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The microstructural properties of WC-Co-Cr and WC-Co coatings deposited by high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) and high-velocity
air fuel (HVAF) processes were investigated. The tribological behavior of the coatings was studied by means of pin-on-disk
tests. Microcracking of the HVOF sprayed WC-Co coatings did not allow preparation of suitable disks for wear tests. The wear
rates of the remaining coatings were determined, and wear tracks on the coatings and counterbodies were investigated by SEM.
The HVAF sprayed coatings showed greater sliding-wear resistance compared to the HVOF coatings. The prime wear mechanism in
the WC-Co HVAF coatings was adhesive wear. The cobalt matrix is lubricious, resulting in very low wear rates and low debris
generation. The main wear mechanisms in the WC-Co-Cr coatings were adhesive and abrasive wear. Adhesive wear results in coating
material dislodgments (i.e., “pullouts”) that become trapped in the contact zone and act as a third-body abrasive. Particle
pullout from the coating significantly increases the wear rate of the coated specimen. The HVAF/WC-Co-Cr coatings exhibited
better resistance to particle pullout, resulting in a considerably lower wear rate than the HVOF/WC-Co-Cr coatings. 相似文献
对两种(粉末A、粉末B)及其按一定比例混合(粉末C)的WC-10%Co4%Cr的粉末特性进行了表征,以这三种粉末为原料,利用空气助燃的超音速火焰喷涂(HVAF,High Velocity AirFuel)制备了WC-10%Co4%Cr涂层,着重研究喷涂粉末粒径、WC颗粒大小等对涂层的喷涂沉积率、硬度、韧性、结合强度和耐腐蚀等综合性能的影响。研究结果表明:A粉末喷涂沉积率高且价格较低;B粉末制备的涂层具有较高的硬度和韧性等,综合性能更优,但价格较高;混合粉末C喷涂沉积率较高,涂层的硬度、韧性和抗中性盐雾腐蚀等综合性能优良,具有较高的性价比。 相似文献
众所周知,热障涂层(TBC)主要包括粘接层和面层两部分。该文采用空气助燃超音速火焰喷涂(HVAF)和氧气助燃超音速火焰喷涂(HVOF)两种方法制备粘接层,大气等离子喷涂(APS)方法制备面层,来研究不同制备方法对TBC涂层微观结构和性能的影响。试验结果表明,HVAF和APS制备的TBC涂层,粘接层中氧化现象较少,热生长氧化物(TGO)生长相对致密均匀,以α-Al2O3为主,其它复合氧化物(NiO、CrNi、CoNi等)较少,表现出较好的高温性能。YSZ陶瓷面层隔热效果良好,是一种成本低廉的新型制备TBC涂层技术。 相似文献
采用空气助燃超音速火焰(HVAF)喷涂技术,分别以相同成分的气雾化合金粉体和低温球磨纳米晶合金粉体作为喂料,制备出高质量的耐磨耐蚀粗晶和纳米晶NiCrC合金涂层。利用SRV摩擦磨损试验机、表面形貌仪和扫描电镜等设备对两种涂层和45钢试样的滑动摩擦磨损行为进行了对比研究。结果表明:在载荷为10~30 N的无润滑剂常温滑动摩擦条件下,两种涂层具有较为接近的滑动摩擦系数,但纳米晶NiCrC涂层的抗磨损性能远优于常规粗晶涂层。三种测试材料都呈现出磨粒磨损和粘着磨损的特征,随着载荷的增加,磨损程度逐渐加剧,同时粘着磨损的特征更加突出。此外,两种涂层材料在磨损过程中都出现了颗粒部分或整体剥落的现象,加剧了涂层的磨损程度。 相似文献
Thermal stability of nanostructured NiCrC coating prepared by HVAF spraying of cryomilled powders 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Thermal stability of nanostructured NiCrC coating prepared by high velocity air-fuel (HVAF) spraying of cryomilled feedstock powders was investigated.Transmission electron microscopy (TEM),differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were utilized for characteristic analysis.Recrystallization and normal grain growth occur when isothermal treatment is performed at 923 K (0.55 TM) for up to 100 h,and the average grain size increases from initial 41 nm for as-deposited state to around 100 nm for nearly equilibrium state.Isochronal treatment at 823 K and 1023 K was also conducted for comparison.Accordingly,for 0.49 to 0.61 T/TM,the time exponent n deduced from D1/n - D1/0/n = kt increases from 0.15 to 0.30.The observed high thermal stability is attributed primarily to a Zener pinning mechanism arising from the fine Cr2O3 dispersions and the solute drag effect as well. 相似文献
目的 探讨纳米晶NiCrC涂层长时高温条件下的显微组织和硬度演变规律。方法 采用超音速火焰(HVAF)喷涂低温球磨纳米晶合金粉末(液氮介质)制备了纳米晶NiCrC涂层,在650 ℃空气环境中对涂层进行总时长200 h的等温热处理。采用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪、透射电子显微镜、维氏显微硬度计等方法,对涂层样品的显微组织、物相构成、晶粒尺寸和显微硬度进行了测试分析,同时对原料粉末也进行了相同条件下的对比分析。结果 NiCrC涂层显微组织的主要特征为:纳米晶金属相基体中弥散分布着细小的碳化物颗粒。在保温过程中,纳米晶涂层发生了再结晶和晶粒长大,并伴随有合金基体的脱溶及碳化物的析出、相变和后续生长等现象。该涂层显示出优良的高温热稳定性,在650 ℃保温50 h后,晶粒平均尺寸由初始态的41 nm增长至相对稳定值约100 nm。保温后涂层的硬度总体有所提升,由初始的697HV300(15 s)先升高至最大值801HV300(15 s),而后降至相对稳定值729HV300(15 s)左右。纳米晶粉末的组织和硬度变化特点与涂层相似。结论 在650 ℃保温过程中,纳米晶NiCrC涂层中的合金相脱溶和晶粒长大导致涂层金属相基体的软化,但细小碳化物颗粒的析出强化以及由相变(Cr7C3→Cr23C6)引起的体积分数增加,不但补偿了基体的软化,而且使涂层的整体硬度有所提高。 相似文献
秸秆等生物质焚烧发电时产生的含氯气体和碱金属氯化物腐蚀使受热面金属管道的服役寿命比煤电机组显著降低。 管材表面堆焊镍基耐腐蚀合金的技术尽管可显著提高管道服役寿命,但存在工作效率低、不适合现场施工、管道热变形等诸多问题。 采用可现场施工的空气超音速火焰喷涂(HVAF)在 TP347H 耐热钢表面,制备了 Inconel 镍基耐高温腐蚀涂层,研究了 TP347H 耐热钢喷涂 Inconel 625 合金涂层前后的长期高温腐蚀特性(550 ℃ ,500 h),验证了 HVAF Inconel 625 合金涂层的高温含氯腐蚀防护作用。 显微观察结果表明,优化工艺参数条件下 HVAF 涂层组织致密、 孔隙率低至 0. 72%,与基材结合良好。 腐蚀增重结果表明,采用 HVAF 制备 Inconel 625 合金涂层后,TP347H 耐热钢的腐蚀增重降低 7. 6 倍,耐腐蚀性能显著提升。 冲蚀试验结果表明,HVAF Inconel 625 合金涂层在最初阶段由于表层凸起颗粒的剥落而冲蚀性能极低,进入稳定阶段后耐冲蚀性能提高,与 TP347H 基材的耐冲蚀性能相当。 相似文献
目的 针对冷轧辊表面的循环应力、摩擦磨损的特殊服役环境,设计空气燃料超音速火焰喷涂(HVAF)制备Cr3C2-FeCrBSi复合涂层来提高工件表面的硬度和耐磨性。方法 利用HVAF技术在冷轧辊用合金钢板表面制备不同尺寸陶瓷颗粒混合的Cr3C2-FeCrBSi的复合涂层,并在600、700、800 ℃进行退火处理后得到退火态涂层。利用XRD、SEM、显微硬度计、电子拉伸试验机、盘式摩擦磨损试验机和接触疲劳试验机,考察了不同陶瓷含量和不同退火温度下涂层的相组成、组织结构、机械性能、摩擦磨损性能和接触疲劳失效形式。结果 喷涂态涂层的显微硬度、结合强度随着Cr3C2含量的增加先上升后下降。当陶瓷相质量分数为10%时,复合涂层最佳,显微硬度、结合强度分别为459.6HV0.3、42.8 MPa。选取Cr3C2(质量分数10%)-FeCrBSi涂层经过退火处理后,涂层的硬度、断裂韧性、抗磨损性能均有提升,其中摩擦因数由原先的0.89降低至0.80~0.75。此外在700 ℃下退火3 h得到的涂层,显微硬度可达490.3HV0.3,断裂韧性由2.81 MPa∙m1/2提升至3.15 MPa∙m1/2,磨损率为6.80×10‒14 m3/(N.m),与喷涂态涂层相比,磨损率降低了15%。喷涂态、退火态涂层的磨损机制均为磨粒磨损。接触疲劳试验结果表明,退火态复合涂层的接触疲劳失效形式主要有剥落和分层,同时剥落失效情况下涂层的接触疲劳寿命更长,可达2.07×105转。结论 Cr3C2-FeCrBSi复合涂层良好的抗磨损和耐接触疲劳性能主要取决于Cr3C2硬质耐磨颗粒的加入。而退火热处理可以促进涂层向平衡态的转变、同时析出的二次碳化物(Cr, Fe)7C3起到沉淀强化的作用,使得退火态涂层具有更好的抗摩擦磨损性能。 相似文献
W. Trompetter M. Hyland D. McGrouther P. Munroe A. Markwitz 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》2006,15(4):663-669
In this study, Ni-chrome alloy particles were thermally sprayed onto a variety of substrate materials using the high-velocity
air fuel (HVAF) technique. Although the various substrate materials were sprayed using identical powder material and thermal
spray conditions, the type and variation of splat morphologies were strongly dependent on the substrate material. Predominantly
solid splats are observed penetrating deeply into softer substrates, such as aluminum, whereas molten splats were observed
on harder substrates, which resisted particle penetration. The observed correlation between molten splats and substrate hardness
could be due a dependency of deposition efficiencies of solid and molten splats on the substrate material. However, it was
found that conversion of particle kinetic energy into plastic deformation and heat, dependent on substrate hardness, can make
a significant contribution towards explaining the observed behavior.
This article was originally published inBuilding on 100 Years of Success: Proceedings of the 2006 International Thermal Spray Conference (Seattle, WA), May 15–18, 2006, B.R. Marple, M.M. Hyland, Y.-Ch. Lau, R.S. Lima, and J. Voyer, Ed., ASM International, Materials
Park, OH, 2006. 相似文献