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彭发云 《铸造技术》2004,25(10):785-787
用呋喃树脂石英砂工艺生产牵引电机换向器套筒出现变形、裂纹等铸造缺陷,是由石英砂相变膨胀引起,后用高铬刚玉砂代替石英砂得到解决.  相似文献   
冲天炉炉胆径向胀裂问题,也是一道颇有难度的课题,本文提出:用平行四边形、竖立的梯形和微凹矩形三种炉壁断面作为防止措施。  相似文献   
Assessment of contaminant releases during utilization of used oils is essential for the determination of environmental acceptability. These paper reports the results of the study examining a toxic metal leachability from used engine oil and sludge samples employing leaching test (TCLP). The leaching test indicated that lead in oil samples exceeded 5-ppm concentration level what qualified them as a toxic waste. The samples of contaminated sludge were found to contain high concentration of total lead, barium and chromium, but the leaching test showed concentration below regulatory limit. The total content of benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes (BETX), and naphthalene in used oil and sludge samples was also determined and was found not to be a significant factor to contamination.  相似文献   
Four production steps, extrusion, blowing, stabilization, and finishing, are involved in the manufacture of biorented nylon 6 films. The films obtained after each step were studied by wide‐angle diffraction X‐rays, IR analysis, and density measurements. Orientation in the amorphous phase was evaluated by thermal retraction. Free volume was investigated by positron annihilation spectroscopy. Mechanical properties were tested by tensile tests, and permeability was tested with isopiestic permeameters. Quenching, after extrusion, generated an unstable γ crystalline phase and an amorphous phase. Blowing transformed the unstable γ phase into the thermodynamically stable α phase and increased the chain orientation; stabilization increased α phase crystals, favored hydrogen bond formation and, therefore, the mechanical properties, leaving unchanged the chain orientation; the final treatment increased the mechanical properties. The film permeabilities to O2, N2, and CO2 were practically unchanged after each production step; this result may be explained by considering that the nanoholes, present in the films and responsible for the diffusion inside the polymer, maintained practically constant their radius, whereas their number concentration decreased slowly after thermomechanical treatments. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 86: 559–571, 2002  相似文献   
The overall performance and reliability of composite materials are, in most cases, dependent upon the behaviour of the reinforcement-matrix interface, particularly upon its ability to transfer stress.

A theory for predicting thermodynamic conditions for the maximum and zero-adhesion at the reinforcement-matrix interface is tested in this paper, based on experimental data. Proposed is a model of the relationship between mechanical properties of composite materials (tensile strength, flexural strength, Young's modulus and impact resistance) and energetic properties of matrix and reinforcement expressed by the energy ratio a = γl2.  相似文献   
Electroosmotic experiments have been carried out on eight different mixes of hardened cementitious matrixes including concrete, mortar and pastes, different types of binders, carbonated and non-carbonated specimens and different test conditions. From these trials, the zeta potential values have been determined and the optimum experimental parameters and devices have been established. In addition, the influence of the composition of the binder on the zeta potential has been quantified indicating that higher amounts of Al2O3 in the binder lead to higher positive values of zeta potential, while the SiO2 acts just on the opposite side. This has been explained in terms of the different i.e.p. (isoelectric point) for both oxides. Concerning the influence of carbonation, it increases the absolute value of the zeta potential toward more negative values; this behaviour has been attributed to the influence of the specifically adsorbed Ca2+ in the negative sites of the surface in the non-carbonated samples.  相似文献   
The nanometer scale topography of self‐assembling structural protein complexes in animals is believed to induce favorable cell responses. An important example of such nanostructured biological complexes is fibrillar collagen that possesses a cross‐striation structure with a periodicity of 69 nm and a peak‐to‐valley distance of 4–6 nm. Bovine collagen type I was assembled into fibrillar structures in vitro and sedimented onto solid supports. Their structural motif was transferred into a nickel replica by physical vapor deposition of a small‐grained metal layer followed by galvanic plating. The resulting inverted nickel structure was found to faithfully present most of the micrometer and nanometer scale topography of the biological original. This nickel replica was used as a die for the injection molding of a range of different thermoplastic polymers. Total injection molding cycle times were in the range of 30–45 seconds. One of the polymer materials investigated, polyethylene, displayed poor replication of the biological nanotopographical motif. However, the majority of the polymers showed very high replication fidelity as witnessed by their ability to replicate the cross‐striation features of less than 5 nm height difference. The latter group of materials includes poly(propylene), poly(methyl methacrylate), poly(L ‐lactic acid), polycaprolactone, and a copolymer of cyclic and linear olefins (COC). This work suggests that the current limiting factor for the injection molding of nanometer scale topography in thermoplastic polymers lies with the grain size of the initial metal coating of the mold rather than the polymers themselves.


介绍南京水泥工业设计研究院用预分解生产技术对山东水泥厂Φ4×60m预热器窑烧成系统进行的成功技术改造。技改设计指标为:熟料产量保证指标1500t/d,争取指标1700t/d,熟料热耗<3762kJ/kg,熟料28d抗压强度>60MPa。整个工程停产施工耗时仅用48d,烧成系统技改共耗资约3000万元。技改后一次点火投料成功,且点火当月即实现72h达标考核,所有设计指标均达标。  相似文献   
柳树沟磷矿开工时技术力量十分薄弱,以自己培养为主.广泛争取设计院等单位支持.基建工程严格按设计施工,并且建立健全各项规章制度,实行科学管理,安全生产文明生产,扩大生产规模,已由年产9万t扩大到20万t,企业经济效益、社会效益十分显著,成为乡镇矿山典范,磷矿企业的标兵.  相似文献   
A new color scale was developed from a broad data set of 1700 virgin olive oil samples over four crop seasons, which can be considered highly representative of the whole color range of virgin olive oils available in Spain. This color scale provides a new set of 60 color standards, improving the results achieved by the old 60-color standards proposed by the bromthymol blue method. Seeking the greatest possibility of including a near match between colors of virgin olive oils and proposed standards, we developed our new color scale using a recent uniform color space, with standards placed in a regular rhombohedral lattice like the one employed by the Uniform Color Scales of the Optical Society of America. The average color difference between each of the 1700 virgin olive oils and its nearest standard is reduced from 8.17 CIELAB units, using the bromthymol blue standards, to 3.99 CIELAB units using the new standards. Within a color tolerance of 7.0 CIELAB units, 93.2% of our virgin olive oils can be classified with the new standards, but only 59.1% with the bromthymol blue ones. In the interest of future adoption, the performance of the new color standards should be tested by industry and researchers.  相似文献   
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