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William E. Price Michael Spiro 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》1985,36(12):1309-1314
The rates of infusion of theaflavin and caffeine into water at 80°C have been measured for Kapchorua Pekoe Fannings, Kapchorua Pekoe Dust, Betjan Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe and Rupai Flowery Orange Fannings whole teas and sieved fractions. For Kapchorua PF fractions the rates of theobromine infusion were also determined. Caffeine always infused faster than theobromine, and both infused faster than theaflavin. Rate constants were obtained from the slopes of first order kinetic plots which yielded straight lines with small intercepts. The rate constants for all three constituents increased by a factor of 2.2 as leaf size decreased from 850–1000μm to 500–600μm. The rates of extraction from whole teas varied more than fourfold. Kapchorua PD gave the most rapid rates and Betjan FBOP the slowest. Comparisons of similarly sized fractions of teas showed that leaf size distributions accounted for half these differences and the intrinsic properties of the leaf for the remaining factor of two. The Kenyan CTC teas gave higher rate constants than the Indian orthodox teas. From the rate constants, the effective diffusion coefficients for theaflavin and caffeine in Betjan FBOP leaf were calculated and found to be some 100 times smaller than in water. This shows the diffusion processes within the leaf to be complex ones. 相似文献
The core snubber, as a passive protection device, can suppress arc current and absorb stored energy in stray capacitance during the electrical breakdown in accelerating electrodes of ITER NBI. In order to design the core snubber of ITER, the control parameters of the arc peak current have been firstly analyzed by the Fink-Baker-Owren (FBO) method, which are used for designing the DIIID 100 kV snubber. The B-H curve can be derived from the measured voltage and current waveforms, and the hysteresis loss of the core snubber can be derived using the revised parallelogram method. The core snubber can be a simplified representation as an equivalent parallel resistance and inductance, which has been neglected by the FBO method. A simulation code including the parallel equivalent resistance and inductance has been set up. The simulation and experiments result in dramatically large arc shorting currents due to the parallel inductance effect. The case shows that the core snubber utilizing the FBO method gives more compact design. 相似文献
李昕 《郑州轻工业学院学报(自然科学版)》2011,26(2):121-124
以反射布朗运动和泊松分布为基础,建立了一个半连续时间情形下的随机利率的模型.在此模型下对寿险理论中的纯保费、年金和责任准备金进行研究,不仅可以保证利率的恒正性,还可以通过参数调节有效地控制利率随机波动的幅度,从而在一定程度上降低利率风险的影响. 相似文献
我国苹果生产的国际地位与差距分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
近年来,我国苹果生产发展速度很快,对全球苹果供给贡献巨大,地位举足轻重。但同时在单产水平、栽培制度、机械化、标准化和品种砧木等方面与国际先进水平相比仍存在巨大差距。本文利用统计数据对我国苹果生产的国际地位和发展趋势进行了分析,并在国际比较的基础上提出了我国苹果生产存在的差距和问题。 相似文献
创意趣味性家具设计研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
目的探究创意趣味性家具的设计方式。方法从创意趣味性家具的3种表现形式入手,总结创意趣味性家具的设计手法,并从办公家具、生活家具、户外家具3方面探讨具体的创意与实践。结论蕴涵创意因素、幽默因素的现代家具设计具备普通家具没有的亲和力,能够帮助人们保持自身的感情,给人们的生活带来乐趣。 相似文献
研究煤岩在不同加载模式与不同加载速率下采动力学响应及破坏机制对认清煤矿动力灾害本质具有指导意义。基于塔山煤样,先后设计与开展了单轴拉伸与压缩、常规三轴及采动力学试验。获得了不同加载模式下煤样的力学特征参量和变形破坏特性。进一步对比分析了常规三轴试验与采动力学试验煤样变形特征的差异。得到煤样破坏前吸收能量密度随着轴向加载速率的关系,揭示了应力偏量是造成试样破坏强度和吸收能量密度提高的原因,是破坏产生的本质原因,但其受控于围压的临界值,及煤样损伤发生具有的时间效应。建立了采动力学条件下考虑加卸载过程中材料损伤的煤岩黏弹性模型屈服准则,包含有效体积应力的影响、应力差的影响、轴向加载速率的影响及围压卸载速率的影响,新的黏弹性模型屈服准则可以很好地解释加卸载速率引起的材料屈服强度变化。 相似文献
高地应力条件下卸荷速率对锦屏大理岩力学特性影响规律试验研究 总被引:4,自引:12,他引:4
岩石所处的初始应力状态及开挖等工况诱发的卸荷速率大小对其力学特性具有明显的影响,通过室内三轴卸荷试验和破裂断口的SEM细观扫描分析,研究高应力环境中不同卸荷速率下锦屏一级水电站大理岩的变形破裂及强度特征。卸荷速率vu和初始围压 越大,岩石脆性及张性断裂特征愈明显,快速双向卸荷时甚至可在次卸荷方向产生张拉裂缝。张性破裂断口细观形态随vu和 的增大依次呈现“树枝形张裂状”、“千层饼形撕裂状”和“近光滑平面形弹射状”;卸荷过程中轴向压缩应变增量 随vu和 增大而减小,而侧向膨胀应变增量 却增大;不同的卸荷变形阶段卸荷速率vu对变形模量E的影响规律不同,峰前E随vu的增大而增大,而峰值E随vu增大先逐渐增大再迅速降低;卸荷过程中岩石的泊松比 逐渐增大,并随vu和 增大而显著,特别是从峰值点后;相对于加载试验,卸荷条件下岩体的黏聚力c大大减小,而内摩擦角j却有少量增大,vu越快,c减小得越多,j增大的较少。 相似文献
《Advanced Composite Materials》2012,21(6):615-636
This study theoretically describes VCCT (virtual crack closure technique) as well as the dimensional reduction and recovery relations of cross-sectional blades, composed of composite materials, like a wind turbine blade that has a high aspect ratio and initial twist. Besides, to verify the efficiency and accuracy of dimensional reduction and recovery analysis of such a wind turbine blade, this study compared the recovery analysis results of a dimensionally reduced 1-D beam with the analysis results of a 3-D finite element model. Then, this study extracted nodal loads and nodal displacements of cracks, which are required for VCCT, using the recovery analysis results, and then conducted VCCT using the relations between nodal loads and displacements of extracted cracks, further suggesting a process of calculating ERR (Energy Release Rates) through the results of VCCT. As a numerical model and a turbine blade model, having initial cracks on the rectangular cross-section, are needed when ERR is calculated with VCCT applied to the finite element model and the dimensional reduction model, this study applied dimensional reduction & recovery technique and VCCT to these models and verified the efficiency and accuracy by comparing recovery analysis results and ERR. 相似文献