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The West African Sahel rainfall regime is known for its spatio-temporal variability at different scales which has a strong impact on vegetation development. This study presents results of the combined use of a simple water balance model, a radiative transfer model and ERS scatterometer data to produce map of vegetation biomass and thus vegetation cover at a spatial resolution of 25 km. The backscattering coefficient measured by spaceborne wind scatterometers over Sahel shows a marked seasonality linked to the drastic changes of both soil and vegetation dielectric properties associated to the alternating dry and wet seasons. For lack of a direct observation, METEOSAT rainfall estimates are used to calculate temporal series of soil moisture with the help of a water balance model. This a priori information is used as input of the radiative transfer model that simulates the interaction between the radar wave and the surface components (soil and vegetation). Then, an inversion algorithm is applied to retrieve vegetation aerial mass from the ERS scatterometer data. Because of the nonlinear feature of the inverse problem to be solved, the inversion is performed using a global stochastic nonlinear inversion method. A good agreement is obtained between the inverse solutions and independent field measurements with mean and standard deviation of −54 and 130 kg of dry matter by hectare (kg DM/ha), respectively. The algorithm is then applied to a 350,000 km2 area including the Malian Gourma and Seno region and a Sahelian part of Burkina Faso during two contrasted seasons (1999 and 2000). At the considered resolution, the obtained herbaceous mass maps show a global qualitative consistency (r2=0.71) with NDVI images acquired by the VEGETATION instrument.  相似文献   
This paper presents a homotopy-based algorithm for the recovery of depth cues in the spatial domain. The algorithm specifically deals with defocus blur and spatial shifts, that is 2D motion, stereo disparities and/or zooming disparities. These cues are estimated from two images of the same scene acquired by a camera evolving in time and/or space. We show that they can be simultaneously computed by resolving a system of equations using a homotopy method. The proposed algorithm is tested using synthetic and real images. The results confirm that the use of a homotopy method leads to a dense and accurate estimation of depth cues. This approach has been integrated into an application for relief estimation from remotely sensed images.  相似文献   
李敏  孟臣 《电气应用》2003,(5):28-30
采用EDA90 11单相电参数数据采集模块 ,以单片机为核心设计一种参数智能测试仪 ,该测试仪可实现对工频交流电路的电流、电压的真有效值及有功功率、无功功率、功率因数及累计电量等电参数的数据采集  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了SWP-LE系列表计的实用功能、工作原理及实际操作中的注意事项,论述了该表计在生产中的应用价值.  相似文献   
本文给出了一种利用泰勒级数估计双线性系统参数的方法。通过将输入输出进行泰勒级数展开,把原微分方程模型转化成一个代数方程,进而利用最小二乘原理得到参数的估值。  相似文献   
着重阐述在高速定时分件供送螺杆基础理论的系统研究中,长期以来未能很好解决的一些难题,进一步探讨合理设计变螺距螺旋线的新方法以及确定有关参数的若干准则。  相似文献   
朱修传 《煤矿机械》2007,28(4):29-31
在对往复泵总体设计中主要参数进行分析的基础上,设计了往复泵的3种总体设计方式,它提高了往复泵的设计效率和设计产品的可靠性,而且有利于往复泵设计的通用化和系列化发展。  相似文献   
The artificial neutral network(ANN) has the ability that self-study and self-remember, its 3 layers BP network has been applied extensively, but sometimes because of serious multi-correlation between the variables, and a few observations while many variables, there usually will result into paralyzing in study, and the neutral network further development is restricted in the system to some extent. The partial least square regression(PLS) has its advantage of building the calculation model between the variables with strong multi-correlation, especially much effective on a few data and many variables. So a new and effective method-improved neutral network has been introduced-the neutral network based on the PLS. The results of example show the improved method has a few calculations and high accuracy, and provide a new way for valuing the rock mass mechanical parameters.  相似文献   
Supervised dimensionality reduction with tensor representation has attracted great interest in recent years. It has been successfully applied to problems with tensor data, such as image and video recognition tasks. However, in the tensor-based methods, how to select the suitable dimensions is a very important problem. Since the number of possible dimension combinations exponentially increases with respect to the order of tensor, manually selecting the suitable dimensions becomes an impossible task in the case of high-order tensor. In this paper, we aim at solving this important problem and propose an algorithm to extract the optimal dimensionality for local tensor discriminant analysis. Experimental results on a toy example and real-world data validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
整体式空间3自由度精密定位平台的优化设计与试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据柔顺薄板的弹性变形原理,设计一种整体式空间三自由度柔顺并联微动平台.分析该平台的输入耦合特性,对三种输入耦合形式对定位精度的影响进行讨论.基于有限元法,给出平台的刚度模型,对平台的结构尺寸进行优化设计,并通过ANSYS仿真分析验证优化结果的正确性.在此基础上进一步建立平台的位置正解和位置逆解方程,对平台的定位精度进行试验研究,提出一种基于理论分析模型的试验修正方法,该方法能有效提高平台的定位精度,研究表明该平台具有亚微米级的定位精度.  相似文献   
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