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《Optical Fiber Technology》2004,10(1):5-30
We describe the design and performance of cladding-pumped silica fiber lasers with high continuous-wave output powers and broad wavelength tunability in the 1, 1.5, and 2 μm spectral ranges. An ytterbium-doped fiber laser was tuned via wavelength dependent feedback provided by an external cavity containing a diffraction grating from 1027 to 1105 nm at multi-watt power levels. Similarly, high output power and wide wavelength tunability from 1540 to 1600 nm and from 1860 to 2090 nm at multi-watt output power levels has been achieved in Er-Yb co-doped and Tm-doped silica fiber lasers, respectively. A neodymium doped fiber laser was tuned from 1057 to 1118 nm at a lower power level. Limiting factors and the prospects for further improvements in performance are considered. 相似文献
高聚物粘结炸药(PBX)不同于普通颗粒增强复合材料,其颗粒含量超过85%,组分弹性模量相差3~4个数量级,导致其有效模量的细观力学理论预测出现很大偏差。结合有限元细观模拟,对Mori-Tanaka法、自洽法、微分法3种细观力学方法的预测结果进行了比较分析。结果表明:界限法上下界之间有量级上的差异;当颗粒含量小于10%,颗粒间相互作用较小,不同方法计算的有效模量差异不大;含量大于20%时,颗粒间相互作用增强,3种解析法预测的结果逐渐出现差异,而微分法与有限元结果比较接近;当颗粒含量为94.9%,微分法预测的PBX杨氏模量比实测值高3.7%,Mori-Tanaka法和自洽法结果都有量级上的偏差;对于颗粒含量高、组分性能反差大的复合材料,微分法较合理地计及了颗粒间的相互作用,能较准确地预测其有效模量。 相似文献
为分析大质量破片对多层盖板炸药冲击起爆阈值的影响因素,采用SPH和FEM相结合的方法开展了不同盖板厚度和不同盖板间隔情况对起爆阈值影响的数值模拟。在此基础上,采用二级轻气炮作为加载手段,进行了大质量钨合金破片冲击不同盖板及间隙情况下炸药冲击起爆试验研究,获得了起爆阈值。数值模拟与试验结果相一致,表明采用SPH与FEM相结合的方法可以较好地模拟此类问题。通过拟合得到了大质量破片冲击起爆阈值速度与冲击角度之间的经验关系式。分析结果表明,大质量破片冲击产生的大量二次破片对起爆阈值速度和起爆延迟时间具有较大的影响。 相似文献
为研究不确定侵彻条件下引信引爆策略对炸点深度的影响规律,通过拉丁超立方采样设计了数值模拟试验,采用侵彻力函数代替弹靶接触力的快速算法进行了数值模拟计算,分析了不确定侵彻条件下5种引信引爆策略的炸深控制精度及其影响因素.结果显示,其炸深控制精度从低到高排序为延时、定冲量、定能量、定轴向位移、定垂直位移.定轴向位移和定垂直位移引信可以适用于不同靶体材料,在设定值相同的条件下,利用这2种策略可以到达基本相同的炸深.侵彻速度的不确定性对延时引信炸点控制精度的影响显著,对定位移引信的影响非常小,倾角和攻角是影响定位移引信炸点控制精度的主要原因. 相似文献
张荣 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》2010,8(4):476-479
为了解决测控系统软件开发中LabVIEW的数据库与报表程序的设计问题,介绍了利用第三方数据库开发工具在LabVIEW中实现数据库的编程技术。讨论了基于LabVIEW与Delphi混合编程的报表设计技术,采用这种混合编程设计技术,简化报表编程,快速设计出标准、灵活多样的报表。工程应用表明,利用这些技术可解决大部分测控系统开发中有关数据库与报表的设计问题。 相似文献
《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(4):442-455
The first detailed Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of the FW06 panel of the ITER shielding blanket is presented in two companion papers. In this Part I we introduce the problem, define the model together with its input and discuss the results with particular reference to the hydraulics of the water coolant. The pressure drop across the panel is computed, together with the distribution of the flow among the different channels. Different design options are studied, with particular reference to the minimization of stagnation/recirculation regions. 相似文献
为研究药型罩形位偏差对聚能装药射流成型及其破甲过程影响,采用经脉冲X光摄影试验和侵彻深度试验验证的数值模型,探究了药型罩偏移量在0~0.05Dk范围内时罩表面压力分布情况、射流成型参数及侵彻深度的演化规律,获得满足良好射流性能的药型罩偏移量允许范围,并揭示了药型罩偏移与偏斜耦合情形下射流形态及横向速度的变化规律。结果表明:药型罩偏移影响了t=10μs和t=12μs时刻(压垮过程中期和中后期)罩表面压力的旋转对称分布,而t=4μs和t=14μs(压垮过程早期和后期)几乎不受影响;药型罩偏移量为0.0125Dk时,射流保持着良好的准直性和连续性,侵彻深度较轴对称情况下降了6.6%;当药型罩偏移量超过0.0125Dk后,射流形态呈弓形状,弯曲严重时将会发生断裂,且侵彻深度下降百分比均超过10%;当药型罩偏斜角为-0.015α,偏移量由0向-0.0125Dk变化时,射流弯曲方向发生改变,弯曲程度呈先减后增的趋势变化。 相似文献
以SiO2、Al2O3、B2O3、CaO、Na2O、TiO2为原料,加入5%CeO2(质量分数,下同)作为模拟核素,利用熔融法制备硼硅酸盐玻璃固化体,对含锕系元素的放射性废物进行固化处置。通过傅里叶红外光谱仪、差热分析仪等对热处理后玻璃固化体进行表征,以电感耦合等离子体质谱测试玻璃固化体的抗浸出性能。结果表明:B2O3含量为15.79%时固化体玻璃化转变温度Tg最大;玻璃中存在的[SiO4]、[BO3]、[BO4]等基团,随着B2O3含量的增大,部分[BO4]转变为[BO3];Ce在产品一致性测试法(PCT)下,标准化浸出率NR先减小后增大,B2O3含量达到15.79%时玻璃抗浸出效果最好;与未加TiO2玻璃基体相比,加入TiO2的样品抗浸出性能显著提高,TiO2添加量为3%时Ce元素标准浸出率最低。 相似文献
Hu GUO Jing-mn LUO Ping-an SHI Jian-guo XU 《兵工学报(英文版)》2014,(2):154-160
The fracture behavior of polymer-bonded explosive (PBX) seriously affects the safety and reliability of weapon system. The effects of interface debonding and initial meso-damage on the fracture behavior of PBX under quasi-static tension are studied using numerical method. A two- dimensional representative volume element (RVE) is established based on Voronoi model in which the component contents could be regulated and the particles are randomly distributed. A nonlinear damage model of polymer matrix relative to matrix depth between particles is constructed. The results show that the simulated strain-stress relation is coincident with experiment data. It is found that interface debonding leads to the nucleation and propagation of meso-cracks, and a main crack approximately perpendicular to the loading direction is generated finally. The interface debonding tends to occur in the interface perpendicular to the loading direction. There seems to be a phenomenon that strain softening and hardening alternatively appear around peak stress of stress and strain curve. It is shown that the initial damages of intragranular and interfacial cracks both decrease the modulus and failure stress, and the main crack tends to propagate toward the initial meso-cracks. 相似文献