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The marshland upwelling system (MUS) was installed on private camps in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Moss Point, Mississippi. The system was evaluated for its effectiveness in removing fecal coliforms from settled, raw wastewater. A suite of studies was performed at flow rates of 1.9, 2.8, and 5.5 L/min and an injection frequency of 30 min every 3 h to investigate fecal coliform removal. An additional study was performed at a flow rate of 2.8 L/min and an injection frequency of 15 min every hour. Overall, the MUS consistently maintained fecal concentrations below effluent regulatory standards for shellfish harvesting waters (14 most probable number of colonies per 100 mL). Mean influent concentrations of 55,269±2,218,016 colony forming units (CFU)/100 mL were reduced to effluent counts of 2.7±14.07 CFU/100 mL (observed in the 1.5 m wells). Three- to four-log reductions in influent counts were observed over the initial 1.4 vector?m from the injection well. The overall removal followed a first-order decay relationship with respect to vector distance, resulting in removal rate constants ranging from 5.6 to 6.6/m and predicted surface concentrations approaching 0 CFU/100 mL. The 2.8 L/min for 30 min every 3 h treatment provided the best effluent quality.  相似文献   
对高校办公自动化系统需求进行了分析,并且介绍了系统设计的主要内容和一些实际开发经验,以及在具体实现中的关键技术.  相似文献   
李松 《四川冶金》2005,27(3):22-24
介绍了攀钢连续热镀锌机组中退火炉辐射管的应用特点,并对U型辐射管和W型辐射管的热效率、表面温度分布及使用寿命等技术性能进行了深入的分析。  相似文献   
对63MN五坐标数控快锻机在自由锻和恒温锻不同的工艺过程进行分析,根据压机设备压力高、流量大的特点,进行系统的优化设计。并对降低噪声、抗污染、保证系统可靠性、实现系统的高精度、高响应等要求,提出了合理的设计方案。  相似文献   
Fragmentation of a coating possessing orthogonal preferential crack propagation directions is modeled for equibiaxial tensile loading. Two plausible cracking scenarios are compared, caused by flaws randomly distributed over the area of the coating or along the coating fragment edges. The two fragmentation scenarios considered are shown to yield qualitatively different fragment patterns.  相似文献   
Deterministic assignment models are sometimes used to approximate properties of more complex stochastic models. One property that is of particular interest from a system optimization viewpoint is total travel cost. This paper looks at the approximation of mean total travel cost. It is shown that deterministic models will underestimate this quantity in many common situations. Furthermore, discrepancies between total travel cost under the different modelling frameworks can lead to situations in which network modifications which are detrimental according to a stochastic model appear beneficial when using the natural deterministic approximation. We conclude that estimation of mean travel cost in stochastic assignment is often best done using simulation. Some suggestions are made regarding the implementation of traffic assignment simulation.  相似文献   
Described here is a method for estimating rolling and swaying motions of a mobile robot using optical flow. We have proposed an image sensor with a hyperboloidal mirror for the vision-based navigation of a mobile robot. Its name is HyperOmni Vision. The radial component of optical flow in HyperOmni Vision has a periodic characteristic. The circumferential component of optical flow has a symmetric characteristic. The proposed method makes use of these characteristic to estimate robustly the rolling and swaying motion of the mobile robot. Correspondence to: Y. Yagi e-mail: y-yagi@sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp  相似文献   
本文介绍室内平面绕流磨损试验结果和应用于真机的磨损预估,与刘家峡、葛洲坝机组实测磨损量核算结果差别不大。在此基础上对在建的小浪底机组做了估算,并提出了一些看法。  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种利用S7-200型PLC的PID控制技术来实现砌块养护窑的自动控制系统,详细介绍了系统的硬件配置以及软件设计流程图,并根据模拟实验的编程经验.介绍了编程中的关键问题。  相似文献   
Many studies have been carried out on two-phase flow heat transfer in channels with hydraulic diameter bigger than 6 mm, but relatively little work has been done for small diameter channels in the meso and compact range (diameter from 0.1 to 3 mm). The use of exchangers with small channels in refrigeration units, which are very numerous besides, could bring a significant reduction of the internal volume of the exchanger, and therefore diminish the refrigerant charge of the whole refrigerating system. One can imagine the interest to widen knowledge on the flow and the heat transfer in small-diameter tubes. This paper examine the thermal behavior of refrigerants boiling in small pipes. The correlations available for in-tube evaporation heat transfer coefficient are discussed and evaluated, when possible, and new research areas of relevance than can contribute to expand the use of small-diameter channels evaporators in refrigeration units are suggested.  相似文献   
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