This paper presents a real option model for the valuation of destination flexibility in long-term LNG supplies. Stochastic price dynamics in the different markets is modelled through geometric Brownian motion processes. Mean reversion is considered as well as correlation between markets, but instead of the usual correlation in return shocks, a price convergence term is introduced representing the arbitrage streams between markets. Model parameters are estimated from market data on LNG prices by maximum log-likelihood. The goodness of the fit for the proposed model is tested as well as for two alternative models. Confidence intervals for the parameters are given. Results for the model are calculated by Monte Carlo simulation. Frequency distributions for the main results are plotted. The effect of the main parameters of the model is studied (i.e. price volatilities, price convergence, initial prices in the markets, mean reversion, extra transportation costs, number of alternative markets). The value of destination flexibility is found to be an important share of the value of LNG. 相似文献
Bayes’ rule specifies how to obtain a posterior from a class of hypotheses endowed with a prior and the observed data. There are three fundamental ways to use this posterior for predicting the future: marginalization (integration over the hypotheses w.r.t. the posterior), MAP (taking the a posteriori most probable hypothesis), and stochastic model selection (selecting a hypothesis at random according to the posterior distribution). If the hypothesis class is countable, and contains the data generating distribution (this is termed the “realizable case”), strong consistency theorems are known for the former two methods in a sequential prediction framework, asserting almost sure convergence of the predictions to the truth as well as loss bounds. We prove corresponding results for stochastic model selection, for both discrete and continuous observation spaces. As a main technical tool, we will use the concept of a potential: this quantity, which is always positive, measures the total possible amount of future prediction errors. Precisely, in each time step, the expected potential decrease upper bounds the expected error. We introduce the entropy potential of a hypothesis class as its worst-case entropy, with regard to the true distribution. Our results are proven within a general stochastic online prediction framework, that comprises both online classification and prediction of non-i.i.d. sequences. 相似文献
Traditional discounting dramatically affects the outcome of catastrophic risk management and spatio-temporal vulnerability modeling. The misperception of discount rates produces inadequate evaluations of risk management strategies, which may provoke catastrophes and significantly contribute to the increasing vulnerability of our society. This paper analyses the implication of potential catastrophic events on the choice of discounting. In particular, it shows the necessity of using proposed equivalent undiscounted stopping time criterion and Monte Carlo based stochastic optimization procedures. 相似文献
We explore the relation between the stochastic semantic associated to stochastic Concurrent Constrain Programming (sCCP) and its fluid-flow approximation. Writing the master equation for a sCCP model, we can show that the fluid flow equation is a first-order approximation of the true equation for the average. Moreover, we introduce a second-order correction and first-order equations for the variance and the covariance. 相似文献
A stochastic control model is proposed as a paradigm for the design of optimal timing of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission abatement. The resolution of uncertainty concerning climate sensitivity and the technological breakthrough providing access to a carbon-free production economy are modeled as controlled stochastic jump processes. The optimal policy is characterized using the dynamic programming solution to a piecewise deterministic optimal control problem. A numerical illustration is developed with a set of parameters calibrated on recently proposed models for integrated assessment of climate policies. The results are interpreted and the insights they provide on the timing issue of climate policy are discussed. 相似文献
In this paper, a general framework for the modelling of physical phenomena with stochastic dynamical systems switched by jump Markov processes is given. A methodology of the associated estimation procedures is provided. A particular attention is paid to the estimation of the underlying jump process, which is not observable.As an application, a stochastic model is proposed for the fatigue crack growth problem. The estimation of the model parameters is made on a real crack growth data set. We are thus able to simulate some crack growth paths which are used for reliability analysis through Monte Carlo techniques. 相似文献
Renewal point processes show up in many different fields of science and engineering. In some cases the renewal points become the only observable parts of an anticipated hidden random variation of some physical quantity. The hypothesis might be that a hidden random process originating from zero or some other low value only becomes visible at the time of first crossing of some given value level, and that the process is restarted from scratch immediately after the level crossing. It might then be of interest to reveal the defining properties of this hidden process from a sample of observed first-passage times. In this paper the hidden process is first anticipated as a non-stationary Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) process with unknown parameters that have to be estimated only by use of the information contained in a sample of first-passage times. The estimation method is a direct application of the Fortet integral equation of the OU process. A non-stationary Feller process is considered subsequently. As the OU process, the Feller process has a known transition probability distribution that allows the formulation of the integral equation. The described integral equation estimation method also provides a subjective graphical test of the applicability of the OU process or the Feller process when applied to a reasonably large sample of observed first-passage data.
These non-stationary processes have several applications in biomedical research, for example as idealized models of the neuron membrane potential. When the potential reaches a certain threshold the neuron fires, whereupon the potential drops to a fixed initial value, from where it continuously builds up again until the next firing. Also in civil engineering there are hidden random phenomena such as internal cracking or corrosion that after some random time break through to the material surface and become observable. However, the OU process has as a model of physical phenomena the defect of not being bounded to the negative side. This defect is not present for the Feller process, which therefore may provide a useful modeling alternative to the OU process. 相似文献
Recent coordination languages and models are moving towards the application of techniques coming from the research context of complex systems: adaptivity and self-organization are exploited in order to tackle the openness, dynamism and unpredictability of today's distributed systems. In this area, systems are to be described using stochastic models, and simulation is a valuable tool both for analysis and design. Accordingly, in this work we focused on modelling and simulating emergent properties of coordination techniques.We first develop a framework acting as a general-purpose engine for simulating stochastic transition systems, built as a library for the Maude term rewriting system. We then evaluate this tool to a coordination problem called collective sort, where autonomous agents move tuples across different tuple spaces according to local criteria, and resulting in the emergence of the complete clustering property. 相似文献