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仿人机器人下楼梯的自适应模糊控制方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
肖乐  常晋义 《计算机工程》2009,35(13):193-195
针对仿人机器人下楼梯时的稳定行走问题,提出基于虚拟零力矩点的自适应模糊控制方法。按一定约束条件规划各个关节的运动轨迹,利用模糊控制器得到地面反作用力点的位置,根据脚力传感器反馈信息进行适当修正,得到理想关节轨迹。仿真结果证明,该方法具有实时性和有效性。  相似文献   
为解决基于关节力矩的双足机器人参数辨识方法辨识精度不高,基于完整的足底力信息和运动捕捉数据的辨识方法对实验条件要求较高的问题,提出基于ZMP(zero moment point)数据的双足机器人惯性参数辨识方法.将理论ZMP与实际ZMP的位置偏差作为目标函数,考虑参数范围和机器人总质量两类约束条件,建立只使用双足机器人...  相似文献   
步行环境不理想、外力扰动等因素导致仿人机器人步行时ZMP出现误差,从而影响机器人的步行稳定性.由于机器人的各关节角度都对ZMP有影响,若只校正支撑腿的踝关节或髋关节等单个关节角度,则难以达到理想的步行控制效果,因此,本文综合考虑各关节角度对ZMP的影响,先通过模糊控制器基于ZMP误差给出机器人的质心位置增量,再利用二次规划方法和质心的雅可比矩阵求解出满足该质心位置增量的各关节角度校正量.仿真实验表明,本文方法较好地跟踪了期望ZMP,提高了步行稳定裕度,使仿人机器人实现了稳定的步行.  相似文献   
车玲玲  王志良   《电子器件》2007,30(4):1462-1464,1468
为了解决双足步行机器人的步态控制问题,利用静态步行时ZMP点与重心的特殊联系,构造重心模型来校验机器人的行为数据.同时,将机器人的动作细分为一个个的动作元素,即建立行为数据库.机器人可通过行为数据库来构造出新的、更加复杂的动作.通过完成构造双足步行机器人上台阶的复杂动作,充分说明了这种控制方法的可行性.  相似文献   
To realize dynamically stable walking for a quadruped walking robot, the combination of the trajectory planning of the body and leg position (feedforward control) and the adaptive control using sensory information (feedback control) is indispensable. In this paper, we propose a new body trajectory, the 3D sway compensation trajectory, for a stable trot gait; we show that this trajectory has a lower energy consumption than the conventional sway trajectory that we have proposed. Then, for the adaptive attitude control method during the 2-leg supporting phase, we consider four methods, that is, a) rotation of body along the diagonal line between supporting feet, b) translation of body along the perpendicular line between supporting feet, c) vertical swing motion of recovering legs, and d) horizontal swing motion of recovering legs; we then describe how we verify the stabilization efficiency of each method through computer simulation, stabilization experimentation, and experimenting in walking on rough terrain using the quadruped walking robot, TITAN-VIII.  相似文献   
运动控制系统是由大量元件组成的复杂系统,并且该系统存在着极大的非线性,因而它的设计、运行是一项庞大的系统工程。ZMP控制卡是一款基于SynqNet总线技术的运动控制产品,其自带的Mechaware软件工具包,可供用户方便地在MATLAB/Simulink中建模和仿真。这里对ZMP运动控制卡的总线技术,伺服算法及仿真功能进行了叙述。  相似文献   
No paper has been published on the active use of the foot toe of biped walking robots. In other words, the sole of the supporting leg is usually assumed to completely contact the ground. To maintain this condition, the robot walking has a restriction such as the maximum walking speed limitation. If the point contact of the toe to the ground through walking is available, a variety of walking can be realized. In this paper, a new control method for biped robots, in which the contact of the sole to the ground becomes a point contact, is proposed. The COM (Center of Mass) and swing leg can track the desired path and each heel joint angle can be controlled by the proposed controller while a biped walking robot is following a forward falling. Therefore, the motion of the body does not need to be limited to quiet motion. The proposed method is verified by simulation and experimental results with “Ken,” a six‐joint DOF biped robot. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 157(1): 72–79, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( http://www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20094  相似文献   
By using the previously established zero-moment point theory and the semi-inverse approach [1–4] for solving the artificial gait synthesis based on the prescribed dynamics to part of the active mechanism, in this new approach to dynamic control of legged locomotion robots, the conventional control synthesis, based on complete dynamic robot model, is abandoned. The paper describes the simulation experiments of biped control with a hybrid approach that combines the traditional model-based and fuzzy logic-based control techniques. The combined method is developed by extending a model-based decentralized control scheme by fuzzy logic-based tuners for modifying parameters of joint servo controllers. The simulation experiments performed on a simplified two-legged mechanism demonstrate the suitability of fuzzy logic-based methods for improving the performance of the robot control system.  相似文献   
针对现有仿人机器人零力矩点(ZMP)测量系统的力/力矩传感器不直接触地导致不能充分反映脚底各部位受力的问题,设计了一种基于地面接触力信息的具有传感器阵列的ZMP测量系统。介绍了传感器信号多级放大、采集及处理的软硬件系统,应用CAN总线接口实现了与外部上位机的通信。所设计的系统已应用于实际仿人机器人。步行实验表明:该系统能有效完成步行中ZMP的实时测量和脚底各部位受力信息的实时采集、计算与通信,简单易实现。  相似文献   
双足机器人步行模式的在线全身修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种双足机器人步行的在线全身修正方法。根据机器人简化动力学模型规划机器人步行模式。在真实环境中,双足机器人在跟踪预先规划的步行模式时目标值和实际运动状态之间会产生误差。为了减少抑制误差,采用机器人质心补偿,对其全身关节在线修正,以保证行走稳定性。机器人AFU-09的双足步行实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
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