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一种分析长周期光纤光栅谐振波长漂移的新方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
通过导模与包层模之间的有折射率差或谐振波长与光纤光栅周期的关系图,即可由图解法快速得到谐振波长在写入过程中的漂移特性。进而由几何关系给出了谐振波长漂移规律的解析表达式。  相似文献   
It is shown that the elements of a large class of discrete-time periodically varying nonlinear input-output maps can be uniformly approximated arbitrarily well, over infinite time intervals, using a certain structure that can be implemented in many ways using, for example, radial basis functions, polynomial functions, piecewise linear functions, sigmoids, or combinations of these functions. For the special case in which these functions are taken to be certain polynomial functions, the input-output map of our structure is a generalized finite discrete-time Volterra series. Results are given for the case in which inputs and outputs are defined on the integers. The case in which inputs and outputs are defined on the nonnegative integers is also addressed.  相似文献   
In this work, a new type organic field effect transistor (OFET) based write-once read-many memory (WORM) device was developed. The device uses an ultraviolet (UV) cross-linkable matrix polymer mixed with ionic compounds to form an ion-dispersed gate dielectric layer. Under an applied gate voltage bias, migration of cations and anions in opposite directions forms space charge polarization in the gate dielectric layer, resulting in change of the electrical characteristics. It is shown that, with UV illumination to cross-link the matrix polymer, the formed space charge polarization can be stabilized. Therefore, the OFET can be operated as a WORM with the applied voltage bias to define the polarization and in turn the stored data, and the UV illumination to stabilize the stored data.  相似文献   
长周期光纤光栅对结构参数的敏感特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于模式耦合理论,对影响长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)光谱特性的各种物理结构参数进行了研究,得到LPFG光谱特性响应的一系列定量或定性的规律。利用紫外线,通过振幅掩模法曝光H载掺Ge光纤制作了两根LPFG,写入的光栅长度分别为3.0 cm和4.5 cm,测得温度灵敏度分别为0.044 6 nm/℃和0.059 4 nm/℃...  相似文献   
In this paper, the reliabilities and insulating characteristics of the fluorinated aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and hafnium oxide (HfO2) inter-poly dielectric (IPD) are studied. Interface fluorine passivation has been demonstrated in terminating dangling bonds and oxygen vacancies, reducing interfacial re-oxidation and smoothing interface roughness, and diminishing trap densities. Compared with the IPDs without fluorine incorporation, the results clearly indicate that fluorine incorporation process is effective to improve the insulating characteristics of both the Al2O3 and HfO2 IPDs. Moreover, fluorine incorporation will also improve the dielectric quality of the interfacial layer. Although HfO2 possesses higher dielectric constant to increase the gate coupling ratio, the results also demonstrate that fluorination of the Al2O3 dielectric is more effective to promote the IPD characteristics than fluorination of the HfO2 dielectric. For future stack-gate flash memory application, the fluorinated Al2O3 IPD undoubtedly possesses higher potential to replace current ONO IPD than the fluorinated HfO2 IPD due to superior insulating properties.  相似文献   
模糊形态联想记忆网络FMAM具有较强的抗膨胀或腐蚀噪声能力,且可以模糊性解释。但抗混合噪声的能力很弱。而在实际中,随机噪声往往是混合型的,既有膨胀又有腐蚀噪声。为此提出了一种基于尺度空间的模糊形态联想记忆网络,并分析了其抗膨胀/腐蚀噪声和抗随机噪声的能力,它提高了自联想FMAM的抗随机噪声能力。通过仿真实验验证了该方法具有良好的性能。  相似文献   
In this paper the behavorial approach is applied to discrete linear repetitive processes, which are class of 2D systems of both systems theoretic and applications interest. The main results are on poles and zeros for these processes, which have exponential trajectory interpretations. Published online: April 2006  相似文献   
Upcoming multi-media compression applications will require high memory bandwidth. In this paper, we estimate that a software reference implementation of an MPEG-4 video decoder typically requires 200 Mtransfers/s to memory to decode 1 CIF (352×288) Video Object Plane (VOP) at 30 frames/s. This imposes a high penalty in terms of power but also performance.However, we also show that we can heavily improve on the memory transfers, without sacrificing speed (even gaining about 10% on cache misses and cycles for a DEC Alpha), by aggressive code transformations. For this purpose, we have manually applied an extended version of our data transfer and storage exploration (DTSE) methodology, which was originally developed for custom hardware implementations.  相似文献   
Over the last 20 years, the performance gap between CPU and memory has been steadily increasing. As a result, a variety of techniques has been devised to hide that performance gap, from intermediate fast memories (caches) to various prefetching and memory management techniques for manipulating the data present in these caches. In this paper we propose a new memory management technique that takes advantage of access pattern information that is available at compile time by prefetching certain data elements before explicitly being requested by the CPU, as well as maintaining certain data in the local memory over a number of iterations. In order to better take advantage of the locality of reference present in loop structures, our technique also uses a new approach to memory by partitioning it and reducing execution to each partition, so that information is reused at much smaller time intervals than if execution followed the usual pattern. These combined approaches—using a new set of memory instructions as well as partitioning the memory—lead to improvements in total execution time of approximately 25% over existing methods.  相似文献   
单片机系统中数据存储的可靠性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了影响单片机系统数据存储可靠性的原因,从硬件和软件两个方面阐述了提高单片机系统数据存储可能性的具体方法。  相似文献   
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