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This study aimed to evaluate the influence of plasma treatment time, bacterial exposure time to PAW and bacterial species on the inactivation efficacy of plasma-activated water (PAW), with additional investigation of the inactivation mechanisms of PAW. Six bacterial species, including Listeria innocua, Staphyloccus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Shewanella putrefaciens and Aeromonas hydrophila were selected as the representative bacteria. The initial bacterial concentration was around 7 log CFU ml−1 after mixing with PAW, and the inactivation efficacy was measured after different exposure times during the 4 °C storage. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the bacteria after PAW treatment were carried out to inspect the cell structure damage, and physicochemical properties of PAW, including pH, conductivity and long-living reactive species of H2O2, , and , were examined. The results showed that the inactivation efficacy of PAW was positively correlated with plasma treatment time and bacterial exposure time, and for the species examined in this study, the Gram-negative species were more sensitive to PAW than the Gram-positive species. Cell structure damage, including shrinkage, distortion, or holes, was observed after PAW treatment. The pH of PAW was acidified to 2.5–2.9, and conductivity was significantly increased to 518.0 μs cm−1. and H2O2 were reduced during the 48 h storage, while an increased concentration was observed for . This study demonstrated that the processing parameters of plasma treatment time, exposure time and characteristics of bacteria can significantly affect the inactivation efficacy of PAW.  相似文献   
影响综合机械化采煤的因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
总结和分析了影响综合机械化采煤的煤层厚度、煤层倾角、煤层顶底板、煤层机构的破坏等因素。  相似文献   
本文结合刘家区煤层气开发实践,对其主控地质因素进行了综合分析,就单井控制煤层气可采资源量、构造发育情况、岩浆活动情况、水文地质情况、煤储层改造后的综合渗透率、临界解吸压力和盖层条件进行了论述。提出了该区煤层气开发的布井原则和有利区块。  相似文献   
张旗 《山西建筑》2007,33(21):325-326
就我国公路的分布和运营现状进行了介绍,从公路沿线自然条件、人为因素这两方面对公路的影响进行了简浅的分析,以期望能在山区公路改造时起到参考作用,从而提高公路的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
基于空间分析的城市火灾风险评估与应用——以西安为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张刚 《城市规划》2016,(8):59-64
城市消防是城市中重要的安全保障体系之一,本文从消防重点地区、人口密度、高层建筑分布、大型人流密集的地下空间等风险要素的空间分析入手,探索城市火灾风险评估的方法及其应用,旨在为编制城市消防专项规划、城市消防设施建设和城市消防安全管理提供扎实、科学的依据。  相似文献   
建筑抗浮设计水位的合理取值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李超 《工程勘察》2014,(4):49-54
随着北京城市建设的快速发展,城市建设用地逐年减少,为了充分利用有限空间,大量带有纯地下车库的高层建筑,以及地下管廊、下沉式广场的兴建,使得现代建筑向着高深发展。因此,建筑抗浮水位的确定对建筑物的安全和投资有着重要的影响。本文以北京市区某工程为例,通过研究浅层地下水的赋存状态,水位变化的历史过程和影响因素,考虑构筑物所处位置的宏观水文地质背景和历史资料,以及今后可能出现的不利情况,预测构筑物使用寿命期间可能出现的最高地下水位,并以之为边界条件进行渗流计算,从客观的角度提出建筑抗浮设计水位。  相似文献   
It is obvious that the performance of firms hinges upon the dynamics of both industry‐ and firm‐specific factors. A less obvious, and perhaps a more important, line of inquiry is that to the extent that they have a bearing on firm performance, how much do these two groups of factors respectively predict firm performance? To date, performance differences among construction firms that stem from industry‐ and firm‐specific differential effect has remained largely unexplored. Using a dataset comprising 526 firms across various construction‐related sectors, the sector‐by‐sector firm performance variation that is attributable to the heterogeneity of both industry‐ and firm‐specific characteristics was empirically examined. That statistically significant results of different effect sizes are found indicates that although these factors are often assumed to be intertwined it is possible to study their respective impact on firm performance. Future studies could usefully replicate and extend this study to construction firms in other countries to further investigate what drives firm performance under different national, industry and firm contexts.  相似文献   
建筑工程造价直接关系到建筑企业建筑工程项目的成本高低。为了能够最大限度地降低建筑工程项目成本,应当在建筑全寿命周期内合理实施工程造价。现阶段,建筑全寿命周期内影响工程造价的环节较多,容易使工程造价效果不佳。  相似文献   
考虑土分层的搅拌桩支护结构性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
屈畅姿  马石城 《建筑结构》2008,38(4):45-47,71
将水泥土搅拌桩支护结构及土体视为共同变形的整体,建立了三维有限元模型,选用Drucker-Prager本构模型及非线性增量迭代法,以泉州某基坑为工程原型,利用ANSYS工程计算软件,进行了模型验证,并详细讨论了各支护参数变化时水泥土搅拌桩的位移、应力分布。揭示了地面堆载、墙体厚度、不同土层性质及其分布对搅拌桩位移、应力的影响,墙体位移和应力的关系,分步开挖对搅拌桩位移的影响及合理布置开挖步需考虑的因素。  相似文献   
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