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为了安全回采松散矿碴及低强度充填体压覆下的阶段水平矿柱,采用古典杨森散体压力理论及矩形等厚薄板力学模型分析了留设顶板受载情况及安全厚度,并通过工程实例进行了验证。结果表明,当上中段破碎底部结构不予回采,下中段顶柱留设安全厚度时,可通过进路式充填采矿法实现水平矿柱的安全开采;其中,下中段顶柱高5 m,采高3.5 m,顶板安全厚度1.5 m,矿石回收率68%,贫化率3%,取得了较好的安全与经济效益平衡。  相似文献   
采用乙醇超声波-分光光度法对槟榔生长和槟榔加工过程及食用槟榔产品货架期内槟榔碱含量变化进行分析测定。研究结果表明:槟榔从幼果到成熟期槟榔碱含量不断增加,加工和货架期槟榔碱不断流失。鲜槟榔果中槟榔碱含量最高达到0.254 mg/g,加工食用槟榔产品槟榔碱降到0.097 mg/g,货架期内槟榔碱降到0.052 mg/g。  相似文献   
采用漂移流模型的U形管蒸汽发生器动态仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用漂移流模型建立U形管蒸汽发生器瞬态分析模型。在瞬态方程的基础上 ,得到稳态工况的计算方程 ,提出了一个计算速度快 ,精度高的稳态方程求解方法 ;其分析结果与大亚湾核电站蒸汽发生器静态工作特性符合得很好。在瞬态分析过程中 ,使用了自动变步长的非线性多步法 ,在保证计算精度的前提下 ,计算速度得以改善 ;其分析结果与经实验验证的FRAMATOME对大亚湾核电站蒸汽发生器分析结果符合得很好。  相似文献   
考虑激光陀螺调腔人工检测耗时较长、易受干扰,本文建立了激光陀螺自动调腔系统。在分析激光陀螺调腔工艺的基础上,构建了一种由CCD相机和光电倍增管组成的多传感器信息融合体系结构,提出了基于D-S证据理论的激光陀螺调腔检测方法。通过分析计算CCD相机和光电倍增管检测到的信号得出光斑、光阑中心点坐标差值及陀螺损耗值,并由这些信息获得调腔质量的评价函数。然后,根据D-S证据理论对评价函数进行融合处理,分别获得陀螺调腔质量合格与不合格的信度函数,应用最大支持度规则对调腔质量进行综合判断。实验结果显示,基于D-S证据理论的激光陀螺调腔方法检测准确率为91.14%,有效提高了调腔质量,验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
提出一种基于传感器电子稳像技术的扫描稳像方法--预测扫描提前跳转法,用以处理电子稳像过程中摄像系统的扫描运动问题。首先,利用传感器敏感摄像系统运动,实现对图像序列帧间偏移量的估计,并根据估计偏移量预测图像序列是否存在扫描运动;然后,对存在扫描运动的图像将参考帧提前跳转到扫描后位置,再运用稳像算法进行处理。该方法通过提前跳转参考帧将扫描模式下的稳像过程简化为不存在扫描运动的稳像过程,简化了扫描稳像的数学模型,降低了算法复杂度,同时通过跳转步长的设置和缓存参考帧技术进一步提高了算法的准确度和可靠性。实验结果表明,该方法可在输出稳定图像的同时正确显示视频序列的扫描运动。  相似文献   
软岩巷道周边控制爆破的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
戴俊  杨永琦 《煤炭学报》2000,25(4):374-378
软岩中的光面爆破 ,往往眼痕率低 ,出现超挖 ,效果不理想 .对此进行了分析 ,导出崩落眼爆破损伤光爆层岩石的损伤因子对光爆层岩石性质的影响关系以及损伤岩石中的光爆参数计算式 ;指出采用岩石定向断裂爆破技术 ,并考虑崩落眼爆破对光爆层岩石的损伤效应 ,设计出相应的光爆参数 ,是提高软岩光爆效果的有效方法 .同时 ,也为进一步研究软岩的光面爆破理论与技术明确了方向 .  相似文献   
探讨了煤层巷道巷旁煤柱及采空区冒落浮煤逾渗漏风裂隙的分形特征,并对东滩煤矿某工作面煤层巷道构造位置逾渗漏风裂隙的形成与扩展情况进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
Long‐distance drift of eggs and larvae has been identified as a possible cause of downstream displacement and poor recruitment of the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus; silvery minnow). Seven experiments were conducted using artificial eggs to estimate silvery minnow egg drift and retention in the Albuquerque and Isleta reaches of the regulated Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, USA over a range of flows during expected spawning times. Bead retention varied by reach, discharge, and shape of the hydrograph. Highest retention (6.9 and 9.7% per km in the Albuquerque and Isleta reaches, respectively) occurred on the ascending limb of a high flow in areas where there was substantial floodplain inundation. Retention was maximized at different flows in each reach (97 and 140 m3/s, respectively), possibly associated with reach‐specific floodplain inundation thresholds. Lowest retention in each reach (2.1 and 1.7%, respectively) occurred on the descending limb of low and high flows, respectively. Of the silvery minnow eggs produced in the combined Albuquerque and Isleta reaches in 2005, 8–14% are predicted to have been retained in the Albuquerque Reach (67 km) and 49–83% in the Isleta Reach (86 km) based on the distribution of adult fish and measured bead retention rates. Although silvery minnow propagules are capable of drifting long distances, our study suggests that considerable retention occurs in the Middle Rio Grande. Habitat restoration to increase channel habitat complexity, and flow management to promote floodplain inundation should help to retain a greater proportion of propagules in upstream reaches. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Macroinvertebrate drift was sampled at 15 sites along the Tongariro River, New Zealand above and below two hydroelectric dams. Sixty‐seven invertebrate taxa were collected in the drift. Trichoptera (31) were the most diverse, followed by Diptera (13), Ephemeroptera (8) and Plecoptera (8). However, chironomidae were the numerically dominant taxa in the drift throughout the river and represented over 80% of all animals collected. Of these, Orthocladiinae and Diamesinae were the most abundant. Taxonomic richness declined with distance downstream and peaked at sites with intermediate levels of periphyton biomass. The per cent of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) was 3–4 times higher in the unregulated section of the river and declined exponentially with both distance downstream and increase in periphyton biomass, but densities were similar along the river. Of the measured environmental variables periphyton biomass was most closely linked with drift community structure. Periphyton biomass was six times higher in the lower section of the river than the upper unregulated section. The autocorrelation between periphyton biomass and distance downstream complicates the interpretation of results. However, because of the distinct differences between above and below dam sections of river in periphyton biomass and the strong link between it and invertebrate drift we suggest that the alteration of flow patterns by the hydroelectric dams and the associated shift in periphyton biomass is the most likely explanation for invertebrate drift patterns in the river. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
二噁英(DXN)是城市固废焚烧过程(MSWI)排放的难以实时检测的剧毒污染物.MSWI过程的时变特性导致软测量模型的在线预测性能降低.针对上述问题,本文提出一种联合多窗口检测的DXN排放在线预测方法.首先,联合数据标准化、在线预测窗口实现新样本的DXN排放预测,再联合离群样本检测、特征空间检测和输出空间检测窗口实现漂移样本的识别.然后,对上述漂移样本进行去冗处理并判断其数量是否满足预设定的阈值,若满足则构建新模型,否则继续采用历史模型.最后,采用MSWI过程数据验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   
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