrality regulation considering the diffusion process of application services such as IPTV and VoIP. Additionally, it deduces the relation between the effect of network neutrality regulation and the level of diffusion of new Internet application services.  相似文献   
电子商务教学与实验网络平台的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子商务教学与实验网络平台由虚拟个人学习室、教室、电子商务实验室、考场、讨论室、管理室组成.定义网络学习平台的组成单元、功能结构和基本模块及模块公共接口后,用模块封装并存于模块库.在低层框架上构建应用逻辑层,并用元数据文件描述模块功能.用户只要给出接口和功能描述,应用逻辑将在模块库中自动选择适合功能的模块并通过具体机制实现其功能.  相似文献   
较详细地阐述了数字同步网监控系统的建设意义、发展历程、结构与功能、现状及存在的问题,并重点探讨了同步网第三代监控系统方案。  相似文献   
Integrated Satellite Information Network (ISIN) includes those nodes in space and those on ground. It is the way to realize the fusion of satellite communication and traditional network technology. A satellite network management system based on Multiplex Network Management Protocol (MNMP) has accomplished traditional management, such as configuration, performance and fault management. An architecture of Service Level Management (SLM) in ISIN is proposed, and a service topology management and Service Level Agreement (SLA) are deeply researched. At last, service security and fault management are briefly discussed, and a simulation system is accomplished.  相似文献   
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