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In 2 experiments, participants learned bone anatomy by using a handheld controller to rotate an on-screen 3-dimensional bone model. The on-screen bone either included orientation references, which consisted of visible lines marking its axes (orientation reference condition), or did not include such references (no–orientation reference condition). The learning task involved rotating the on-screen bone to match target orientations. Learning outcomes were assessed by asking participants to identify anatomical features from different orientations. On the learning task, the orientation reference group performed more accurately, directly, and quickly than did the control group, and high-spatial-ability individuals outperformed low-spatial-ability individuals. Assessments of anatomy learning indicated that under more challenging conditions, orientation references elevated learning by low-spatial-ability individuals to a level near that of high-spatial-ability individuals. The authors propose that orientation references assist this learning process by defining the object’s main axes or providing distinguishable features. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
计算机控制中PID控制块的无扰动切换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王锦标  朱因心 《冶金自动化》2002,26(2):47-49,64
介绍DCS或FCS中PID控制块的MAN(手动)、AUTO(自动)、INIT(初始化)和OT(输出跟踪)4种工作方式的无扰动切换。  相似文献   
Although the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is widely used in both clinical and research settings, little is known about agreement between clinician and standardized research diagnoses. Diagnoses generated by the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-P--2.3) were compared with clinician-generated diagnoses for 245 referred youths. Agreement was poor for all individual disorders and broader diagnostic clusters. Agreement was higher for externalizing categories than for internalizing, but no association was found between agreement and child, family, or clinician characteristics. Clinicians were more likely than the DISC to assign 1 diagnosis and less likely to assign 0 diagnoses, suggesting that clinic policies may play a role. Implications for the use of the DSM across different settings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
To determine the extent to which group performance could be predicted from knowledge of the performance of the group's members, 60 pairs of university women were first given six individual trials on a modified Purdue Pegboard task, and then six trials in which the members of the pair worked together. For each pair, the 'high' and 'low' scorer (on the individual trials) was identified, and correlations were calculated between the 'high' score, the 'low' score, the difference score, and the score for the pair on the second set of trials. These results are compared with previous results from men students. "The most important fact which emerges… is that a surprisingly small proportion of the total variance on the group-performance task can be predicted… [from the individual-performance scores]… " (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
建立了热轧钢板焊接热影响区(HAZ)的连续冷却转变曲线(焊接CCT曲线),以研究船用热轧钢板的焊接性能。根据所建立的焊接CCT曲线,选择了合理的焊接工艺对10mm厚的船用热轧钢板进行了手工电弧焊,并对焊后的焊接接头进行了宏观检验和X射线探伤、力学性能试验及冲击试验。借助金相显微镜和扫描电镜分析了CCT图中不同冷速条件下的显微组织和焊接接头的显微组织以及冲击断口形貌。试验结果表明:根据建立的焊接CCT曲线,所选择的手工电弧焊的焊接工艺是合理的,焊缝质量良好,焊接接头具有良好的综合性能。  相似文献   
I used data on handedness and pitching and hitting performance in annual cohorts of professional baseball players (1957-2005) to test the hypothesis that handedness among pitchers was subject to negative frequency-dependent selection. As predicted by this hypothesis, right-handed pitchers were more successful (i.e., opposing batters hit more poorly against them) when they were relatively rare in the population. Contrary to the predictions of this hypothesis, however, left-handed pitchers were more successful when they were relatively common. Both right- and left-handed batters performed better in years dominated by right-handed pitchers, despite the fact that right-handed batters perform relatively poorly against right-handed pitchers. I suggest that batters form cognitive representations based on pitcher handedness, and that these representations are strengthened by repeated exposure or priming. When the pitcher handedness polymorphism is more balanced (e.g., 67% right-handed, 33% left-handed), these cognitive representations are less effective, which leads to decreased batting averages and improved performance by all pitchers. Furthermore, these cognitive representations are likely to be more critical to the success of right-handed hitters, who have reduced visuomotor skills relative to left-handed hitters. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
为了对导弹在飞行时产生强烈的紫外辐射进行模拟,对导弹紫外动态辐射特性行了分析,并对适合作为辐射源的人工紫外光源原理、特点与应用进行了描述与比较,最后对飞行特征几种控制方式与适用的光源进行阐述与比较。  相似文献   
广州会展中心二期工程由于占地面积大,覆盖区域内基础持力层埋深变化大.文中根据上部结构的荷载大小以及岩面的不同埋深,综合考虑经济因素,采用了不同的基础形式,并在人工挖孔桩的施工中引入了水泥搅拌桩护壁的方法,取得了良好的效果,可为同类工程设计提供借鉴参考.  相似文献   
针对国电万安水电厂2台机调速器"手动"运行失控的故障,阐述了调速器手动控制的原理,进行了失控原因综合分析,并设计实施了流量反馈装置的改进处理,彻底消除了事故隐患。  相似文献   
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