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重铵油炸药兼备乳化炸药和铵油炸药的共同优点,市场需求量大;重铵油炸药间断式生产线存在效率低、操作人员多等不足,不符合行业发展方向.通过对连续混拌机、全自动装药包装机等关键设备研发,创新性实现了连续化和自动化生产,全线操作人员不超过5人,促进了生产线向少人方向发展.  相似文献   
直流断路器(DCCB)具有分、合闸状态及分、合闸过程多任务剖面,且不同任务剖面工作组件的差异性可能造成某任务剖面的非工作故障延续到下一任务剖面而造成其工作故障。针对现有研究未考虑多任务剖面及其非工作故障延续性对DCCB可靠性建模的影响的问题,提出一种考虑多任务剖面及其非工作故障延续性的DCCB可靠性模型。首先分析DCCB拓扑结构及工作原理,根据保护区状态对DCCB进行任务剖面划分,并对不同任务剖面间的非工作故障延续性进行分析。然后通过可靠性预计法建立各任务剖面可靠性模型。之后基于马尔可夫过程建立考虑多任务剖面及其非工作故障延续性的DCCB可靠性解析模型。最后通过仿真算例,计算了DCCB的不同任务剖面可靠性及其综合可靠性,分析了关键子模块冗余配置对DCCB可靠性的影响,并与传统模型进行对比,验证了所提模型的合理性。  相似文献   
The model developed in the first part of this work is used to predict the cell potentials and the irreversible Gibbs free energy of a stack of 15 cells. The model starts from a phenomenological equation of a polarization curve with the extent of reaction as the independent variable. Two extreme kinds of flow of reagents, defined as Chain and Separate Flows respectively, are considered. The cell potentials are obtained by a combination of the potential of the two extreme cases of flow. The stack cell potentials and the efficiencies, estimated by the model, reproduce the general characteristics obtained by the experiments.  相似文献   
This paper is aimed to model the appearance and evolution of discrete cracks in quasi-brittle materials using triangular finite elements with an embedded interface in a geometric nonlinear setting. The kinematics for the discontinuous displacement field is presented and the standard variational formulation with respect to the reference configuration is extended to a body with an internal discontinuity. Special attention is paid to the algorithmic treatment. The discontinuity is modeled by additional global degrees of freedom and the continuity of the displacements across the element boundaries is enforced. Finally, representative numerical examples for mode-I and mixed-mode fracture, namely a tension test, different three-point bending tests and a single edge notched beam with structured and unstructured finite element meshes are discussed to study the evolving crack pattern and to show the ability of the model.  相似文献   
该文通过使用C1连续的NUR BS边界Gregory(N BG)曲面片进行插值,实现曲面拼接,使得在曲面连接处达到G1连续。实现了插值曲面的高阶连续,解决了用平滑的NUR BS曲面对曲线网格区域进行插值这一难以实现的问题,使用户在设计曲线网格时,只需考虑形状设计而不必关心曲线的类型及插值到曲线网格区域的曲面方程。  相似文献   
Today’s competitive and turbulent environment persuades every organisation to implement a business continuity management system (BCMS) for dealing with disruptive incidents such as earthquake, flood, and terrorist attacks. Within a BCMS, effective and efficient business continuity plans (BCPs) must be provided to ensure the continuity of organisation’s key products. This study develops a novel approach to select the most appropriate BCPs which can meet the business continuity key measures. First, a risk assessment process is conducted to define the disruptive incidents for which the organisation should have suitable BCPs. Then, two different possibilistic programming models including hard and soft BCP selection models are developed to determine appropriate BCPs under epistemic uncertainty of input data. These models aim to maximise the resilience level of the organisation while minimising the establishment cost of selected BCPs.? Finally, a real case study is provided whose results demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
本文从地质历史演变出发,重塑了川西北盆地梓潼地区沉积物埋藏史、温度史、有机质热演化史;应用TTI值来计算上三叠统天然气资源量,并在计算方法上有所改进;根据计算结果,结合该区地质特征,评价了天然气富集程度。经试用效果良好,可普遍用于煤系天然气资源评价。  相似文献   
本文回顾导数概念的形成,列举多种导数的几何、物理意义,介绍导数的另一种定义,并用之证明几个定理。  相似文献   
Developing co‐continuity in a polymer blend determines a multiphase system with enhanced properties which originate from the synergism of its constituents. Filling a blend with nanoparticles is a promising route to guide its morphology and eventually affect the co‐continuity transition. We add different kinds of nanoparticles to an HDPE/PEO blend to study how they affect the morphology of the blend as function of their surface properties and form factor. We find that PEO drop size is drastically reduced by particles adsorbed at the HDPE/PEO interface. However, we show that a drastic shifting of the co‐continuity threshold may only be achieved when particles affect the rheology of the interface.


In the present study, the curing behavior of polycardanol prepared by enzymatic oxidative polymerization of thermally treated cashew nut shell liquid, which can be available from naturally renewable resources, was explored in the presence of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) and cobalt naphthenate (Co‐Naph). The curing behavior was monitored varying Co‐Naph concentration and curing temperature by means of Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy. The result revealed that the characteristic absorption bands were significantly affected by the given curing condition, resulting mainly from the unsaturated moiety in the polycardanol molecule. The extent of curing of polycardanol strongly depended on curing temperature, showing a typically sigmoidal curve reaching almost 1.0 upon processing at 200°C for 120 min. The thermal curing conditions for preparing polycardanol with an optimal state of cure were provided in the work. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   
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