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孙官清 《核技术》1995,18(4):227-230
对不同能量、不同质量数、不同初始条件的入射束和有无空间电荷效应的离子束流在高梯度加速管中的传输进行了计算,并讨论了一些影响加速管聚焦作用的主要因素,计算结果与实际情况相符。  相似文献   
The phase behavior of a hybrid polymer network (HPN) composed of poly[(propylene glycol maleate)-co-(propylene glycol phthalate)] crosslinked with styrene and polyester–urethane crosslinked with methylene-bis-ortho-chloroaniline was examined. The correlation between phase separation and impact strength of the HPNs is discussed. The composition of HPNs has an effect on their properties.  相似文献   
本文对[5]的4位人工神经网络A/D变换器进行了研究.指出按其方法推广实现多位A/D时存在突触电阻大小以至无法实现且抗干扰能力也不好的问题并给出了解决办法.同时对如何改善神经元转移特性的硬限幅曲线作了简单讨论.  相似文献   
Using the photonic band gap in photonic crystals, the fundamental waveguide structures for the light wavelength range have been developed. Based on the fine structure of these many functional devices have been proposed by analytical or numerical simulation methods and the experiments of trial manufacture. In this paper, the treatment of chiral dielectric in the Condensed Node Spatial Network for the vector potential is explained, and we show the polarization plane rotation property in air‐hole and pillar type photonic crystal waveguide structures with the chiral medium substrate. Then, we show the fundamental advantage of the air‐hole type photonic crystal waveguide structure in application to a mode converter. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 152(1): 7–14, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience. wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20098  相似文献   
计算机网络的发展日新月异。下一代计算机网络(NGN)的探讨、研究已经成为当前的潮流。下一代网络是目前电信、互联网运营商和设备厂商都在讨论的热点技术,国内外许多网络运营商都在探讨,并正在或考虑建设试验网进行更深入的研究。本文介绍了NGN的定义、主要特点、分层结构和关键技术。  相似文献   
通过对资本一般概念的分析,结合资本一般的运动功能论述,认为在经济全球化和网络条件下,资本增值属性必然导致对规则和标准的争夺与控制,标准战是资本一般在新的经济社会形态下发展的必然逻辑结果。  相似文献   
When a fault occurs on transmission or distribution systems due to lightning or overvoltage, often an arc discharge occurs at the fault point. The arc discharge, which is caused by a fault current, has a high current, high temperature, strong light emission, etc., thus it sometimes causes heavy damages to electric power equipment. The arc discharge is influenced by the conditions around the arcs, i.e., gas, insulation materials, gap length, weather, etc. Also, the arc voltage along the arc column indicates the characteristics of the arc. If the voltage waveforms of the arcs caused by the fault on transmission or distribution systems are classified, it is possible to find the location and the equipment where the fault occurred. In this paper, the arc voltage data in 6-kV class XLPE cables and 6-kV class overhead lines are analyzed and an artificial neural network method is applied to classify the arc voltage waveforms. The results obtained from the six artificial neural networks developed show that the artificial neural network method is effective for classification of arc voltage waveforms if adequate input parameters are selected.  相似文献   
李玲俐 《计算机时代》2014,(4):52-53,56
针对"网络信息安全"教材建设的现状进行分析,提出建设基于工作流导向的任务式实训模式教材的必要性,并从教材的指导思想、整体结构、内容结构及其特色等方面进行了阐述。实践证明,该新型教材的建设和使用能够激发学生学习网络安全知识的兴趣,提升动手能力,有效提高教学质量和效率。  相似文献   
消防信息网作为公安网子网,与互联网物理分隔,网络安全相对薄弱,自身的安全防护能力并不高。非法入侵、病毒破坏屡有发生,给消防信息网带来不可预测的后果。  相似文献   
该文通过对SDN本地综合承载传送网技术应用现状的分析,明确社会使用的需求,进而提出构建SDN的本地综合承载传送网技术网络架构和模型的方法,对SDN的本地综合承载传送网技术进行全面的分析。  相似文献   
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