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周光斌 《世界电信》1997,10(2):34-35,41
90年代初,随着通信向全球化方向发展,发达国家各电信企业纷纷采用联盟的方式,相互联合,发挥各自优势,大举进军全球电信市场。面对这种联盟潮流,想要搭上全球通信的列车,发展中国家应该采取什么措施?坚持什么原则?本文作者对此进行了较深入的分析和研究,并对中国电信的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
目前制糖工艺流程基本是手动控制或半自动化控制,极少数企业采用DCS系统进行集中控制,特别是应用于“一线液化两线糖化”的制糖生产工艺流程中。从实际的生产应用中介绍“两次液化-两次加酶”法生产淀粉糖生产工艺、自动化控制系统的原理、JX-300 DCS系统简述、DCS系统构成和系统组态、系统调试,重点捕述“一线液化两线糖化系统”在DCS上的具体实现。通过近五年的运行,该系统控制方案是可行的,工艺运行稳定可靠,完全满足工艺的要求。  相似文献   
随着社会信息化的发展,信息素养日益成为信息社会公民素养不可或缺的组成部分,对课堂管理提出了更高的要求。信息技术课程具有独特的学科特点以及特有的教学环境,给课堂的管理带来了困难和不便。从建立课堂常规、固定上机位置、设置门禁门槛等方面,探索了信息技术课堂有效管理的方法。  相似文献   
随着时代的发展,信息化进程的加快,计算机在人们的日常生活中起到越来越重要的作用,因此,计算机教学也随之引起了人们的关注。计算机教学呼唤改变传统的教学模式,倡导灵活多元的教学模式。本文根据教学实践,从教学模式与实训方法应用做出分析与探讨。  相似文献   
自微软公司推出SQL Server关系数据库管理系统以来,其在越来越多的电子商务网站和企业信息平台中得以广泛使用。然而与之相关的信息安全问题也日益凸现和受到用户的密切关注。因此,为了保护SQL Server数据库避免来自各种途径的安全威胁,保障信息的安全,本文对其安全机制、安全策略和保障其安全的管理策略进行了探讨,提出了相应的解决措施和办法,以供参考。  相似文献   
回顾重钢七厂连铸板坯星状裂纹导致轧制钢板表面产生龟裂缺陷、以及对钢坯产生星裂的机理的认识过程,借助国外在这方面的研究成果进行对比分析,认为控制板坯星裂的最重要技术措施是采用"结晶器软冷却”工艺、以及控制钢的铁素体势和铜当量。  相似文献   
Iron (Fe) and phosphorus (P) are two essential elements for plant growth. Both elements are abundant in soils but with poor availability for plants, which favor their acquisition by developing morphological and physiological responses in their roots. Although the regulation of the genes related to these responses is not totally known, ethylene (ET) and nitric oxide (NO) have been involved in the activation of both Fe-related and P-related genes. The common involvement of ET and NO suggests that they must act in conjunction with other specific signals, more closely related to each deficiency. Among the specific signals involved in the regulation of Fe- or P-related genes have been proposed Fe-peptides (or Fe ion itself) and microRNAs, like miR399 (P), moving through the phloem. These Fe- or P-related phloem signals could interact with ET/NO and confer specificity to the responses to each deficiency, avoiding the induction of the specific responses when ET/NO increase due to other nutrient deficiencies or stresses. Besides the specificity conferred by these signals, ET itself could confer specificity to the responses to Fe- or P-deficiency by acting through different signaling pathways in each case. Given the above considerations, there are preliminary results suggesting that ET could regulate different nutrient responses by acting both in conjunction with other signals and through different signaling pathways. Because of the close relationship among these two elements, a better knowledge of the physiological and molecular basis of their interaction is necessary to improve their nutrition and to avoid the problems associated with their misuse. As examples of this interaction, it is known that Fe chlorosis can be induced, under certain circumstances, by a P over- fertilization. On the other hand, Fe oxides can have a role in the immobilization of P in soils. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the dynamic of known Fe- and P-related genes expression, selected ad hoc and involved in each of these deficiencies, would allow us to get a profound knowledge of the processes that regulate the responses to both deficiencies. The better knowledge of the regulation by ET of the responses to these deficiencies is necessary to properly understand the interactions between Fe and P. This will allow the obtention of more efficient varieties in the absorption of P and Fe, and the use of more rational management techniques for P and Fe fertilization. This will contribute to minimize the environmental impacts caused by the use of P and Fe fertilizers (Fe chelates) in agriculture and to adjust the costs for farmers, due to the high prices and/or scarcity of Fe and P fertilizers. This review aims to summarize the latest advances in the knowledge about Fe and P deficiency responses, analyzing the similarities and differences among them and considering the interactions among their main regulators, including some hormones (ethylene) and signaling substances (NO and GSNO) as well as other P- and Fe-related signals.  相似文献   
在需求工程中,基于主体的i*建模框架(主要包括策略依赖模型及策略推理模型)已经成为最常用的早期需求建模与分析的工具之一,而且关于i*建模框架的编辑工具开发也有很多相关的研究工作。然而现有的这些工具往往只提供诸如模型图编辑、存储等基本功能,而笔者需要在需求工程小组的项目中为对需求文本进行建模的结果进行模型可视化,同时提供编辑存储及自动布局功能,并开发出新的基于i*建模框架的工具。文中首先对主流的i*建模工具进行了调研,研究了建模工具的基本功能,同时分析了其功能的不足点,在此基础上提出了新工具设计的功能补充点;然后对i*框架的布局问题进行介绍并详细描述了其自动布局算法的实现,给出了可视化工具的详细设计;最后在此工具的基础上,进行了实际需求文本的建模及模型编辑功能的实验,并将此工具与主流工具的功能进行对比,以展示本工具的功能特点。  相似文献   
金州龙舞是国家级非物质文化遗产,是一种很具特色的民间艺术形式。文章追溯了金州龙舞的历史渊源,阐述了它的制作工艺,分析了它的品牌价值,提出了金州龙舞晶牌的保护与发展策略。  相似文献   
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