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Chemical Composition and Microstructure of Polymer‐Derived Glasses and Ceramics in the Si–C–O System. Part 2: Characterization of microstructure formation by means of high‐resolution transmission electron microscopy and selected area diffraction Liquid or solid silicone resins represent the economically most interesting class of organic precursors for the pyrolytic production of glass and ceramics materials on silicon basis. As dense, dimensionally stable components can be cost‐effectively achieved by admixing reactive filler powders, chemical composition and microstructure development of the polymer‐derived residues must be exactly known during thermal decomposition. Thus, in the present work, glasses and ceramics produced by pyrolysis of the model precursor polymethylsiloxane at temperatures from 525 to 1550 °C are investigated. In part 1, by means of analytical electron microscopy, the bonding state of silicon was determined on a nanometre scale and the phase separation of the metastable Si–C–O matrix into SiO2, C and SiC was proved. The in‐situ crystallization could be considerably accelerated by adding fine‐grained powder of inert fillers, such as Al2O3 or SiC, which permits effective process control. In part 2, the microstructure is characterized by high‐resolution transmission electron microscopy and selected area diffraction. Turbostratic carbon and cubic β‐SiC precipitate as crystallization products. Theses phases are embedded in an amorphous matrix. Inert fillers reduce the crystallization temperature by several hundred °C. In this case, the polymer‐derived Si–C–O material acts as a binding agent between the powder particles. Reaction layer formation does not occur. On the investigated pyrolysis conditions, no crystallization of SiO2 was observed.  相似文献   
大学在办学资源、办学过程、办学质量、办学形象的竞争中出现大量的不良倾向。大学的不良竞争是由于政府主导资源配置、资源和制度供给不足、大学系统重构等因素导致。必须通过控制主体、控制手段的转变和控制对象的发展形成新的控制机制,以保证大学竞争的秩序化和规范化。  相似文献   
校园文化看不见、摸不着,却支撑着大学的脊梁,它潜移默化影响和造就一所大学的文化品格。它不仅对大学发展起着重要作用,也是大学发展的重要内容,是大学建设的题中应有之义。为此,需要建设民主和谐,具有学术自由、人文精神和创新精神的校园文化,并将它提高到学校战略发展的高度来看,以校园文化整合学校发展战略。  相似文献   
介绍成品油传统汽运发货流程.指出其中的弊端,提出采用计算机网络化管理的思路,并对计算机成品油汽运发货系统的优点和功能进行了介绍,然后详细讨论了该系统的开发过程和功能实现,最后提出改进和发展方向。  相似文献   
《Drying Technology》2007,25(6):971-983
This article reviews developments in the simulations of spray dryer behavior, including the challenges in modeling the complex flow patterns inside the equipment, which are often highly transient and three-dimensional in nature. There appears to be considerable scope for using CFD simulations for investigating methods to reduce the rates of wall deposition and of thermal degradation for particles by modifying the air flow patterns in the chamber through small changes in the air inlet geometry. Challenges include building particle drying kinetics and reaction processes, as well as agglomeration behavior, into these simulations. The numerical simulations should be valuable supplements to pilot-scale testing, enabling more extensive and accurate optimization to be carried out than hitherto possible. New understanding of reaction processes and materials science, in combination with recent knowledge of the application of CFD to these problems, may enable new engineered powder products to be developed from the one-step spray-drying process.  相似文献   
Venezuela's vast natural resource base has largely shaped the nation's economic and energy-use patterns. Major opportunities exist for improving the efficiency of energy use in Venezuela and, consequently, restraining the growth of energy-related carbon emissions. This paper presents a detailed report of one potential development path for Venezuela and estimates the ensuing levels of energy demand and CO2 emissions associated with pursuing this path through the year 2025. The results indicate that by adopting a development strategy that incorporates structural changes in the economy, fuel-switching measures and improved end-use efficiencies, Venezuela can introduce energy efficiency and carbon restraints as part of its economic development process.  相似文献   
Markus Stolze 《Knowledge》1994,7(4):271-273
System development is strongly influenced by the perspectives used by system developers. Current development methods for knowledge-based systems are based on an information processing perspectives of experts and users which has been criticized by a number of researchers. The paper argues that work-oriented development of knowledge-based systems requires the parallel use of multiple perspectives (including the information processing perspective), and that the use of any single perspective is potentially dangerous. As an example of the importance of using multiple perspectives, thepaper presents the situated action perspective, and shows how it complements the information processing perspective.  相似文献   
我国建筑涂料技术进步简评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从以下诸方面简述我国建筑涂料的技术进步:⑴新品种涂料的研制开发;⑵加强对配套材料及施工技术的研究;⑶超细填料在涂料中的应用;⑷计算机自动配色技术;⑸产品标准的修订;⑹建筑涂料的实用范围扩大。  相似文献   
根据第十三届国际普兰西会议获得的信息,对国际上难熔金属、硬质合金、硬质材料和涂层技术等方面近几年来的研究和发展动态进行了综合评述。最后,提出了几点自己的看法。  相似文献   
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