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电视墙系统中的存储器设计有多种方案。本文通过比较优选了其中的一种,即一■存储器方案,并详细介绍了具体电路。  相似文献   
We present a detailed and accurate physics based transient simulation for modeling flash memory erasing at ambient and non-ambient temperatures. Typical cells are erased by moving electrons from the floating gate to the drain, source or substrate. Part I of this paper addresses substrate erase modeling using a simulation based on the solution to Poisson’s equation with temperature as an independent variable. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the derivation of an accurate erase simulation and show the effects of temperature on the threshold voltage shift during the erase process. Several papers have been published on this topic but fail to present detailed derivations and none using this exact set of equations to model the temperature dependent erasing process.  相似文献   
裴成平 《电子测试》2016,(14):39-40
长“眼睛”电源插座,实现功能是一旦家用电器金属外壳带电,它就能“看”到,同时发出报警声提醒人们,用电器外壳已经带电不要触碰,并切断用电器的电源。这样就人们没有触电之前就已保护了,比起现在市场上触电保安器(还要在灵敏的情况下)在有人触电以后才保护,安全系数提高了很多倍。  相似文献   
基于耦合的混沌神经网络建模方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
混沌状态下神经网络行为的研究是神经网络理论的一个新内容,由于它可能揭示脑活动的深层机制而广受重视,但是混沌网络信息处理能力进行大量和深入研究却遇到许多障碍,其问题之一是难以为网络系统选择适当的非线性参数。本文提出一种建立混沌神经网络模型的简单耦合方法,解决了选择参数的困难,计算机模拟结果表明,用该模型研究混沌状态下网络动态行为是有效的。  相似文献   
研究使用基于随机微分方程的扩散过程模型产生有色噪声.首先给出Markov扩散过程的平稳分布,该分布给出了扩散过程模型中的漂移系数、扩散系数和有色噪声概率密度分布之间的关系;选择扩散过程模型中的扩散系数为x的一次幂,其系数决定了所生成噪声的相关特性;数值算法使用Milstein高阶法.以三元独立积构造的G-分布雷达杂波为例进行仿真分析,验证所提出方法的准确性和有效性.  相似文献   
在现阶段,长码在GPS,CDMA通信等领域发挥着很重要的作用,因此也是信息对抗研究的重点对象。利用长码中固有的统计规律来估计长码的寄存器长度,抽头多项式等参数,从而在只接收部分长码的情况下计算出整个长码周期。  相似文献   
从相变存储器(phase change random access memory,PCRAM)的基本结构和工作原理出发,首先介绍了PCRAM的技术优势、面临的技术挑战、常用的解决策略以及存在的相应问题;接着阐述了在微电子加工中广泛应用的关键工艺——侧墙技术,并将其在PCRAM中的应用成果进行了分类;然后从加热电极的制备、相变材料限制结构的制备、新相变材料的制备与表征和器件间互联等4个方面展开叙述;最后展望了该技术在相变存储领域应用发展的趋势。侧墙技术因其具备自对准的特点,制备工艺可控性好,制备精度不依赖于光刻精度,在纳米技术飞速发展的今天,侧墙技术将会在更高精度上发挥其作用。  相似文献   
This paper presents the successful use of ZnS/ZnMgS and other II–VI layers (lattice-matched or pseudomorphic) as high-k gate dielectrics in the fabrication of quantum dot (QD) gate Si field-effect transistors (FETs) and nonvolatile memory structures. Quantum dot gate FETs and nonvolatile memories have been fabricated in two basic configurations: (1) monodispersed cladded Ge nanocrystals (e.g., GeO x -cladded-Ge quantum dots) site-specifically self-assembled over the lattice-matched ZnMgS gate insulator in the channel region, and (2) ZnTe-ZnMgTe quantum dots formed by self-organization, using metalorganic chemical vapor-phase deposition (MOCVD), on ZnS-ZnMgS gate insulator layers grown epitaxially on Si substrates. Self-assembled GeO x -cladded Ge QD gate FETs, exhibiting three-state behavior, are also described. Preliminary results on InGaAs-on-InP FETs, using ZnMgSeTe/ZnSe gate insulator layers, are presented.  相似文献   
In this letter, we study the impact of single event upsets (SEUs) in space or defense electronic systems which use memory devices such as EEPROM, and SRAM. We built a microcontroller test board to measure the effects of protons on electronic devices at various radiation levels. We tested radiation hardening at beam current, and energy levels, measured the phenomenon of SEUs, and addressed possible reasons for SEUs.  相似文献   
黄忠恕 《人民长江》1996,27(4):21-23
长江流域汛期长期水文气象预报成果是通过对气候背景的分析,前期天气气候征兆和重要物理因子的分析,最后经专家会商形成的,在预报方案制定过程中,坚持水文与气象,短中长期预报,科学研究与预报应用相结合,从定性上讲,无论时间和空间都基本吻合,对1995年长江汛期防洪发挥了重要的耳目作用。  相似文献   
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