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The aim of this paper is to describe a novel and completely automated technique for carotid artery (CA) recognition, far (distal) wall segmentation, and intima-media thickness (IMT) measurement, which is a strong clinical tool for risk assessment for cardiovascular diseases. The architecture of completely automated multiresolution edge snapper (CAMES) consists of the following two stages: 1) automated CA recognition based on a combination of scale-space and statistical classification in a multiresolution framework and 2) automated segmentation of lumen-intima (LI) and media-adventitia (MA) interfaces for the far (distal) wall and IMT measurement. Our database of 365 B-mode longitudinal carotid images is taken from four different institutions covering different ethnic backgrounds. The ground-truth (GT) database was the average manual segmentation from three clinical experts. The mean distance ± standard deviation of CAMES with respect to GT profiles for LI and MA interfaces were 0.081 ± 0.099 and 0.082 ± 0.197 mm, respectively. The IMT measurement error between CAMES and GT was 0.078 ± 0.112 mm. CAMES was benchmarked against a previously developed automated technique based on an integrated approach using feature-based extraction and classifier (CALEX). Although CAMES underestimated the IMT value, it had shown a strong improvement in segmentation errors against CALEX for LI and MA interfaces by 8% and 42%, respectively. The overall IMT measurement bias for CAMES improved by 36% against CALEX. Finally, this paper demonstrated that the figure-of-merit of CAMES was 95.8% compared with 87.4% for CALEX. The combination of multiresolution CA recognition and far-wall segmentation led to an automated, low-complexity, real-time, and accurate technique for carotid IMT measurement. Validation on a multiethnic/multi-institutional data set demonstrated the robustness of the technique, which can constitute a clinically valid IMT measurement for assistance in atherosclerosis disease management.  相似文献   
Excessive energy intake may evoke complex biochemical processes characterized by inflammation, oxidative stress, and impairment of mitochondrial function that represent the main factors underlying noncommunicable diseases. Because cow milk is widely used for human nutrition and in food industry processing, the nutritional quality of milk is of special interest with respect to human health. In our study, we analyzed milk produced by dairy cows fed a diet characterized by a high forage:concentrate ratio (high forage milk, HFM). In view of the low n-6:n-3 ratio and high content of conjugated linoleic acid of HFM, we studied the effects of this milk on lipid metabolism, inflammation, mitochondrial function, and oxidative stress in a rat model. To this end, we supplemented for 4 wk the diet of male Wistar rats with HFM and with an isocaloric amount (82 kJ, 22 mL/d) of milk obtained from cows fed a diet with low forage:concentrate ratio, and analyzed the metabolic parameters of the animals. Our results indicate that HFM may positively affect lipid metabolism, leptin:adiponectin ratio, inflammation, mitochondrial function, and oxidative stress, providing the first evidence of the beneficial effects of HFM on rat metabolism.  相似文献   
In the present study table olives treated in field with kaolin and copper based products against “olive-fruit fly” were fermented using two selected strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The fermentation process was monitored up to 260 days from brining through physico-chemical, microbiological and sensorial analyses. Results showed a dominance of LAB and yeasts and low level of Enterobacteriaceae counts throughout the whole process both in un-treated and treated samples. When investigating the effect of the single treatments on microbial dynamics, ANOVA results highlighted that copper based products affected significantly the control sample, while the sample inoculated with LAB starters maintained high level throughout the process, guaranteeing the fermentation process. Different behavior was revealed by yeasts population, which was partially influenced by copper treatment at the beginning of the fermentation.The polyphasic approach used in the present study, which combined sensory evaluation to microbial counts and physico-chemical characteristics, let to the conclusion on the importance of starter cultures in fermentation of table olives especially those treated with “non-conventional” pesticide, which could be used to prevent olive fly damage.  相似文献   
A simple, fast and accurate method has been developed to simultaneously determine 18 bioactive compounds in Italian bitter liqueurs containing gentian, cinchona, cinnamon, rhubarb, clove, star anise or orange, by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) coupled with diode array detection (DAD). HPLC analysis was performed with a C18 column using methanol and aqueous phosphoric acid (pH 2.5) as mobile phase. Selected wavelengths, i.e. 210, 232, 275, 285, 291, 310 and 368 nm, were used for quantification of compounds. The column temperature was controlled at 30 °C. The correlation coefficients (R 2) of the calibration curves of the analysed compounds were ≥0.9999 in a relatively wide concentration range (0.5–50 μg/ml). The proposed method proved successful in simultaneously analysing 18 bitter liqueurs produced in Italy. The concentration of the most important bitter principles, gentiopicroside, amarogentin, quinine and naringin, ranged as follows: 1.17–299.20, 0.25–32.24, 1.44–6.93 and 0.28–39.99 μg/ml, respectively.  相似文献   
保罗·安德鲁的建筑充分展现了丰富的几何形体创造,对结构的大胆运用和情感的有张有弛,在戴高乐机场的建设发展过程中,安德鲁个人的设计风格和直觉成为保持不同阶段的建设和谐统一的关键因素,由此创造出一种特有的艺术感受,在建筑内部随处可见。与其说他力图通过设计方案创造出一种明确的和谐统一感,不如说是一种不确定性,一种非现代的和风格化的感情意识。戴高乐机场为安德鲁后来在地理,经济和文化条件不同的其他地区的机场设计项目中继续其有关功能和风格的实践打下了基础。  相似文献   
Recently, giant carrier mobility μ (>10(5) cm(2) V(-1) s(-1)) and micrometer electron mean free path (l) have been measured in suspended graphene or in graphene encapsulated between inert and ultraflat BN layers. Much lower μ values (10000-20000 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1)) are typically reported in graphene on common substrates (SiO(2), SiC) used for device fabrication. The debate on the factors limiting graphene electron mean free path is still open with charged impurities (CI) and resonant scatterers (RS) indicated as the most probable candidates. As a matter of fact, the inhomogeneous distribution of such scattering sources in graphene is responsible of nanoscale lateral inhomogeneities in the electronic properties, which could affect the behavior of graphene nanodevices. Hence, high resolution two-dimensional (2D) mapping of their density is very important. Here, we used scanning capacitance microscopy/spectroscopy to obtain 2D maps of l in graphene on substrates with different dielectric permittivities, that is, SiO(2) (κ(SiO2) = 3.9), 4H-SiC (0001) (κ(SiC) = 9.7) and the very-high-κ perovskite strontium titanate, SrTiO(3) (001), briefly STO (κ(STO) = 330). After measuring l versus the gate bias V(g) on an array of points on graphene, maps of the CI density (N(CI)) have been determined by the neutrality point shift from V(g) = 0 V in each curve, whereas maps of the RS density (N(RS)) have been extracted by fitting the dependence of l on the carrier density (n). Laterally inhomogeneous densities of CI and RS have been found. The RS distribution exhibits an average value ~3 × 10(10) cm(-2) independently on the substrate. For the first time, a clear correlation between the minima in the l map and the maxima in the N(CI) map is obtained for graphene on SiO(2) and 4H-SiC, indicating that CI are the main source of the lateral inhomogeneity of l. On the contrary, the l and N(CI) maps are uncorrelated in graphene on STO, while a clear correlation is found between l and N(RS) maps. This demonstrates a very efficient dielectric screening of CI in graphene on STO and the role of RS as limiting factor for electron mean free path.  相似文献   
Funil Reservoir receives inflow from a highly industrialized region and acts as a natural sink to pollutants. Among the consequences of the uncontrolled nutrient loading is the constant presence and periodic heavy blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa . This study verified limnological features and zooplankton assemblage of the Funil Reservoir focusing on the environmental-indicator properties of rotifers and cladocerans. The summer bloom of M. aeruginosa caused reductions in water transparency, nitrate and orthophosphate concentrations and raises in chlorophyll a , pH, dissolved oxygen and chemical oxygen demand values. All zooplankton species presented spatial and temporal variations with the exception of the copepods, which were present in all samples. According to canonical correspondence analysis, ammonium was the variable most related to zooplankton variability and different Rotifera and Cladocera assemblages indicated distinct environment conditions. Rotifer taxa associated with increases of water temperature and chlorophyll a concentration were found with high densities during M. aeruginosa blooms. Species of rotifer and cladocerans are suggested as indicators that can be used to identify different physical and chemical gradients or eutrophic increases in Funil Reservoir.  相似文献   
The role of brown adipose tissue in the mechanism of medium chain triglyceride (MCT)-induced thermogenesis was investigated. Under anesthesia, the interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) was excised in male Sprague-Dawley rats, and the animals were fitted with gastrostomy tubes. After a 10-day recovery period, the animals were divided into two groups: one group received a diet containing MCT as 50% of calories, and the other group received an isocaloric diet containing long chain triglyceride (LCT). The diets were fed for 6 wk at a level of calorie intake that was 150% of the ad libitum intake of a parallel control group. During the last week of the study, resting and norepinephrine (NE)-stimulated O2 consumption and CO2 production were measured in a Noyons diaferometer. At the end of 6 wk, the animals were weighed and killed. The individual fat pads were dissected and weighed, and an aliquot of the right retroperitoneal fat pad was used to measure adipocyte size and number. The results showed that body weight and adipocyte size (but not adipocyte number) were significantly smaller in the MCT-fed compared to the LCT-fed animals. Resting as well as maximal NE-stimulated oxygen consumption values were significantly higher in the MCT-fed than the LCT-fed rats. It is concluded that the enhanced thermogenesis induced by MCT persists despite the absence of IBAT and that the phenomenon is likely related to more extensive oxidation of MCT-in contrast to LCT-derived fatty acids, thus leading to increased oxygen consumption, enhanced dissipation of energy as heat and diminished efficiency of weight gain and deposition of body fat. Presented at the symposium on “Specialty Lipids and Their Biofunctionality” at the annual meeting of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Philadelphia, May 1985.  相似文献   
The influence of drop coalescence and breakup on the existence of multiple steady states is studied for a two-phase stirred isothermal reactor where the chemical reaction in the d?ispersed phase obeys the rate expression ? r = kC/(1 + KC)2. The random coalescence model developed by Curl was simulated using a modified Spielman and Levenspiel Monte Carlo technique.For certain range of the coalescence rate, Damköhler number, and dimensionless feed concentration, multiple steady states have been investigated.A special case has also been considered wherein the existence of multiple steady states for finite values of the coalescence rate is contrasted to the unique steady state solution for an infinite coalescence rate.  相似文献   
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