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高筠 《同煤科技》2006,(3):11-13
论述了嵌入式系统设计的方法,着重于软硬功能的划分;分析了经典设计方法的缺陷,给出了克服缺陷的方案,其主要优点是软硬件并行设计,快速建立原型,可避免设计风险。指出基于模拟系统的嵌入式系统设计方法适合于更广泛的工程领域,专业领域的嵌入式系统设计应当依据不同开发方法的特点选取适合自己的一种。  相似文献   
程志斌 《施工技术》2005,34(7):26-28
介绍田湾核电站反应堆厂房内安全壳预应力体系灌浆工艺,材料特点,以及浆体的配合比、搅拌程序、灌注程序和质量控制指标。  相似文献   
In the air conditioning (AC) industry chilled water storage (CWS) systems are one form of cool thermal storage technology that can be used to time shift the electrical load of the system from the peak day periods to off peak night time periods. In this paper the data for the actual exported and generated electrical energy obtained for the power stations in Kuwait has been used to estimate the electrical energy consumption and the peak electrical load of AC systems. Since the chiller in an air cooled AC system represent more than 75% of the total electrical power consumed by an AC system during the peak demand period, the impact of using CWS systems with alternative operating strategies including partial (load levelling), partial (demand limiting) and full load has been investigated. In our conclusions we estimate that approximately 45% of the total annual exported electrical energy is consumed solely by AC systems as a result of the very high ambient temperatures occurring between March and October. Furthermore, it is estimated AC systems represent about 62% of the peak electrical load. The results demonstrate that CWS can reduce the peak electrical load of a chiller in an air cooled AC system by up to 100% and reduce the nominal chiller size by up to 33% depending upon the operating strategy adopted. This is achieved with only a 4% increase in power consumption of the chiller for all CWS strategies except for full storage where the energy consumption actually decreases by approximately 4%.  相似文献   
本文给出了三次样条插值函数的指数形式;在第一类边界条件下,证明了其存在性.  相似文献   
介绍了电站设备评价认证系统数据库设计研究的内容,讨论了数据库设计的过程,重点进行了数据库设计的需求分析。  相似文献   
针对传统的水质分析仪器在大机组火电厂应用过程中存在阻抗不匹配、测量信号衰减,静电、电磁场干扰,以及传统高效离子色谱分析法代表性不强,测量数据传输不及时,受环境温湿度影响大等问题,研制了电极常数为0.001 cm^-1、测量范围0~0.001的专用在线工业离子色谱分析测量装置,并在内蒙古京隆发电有限责任公司投入使用。实际使用情况表明,该装置可以准确测量出各种离子的质量分数,应用效果良好。  相似文献   
针对现有输电线路选线作业模式单一,专业之间协同不畅等诸多问题,为了满足输电线路三维设计和新兴招标模式要求,本文以不同技术特性的多数据源为基础,设计了一种具有多窗口交互和二三维联动功能的优化选线系统,实现了多维度、多视角协同选线,达到了多数据源集成化、信息共享化和成果精细化的选线目标。  相似文献   
This paper presents a contingency screening method and a framework for its on-line implementation. The proposed method carries out contingency screening and on-line stability assessment with respect to first-swing transient stability. For that purpose, it utilizes the single machine equivalent method and aims at improving the prior developed contingency screening approaches. In order to determine vulnerability of the system with respect to a particular contingency, only one time-domain simulation needs to be performed. An early stop criteria is proposed so that in a majority of the cases the simulation can be terminated after a few hundred milliseconds of simulated system response. The method’s outcome is an assessment of the system’s stability and a classification of each considered contingency. The contingencies are categorized by exploiting parameters of an equivalent one machine infinite bus system. A novel island detection approach, appropriate for an on-line application since it utilizes efficient algorithms from graph theory and enables stability assessment of individual islands, is also introduced. The New England and New York system as well as the large-scale model of the Continental-European interconnected system are used to test the proposed method with respect to assessment accuracy and computation time.  相似文献   
水文地质参数的计算工作一直是工程地质和水文地质界工程师们所关注的重点问题之一,传统的计算方法比较繁琐、费时,国内外目前也没有比较全面的水文地质求参软件,因此,本文利用Visual Basic语言研究开发了一款基于现场试验的水文地质参数计算的新型软件SHP,通过数据库调用Excel文件录入数据,利用最小二乘法原理拟合直线。实现了手动配线和自动配线两种方法求参。通过南京市玄武湖隧道工程实例的校验,结果表明,该软件实用性强、计算精度较高、人机交互简单,满足工程需要。  相似文献   
针对目前电动汽车电池组热管理系统存在的不足,提出了利用泡沫铝对锂离子电池组散热的创新模式。建立了电动汽车电池模块的散热模型,验证了利用泡沫铝对电动汽车电池组散热的有效性与可行性,且随着泡沫铝填充长度的增加,电池最高温度下降越多,最大温差先减小后增加。并发现孔隙率对电池的最高温度影响不明显,但孔隙率越小,最大温差越小,即电池间温度越均匀。  相似文献   
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