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玻璃瓶字符识别中运动图像的获取技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对啤酒瓶在线识别系统中采集运动图像的需求,提出了一种合理且实用的实时获取运动图像的解决方案,包括:摄像头、镜头和图像卡的选取、摄像机的位置标定、镜头焦距、摄相机快门速度以及光源的配置等几个方面,详细论述了奇偶场校正技术在恢复最终运动模糊图像采集中的应用及实现,并成功地应用到啤酒瓶在线识别系统中。  相似文献   
针对基于ADSP14060的图像实时处理系统,根据层次化的思想,设计并实现了一个具有代码量少、可移植、可裁减的嵌入式操作系统。该系统不但具有任务管理、资源管理、片内任务通信等基本功能,还具有片问任务的通信与同步这一重要功能。实验结果表明,该系统实时性强、稳定性好,可得到满意的图像并行处理效果。  相似文献   
Soft errors in 16 Mbit dynamic random access memories (DRAMs) have been investigated using proton microprobes at 400 keV with a spot size of 1 × 1 μm2. The newly developed susceptibility mapping can reveal the correlation between the particle hit-position position and the susceptibility to soft errors in a DRAM. The cell-mode soft-errors were found to take place by the incidence of ions within 6 μm around a monitored cell. These errors would be induced by minority carrier diffusion in a lateral direction. This result manifests the possibility of multiple-bit errors by the incidence of an energetic particle.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present some deterministic properties of separable and cross median filters. It is proved that in the absence of vertical binary oscillations, the roots of a separable median filter are included in a subset of root signals of the corresponding cross median filter. Moreover, the sufficient and necessary condition is given for a point to be invariant to cross median filtering. On the root structures of cross median filters, we indicate that there exist three different types of regions based on the one-dimensional features of rows and columns. Finally, an application example is discussed where the roots of separable and cross median filters are used in block truncation coding (BTC) for image compression.  相似文献   
飞行员夜视成象系统(ANVIS)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
飞行员夜视成象系统是以第三代象增强管为核心部件的直视式微光夜视仪器,国外军用直升机的飞行员已经广泛佩装此种仪器作为夜间观察和瞄准的手段。本文综述飞行员夜视成象系统的构造原理、性能水平和光、机、电技术数据。  相似文献   
本文给出了一种分析微带印刷天线辐射与散射的数值方法。此方法将印刷天线按三角网格剖分,在导体表面建立积分方程,用全波离散镜像理论给出微带结构的空域格林函数的闭合表达式,未知电流用三角网格上的矢量电流基函数展开并用矩量法求解。与以往的矩形网格上基函数展开相比,此方法能更有效地逼近任意形状的微带结构,最后给出了几个数值结果  相似文献   
罗立民  鲍旭东 《电子学报》1995,23(9):106-108,121
本文提出了一种基于边界和模糊集理论的三维图象分割方法,利用高斯-拉普拉斯算子检测出图象中各结构的边界后,通过区域增长获取感光趣结构的三维二值模板,由高斯-拉普拉斯图象和二值模板出发,利用模糊集理论,确定感兴趣结构的三维模糊模板,从而达到在体积图象中分割出感兴趣结构的目的。  相似文献   
快速图像处理是基于机器视觉的输送带在线状态监测系统的关键技术。针对输送带表面图像的分割,提出了一种快速阈值分割算法。该算法基于图像的灰度信息,具有简单、实时性好等特点。文章通过用实际图像对快速阈值分割算法与其它几种算法进行了对比,结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   
用细激光束照明全息图是常用的一种再现方式,然而在文[1]以前,有关它的理论分析尚未见诸文献,而文[1]只给出了近轴情况下的物象关系,没有相应的实验,本文进一步分析了再现与记录时激光波长不同以及非近轴的更为普遍的情况,并进行了相应的实验,理论与实验相符甚好。近轴情况下的结果与文[1]一致。  相似文献   
In this paper the joint optimization of different criteria is addressed, as a powerful means of incorporatinga priori information in linear image-restoration algorithms. Theconstrained mean-square-error (CMSE) approach is introduced, which enables the incorporation of both spatial and spectral information regarding the peculiarities of the problem. Depending on the nature of the spatial information, this approach can be interpreted as either a regularized or an adaptive scheme. As a regularized scheme, it offers an alternative to conventional approaches, in which the ringing artifacts are efficiently suppressed by means of the regularizing operator. As an adaptive scheme, the CMSE approach offers the flexibility of applying either linear Wiener filtering or inverse filtering, depending on the local signal activity. Optimal techniques for the selection of the regularization parameter in both nonadaptive and adaptive cases are introduced. The capabilities of the CMSE approach as a regularized scheme and an adaptive scheme, are demonstrated through restoration examples.  相似文献   
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