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In this paper, we propose a new approach for signal detection in wireless digital communications based on the neural network with transient chaos and time-varying gain (NNTCTG), and give a concrete model of the signal detector after appropriate transformations and mappings. It is well known that the problem of the maximum likelihood signal detection can be described as a complex optimization problem that has so many local optima that conventional Hopfield-type neural networks fail to solve. By refraining from the serious local optima problem of Hopfield-type neural networks, the NNTCTG makes use of the time-varying parameters of the recurrent neural network to control the evolving behavior of the network so that the network undergoes the transition from chaotic behavior to gradient convergence. It has richer and more flexible dynamics rather than conventional neural networks only with point attractors, so that it can be expected to have much ability to search for globally optimal or near-optimal solutions. After going through a transiently inverse-bifurcation process, the NNTCTG can approach the global optimum or the neighborhood of global optimum of our problem. Simulation experiments have been performed to show the effectiveness and validation of the proposed neural network based method for the signal detection in digital communications.  相似文献   
Energy taxation in Sweden is complicated and strongly guides and governs district energy production. Consequently, there is a need for methods for accurate calculation and analysis of effects that different energy tax schemes may have on district energy utilities. Here, a practicable method to analyse influence of such governmental policy measures is demonstrated. The Swedish Government has for some years now been working on a reform of energy taxation, and during this process, several interest groups have expressed their own proposals for improving and developing the system of energy taxation. Together with the present system of taxation, four new alternatives, including the proposed directive of the European Commission, are outlined in the paper. In a case study, an analysis is made of how the different tax alternatives may influence the choice of profitable investments and use of energy carriers in a medium‐sized district‐heating utility. The calculations are made with a linear‐programming model framework. By calculating suitable types and sizes of new investments, if any, and the operation of existing and potential plants, total energy costs are minimized. Results of the analysis include the most profitable investments, which fuel should be used, roughly when during a year plants should be in operation, and at what output. In most scenarios, the most profitable measure is to invest in a waste incineration plant. However, a crucial assumption is, with reference to the new Swedish waste disposal act, a significant income from incinerating refuse. Without this income, different tax schemes result in different technical solutions being most profitable. An investment in cogeneration seems possible in only one scenario. It is also found that particular features of some alternatives seem to oppose both main governmental policy goals, and intentions of the district heating company. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Shear Bombs in Fibre Composites Despite an optimum external shape non‐load adapted internal fibre orientation can lead to the formation of shear cracks where crossing tension‐compression principal stress trajectories create localized shear peaks. Trees are subject to those failure because they cannot re‐arrange their fibres after wood formation. Bones can adjust their micro‐structure to changing load conditions and in this way can better control shear failure. The engineer working with fibre composites should be alert to avoid fibre arrangements not following the force flow. Localized shear zones may also form near notches similar to normal notch stresses, however they are not always situated at the contour line of the notch.  相似文献   
Combined shape and sizing optimization of truss structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 In this paper, an evolutionary optimization method is presented for weight minimum problem of a 3-dimensional truss structure in terms of nodal coordinates and element cross-sectional areas. The structure is subject to stress, local buckling and displacement constraints. Two types of design variables with different natures are optimized separately: (1) a fully stressed design (FSD) and scaling techniques are applied to sizing variables and (2) the evolutionary node shift method is applied to shape variables. Alternating procedure is utilized to couple the two types of variables and to combine the results. The optimum solution is achieved gradually from the initial configuration design. Two typical truss structures are examined to illustrate the validity of the method. Received: 22 October 2001 / Accepted: 04 June 2002 This research work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the guarantees no. 10072050 and 10172072, respectively.  相似文献   
A mixed integer linear programming model combined with a more traditional design by scenarios is proposed to optimize facilities size and operation mode of a municipal energy system involving significant civil centres and a hospital. Moving from the need of a new heat and power station for the local hospital due to the construction of new pavilions, the opportunity of involving other centres in the neighbourhood in a distributed cogeneration system is analysed, increasing system complexity step by step. Smaller cogeneration units tailored to hospital needs are rewarding ventures with relatively low risks but, in a country whose traditional power generation systems heavily rely on fossil fuels and where energy policy and market conditions can make it profitable to sell surplus power, district heating systems foster the installation of larger cogenerators and lead thereby to higher profits and to better performance as for primary energy savings and greenhouse gases emission reduction. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
压水堆堆芯换料设计优化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论压水堆堆芯换料设计优化问题,并研制一套实用的换料优化软件包,可用于低泄漏、外-内和改进的外-内装料方案的优化。在低泄漏方案优化时,利用哈林原理将燃料组件布置与可燃毒物配置的优化问题脱耦成两步优化问题。先用线性规划方法进行无可燃毒物时燃料组件布置的优化,然后再用可变容差法寻找可燃毒物的优化布置。应用该软件对秦山核电厂首次难芯换料方案进行了优化,提出了可供参考的一些优化布置方案。  相似文献   
Many organizations, best illustrated by libraries, have access to hundreds of databases possessing varying degrees of complimentary and overlapping records. While users may receive positive marginal benefits from data duplications, all databases and their services cannot be supported because of resource limitations. This paper attempts to conceptualize the problem of database collection in an environment of multiple databases, with differential content and performance characteristics, diverse users, and limited resources. It defines the database collection problem as a constrained zero-one integer programming problem and solves for the optimal combination or union of databases. Several extensions are shown, where special conditions are imposed on the relationships between databases and/or their availability.  相似文献   
A new practical method is proposed which gives a quasi-optimal solution of the dynamic load-dispatching problem formulated by a multiconstraint multiobjective optimization problem. Here, the multiple constraints are rate reserve constraints and power flow ones, and the multiple objectives are fuel cost and CO2 emission. The proposed method is an integration of the following three techniques: (1) “Group Dispatch Scheme,” which is developed by the authors, is used to satisfy a violated constraint easily. This scheme consists of three steps. The first step is to classify all generators into two groups. One is the group which should be more loaded to satisfy the violated constraint, and the other is the should-be less loaded group. The second step is to add some load to the former group, and to subtract the same load from the latter. The third step is to dispatch each group load to each groups generators, respectively; (2) the dynamic load-dispatching algorithm is used which provides, in practical time, quasi-optimal generation trajectories; (3) the conventional weighting parametric method is used to obtain a Pareto optimal solution of multiobjective problems. The effectiveness of the method is clarified by a computer simulation on the actual power system of Kansai Electric Power Company.  相似文献   
Distortion as a result of the quenching process is predominantly due to the thermal gradient and phase transformations within the component. Compared with traditional liquid quenching, the thermal boundary conditions during gas quenching are relatively simple to control. By adjusting the gas-quenching furnace pressure, the flow speed, or the spray nozzle configuration, the heat-transfer coefficients can be designed in terms of both the component geometry and the quenching time. The purpose of this research is to apply the optimization methodology to design the gas-quenching process. The design objective is to minimize the distortion caused by quenching. Constraints on the average surface hardness, and its distribution and residual stress are imposed. The heat-transfer coefficients are used as design variables. DEFORM-HT is used to predict material response during quenching. The response surface method is used to obtain the analytical models of the objective function and constraints in terms of the design variables. Once the response surfaces of the objective and constraints are obtained, they are used to search for the optimum heat-transfer coefficients. This process is then used instead of the finite-element analysis. A one-gear blank case study is used to demonstrate the optimization scheme.  相似文献   
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