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为了提高木片生物能的利用率,需要除去木片中的树皮杂质。识别木片和树皮的图像对于实现二者分离具有重要作用。提出一种基于逻辑回归模型来对木片和树皮进行图像识别的算法。算法流程包括计算各种可以描述木片和树皮纹理的参数,利用SAS统计分析出最佳参数,将最佳参数计算所得的样本数据用于SAS LOGISTIC过程得到预测方程,再将预测方程用于逻辑回归模型来实现木片和树皮的图像识别。通过实验可知,最佳参数为灰度方差,该图像识别算法的正确率能达到97.4%。  相似文献   
In this paper an efficient feature extraction method named as locally linear discriminant embedding (LLDE) is proposed for face recognition. It is well known that a point can be linearly reconstructed by its neighbors and the reconstruction weights are under the sum-to-one constraint in the classical locally linear embedding (LLE). So the constrained weights obey an important symmetry: for any particular data point, they are invariant to rotations, rescalings and translations. The latter two are introduced to the proposed method to strengthen the classification ability of the original LLE. The data with different class labels are translated by the corresponding vectors and those belonging to the same class are translated by the same vector. In order to cluster the data with the same label closer, they are also rescaled to some extent. So after translation and rescaling, the discriminability of the data will be improved significantly. The proposed method is compared with some related feature extraction methods such as maximum margin criterion (MMC), as well as other supervised manifold learning-based approaches, for example ensemble unified LLE and linear discriminant analysis (En-ULLELDA), locally linear discriminant analysis (LLDA). Experimental results on Yale and CMU PIE face databases convince us that the proposed method provides a better representation of the class information and obtains much higher recognition accuracies.  相似文献   
基于内容的图像检索已经成为图像检索的一个重要研究方向。其中利用形状特征可以实现形状较为明显的各类图像库的检索。该文对图像形状特征的提取和描述方法进行了较深入地研究,选取其中一部分特征值,分别利用BP神经网络和支持向量机进行形状识别,取得令人满意的实验效果。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a method for action categorization with a modified hidden conditional random field (HCRF). Specifically, effective silhouette-based action features are extracted using motion moments and spectrum of chain code. We formulate a modified HCRF (mHCRF) to have a guaranteed global optimum in the modelling of the temporal action dependencies after the HMM pathing stage. Experimental results on action categorization using this model are compared favorably against several existing model-based methods including GMM, SVM, Logistic Regression, HMM, CRF and HCRF.  相似文献   
基于集成学习的规范化LDA人脸识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对人脸识别问题中经常面临的“小样本”问题,在规范化的LDA算法的基础上加以改进,并结合集成学习的方法,利用Adaboost算法,在每一次的迭代过程中引进一个加权函数对难以分离的样本增加权重。增加分类器之间的差异度,从而提高样本在新的特征空间中的可分离性,将识别率提高至98.5%。通过ORL数据库的大量实验表明,该算法比传统算法有更好的性能。  相似文献   
文章提出基于稀疏PCA的多阶次分数阶傅里叶变换(fractional Fourier features,Frft)特征的人脸识别(Multiple Order discrete fractional Fourier Features ,MOFF). 鉴于分数阶傅里叶变换对光照、表情的鲁棒性, 并已在图像处理领域得到应用,首先,Frft幅度随阶次的变换呈现压缩性,而SPCA提取其主要信息将且分为主要信息域和次要信息域,融合二者的互补信息组成混合幅度特征,然后融合混合幅度特征、实部特征和虚部特征,最后融合不同阶次下Frft域特征。此外该文提出基于贪婪算法的分数阶阶次选择算法和基于Fisherfaces的权重方法。ORL 和AR人脸数据库上的仿真证明了本算法的有效性。  相似文献   
In a recent paper, the authors introduced the notion of sample width for binary classifiers defined on the set of real numbers. It was shown that the performance of such classifiers could be quantified in terms of this sample width. This paper considers how to adapt the idea of sample width so that it can be applied in cases where the classifiers are multi-category and are defined on some arbitrary metric space.  相似文献   
基于级连分组BP网络的高精度手写数字识别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文提出了一种基于级连分组网的手写数字识别的新方法。这种方法根据将每次分类任务简单化的思想,将每个网络的任务简化以提高其辨别能力。整个系统分为两级,第一级进行粗分类,选取前两个后选字。第二级对两个后选字进行细分类。每个细分类网络完成区分两类特定模式的任务,由于每个子网络分类数目的减少导致识别精度的提高。使用我们自己构造的含10万个字符的库进行测试,我们的系统达到了在拒识为5%以内时误识为0.067%。  相似文献   
手写体汉字在特征空间的可视化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
手写体汉字特征一般在几百维以上,在这样的高维空间中,汉字样本是如何分布的?本文从可视化的角度对这一问题进行了探讨。论文首先给出了所选用的汉字特征的定义,然后对一些具有代表性的汉字实例,从K-L变换法、线性投影法和非线性投影法三个方面,对汉字在特征空间的分布问题进行了可视化分析,结果表明,可视化分析可以帮助人们了解汉字在特征空间的分布情况,对改进识别器的性能具有指导意义。  相似文献   
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