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论文将Fermat素性检验的思想运用于不可约多项式的判断,给出了一个对于不可约判断问题的Monte Carlo 算法,分析了该算法的计算复杂度问题,并且给出了次数在200以内的检验结果。  相似文献   
应用试井方法,提出一套比较切合实际的小块气藏动态特征综合评价方法,推导出水驱气藏水侵量的计算公式,编制了天然气高压物性参数计算和气藏稳产年限预测等程序软件。  相似文献   
在实验室条件下对用丙烯腈-苯乙烯共聚物在硫酸存在下的水解磺化产物(HSAS)处理的泥浆性能进行了评定。HSAS处理的泥浆有较小的滤失性,较好的耐盐和抗高温性。  相似文献   
赵邑新  尹霞  吴建平 《高技术通讯》2002,12(2):10-15,20
在分析路由协议的特性及其测试需求的基础上,提出利用窗口黑盒来描述被测协议,利用多通道测试方法扩展对被测实现的控制和观察,通过扩充参考实现增强系统的测试能力。将这些理论,技术应用于系统中,对路由协议开展了有效的测试活动,为国产高性能路由器的开发提供了有力的支持,也进一步增强了PITS系统的功能和适用性。  相似文献   
根据化学事故危害的主要影响因素对化学事故进行危害评估,考查了危害纵深、人员杀伤率、危害地域估算、爆炸燃烧事故危害等内容。  相似文献   
We present the results from a user study looking at the ability of observers to mentally integrate wind direction and magnitude over a vector field. The data set chosen for the study is an MM5 (PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model) simulation of Hurricane Lili over the Gulf of Mexico as it approaches the southeastern United States. Nine observers participated in the study. This study investigates the effect of layering on the observer's ability to determine the magnitude and direction of a vector field. We found a tendency for observers to underestimate the magnitude of the vectors and a counter‐clockwise bias when determining the average direction of a vector field. We completed an additional study with two observers to try to uncover the source of the counter‐clockwise bias. These results have direct implications to atmospheric scientists, but may also be able to be applied to other fields that use 2D vector fields.  相似文献   
Education-driven research in CAD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jarek   《Computer aided design》2004,36(14):1461-1469
We argue for a new research category, named education-driven research (EDR), which fills the gap between traditional field-specific research that is not concerned with educational objectives and research in education that focuses on fundamental teaching and learning principles and possibly on their customization to broad areas (such as mathematics or physics), but not to specific disciplines (such as CAD). The objective of EDR is to simplify the formulation of the underlying theoretical foundations and of specific tools and solutions in a specialized domain, so as to make them easy to understand and internalize. As such, EDR is a difficult and genuine research activity, which requires a deep understanding of the specific field and can rarely be carried out by generalists with primary expertise in broad education principles. We illustrate the concept of EDR with three examples in CAD: (1) the Split and Tweak subdivisions of a polygon and its use for generating curves, surfaces, and animations; (2) the construction of a topological partition of a plane induced by an arbitrary arrangement of edges; and (3) a romantic definition of the minimal and Hausdorff distances. These examples demonstrate the value of using analogies, of introducing evocative terminology, and of synthesizing the simplest fundamental building blocks. The intuitive understanding provided by EDR enables the students (and even the instructor) to better appreciate the limitations of a particular solution and to explore alternatives. In particular, in these examples, EDR has allowed the author to: (1) reduce the cost of evaluating a cubic B-spline curve; (2) develop a new subdivision curve that is better approximated by its control polygon than either a cubic B-spline or an interpolating 4-point subdivision curve; (3) discover how a circuit inclusion tree may be used for identifying the faces in an arrangement; and (4) rectify a common misconception about the computation of the Hausdorff error between triangle meshes. We invite the scientific community to encourage the development of EDR by publishing its results as genuine research contributions in peer-reviewed professional journals.  相似文献   
详细介绍了 宏蜂窝传播模 型校正的基本操作流程 结果分析及注意事项 对工程 ,人员了解和开展模型校正工作有一定的指导作用 。  相似文献   
盖层封闭能力的灰聚类评价方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
提出灰聚类评价方法,用于盖层封闭能力定量评价。所有被评价对象构成聚类对象集,所有评价指标构成评价指标集,所划分的盖层封闭能力等级构成聚类的灰类集,按照最大聚类权确定对象所属的灰类,即盖层的封闭能力级别。评价流程是:确定指标灰类模式→数据预处理→利用聚类公式计算→利用最大聚类权准则抉择。这种方法避免了加法评分法要依靠人的主观经验划定总评分值的问题,而且由于把评价对象视为“灰”的,具有处理边缘信息的能力。以琼东南盆地3个主要探区的盖层封闭性评价为例,介绍了灰聚类评价的具体应用方法。灰聚类评价方法同样可用于储集层评价、圈闭评价等地质问题的定量研究。表2参3(王孝陵摘  相似文献   
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