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A set of poly[N‐oligo(ethylene oxide)yl 4‐vinylpyridinium tosylate] (P4VOEOOTs) has been prepared by spontaneous polymerization of 4‐vinylpyridine. This method gives a grafted polyelectrolyte having a positive charge on every backbone pyridinic moiety. The P4VP15Ts, P4VP164Ts, P4VP350Ts and P4VP750Ts aqueous solution conductivities were determined in the concentration range from 6 × 10?4 to 10?2 M at 25 °C. The variation of the conductivity versus concentration of the investigated system exhibits typical polyelectrolyte behaviour. The polyelectrolyte mobility was found to be dependent on the oligo(ethylene oxide) (OEO) side‐chain length. Manning's rod‐like model fails to describe these results. A simple steric effect is proposed to explain the influence of the OEO length. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The microbial transformation of l‐menthol ( 1 ) was investigated by using 12 isolates of soil‐borne plant pathogenic fungi, Rhizoctonia solani (AG‐1‐IA Rs24, Joichi‐2, RRG97‐1; AG‐1‐IB TR22, R147, 110.4; AG‐1‐IC F‐1, F‐4, P‐1; AG‐1‐ID RCP‐1, RCP‐3, and RCP‐7) as a biocatalyst. Rhizoctonia solani F‐1, F‐4 and P‐1 showed 89.7–99.9% yields of converted product from 1 , RCP‐1, RCP‐3, and RCP‐7 26.0–26.9% and the other isolates 0.1–12.0%. In the cases of F‐1, F‐4 and P‐1, substrate 1 was converted to (?)‐(1S,3R,4S,6S)‐6‐hydroxymenthol ( 2 ), (?)‐(1S,3R,4S)‐1‐hydroxymenthol ( 3 ) and (+)‐(1S,3R,4R,6S)‐6,8‐dihydroxymenthol ( 4 ), which was a new compound. Substrate 1 was converted to 2 and/or 3 by RRG97‐1, 110.4, RCP‐1, RCP‐3 and RCP‐7. The structures of the metabolic products were elucidated on the basis of their spectral data. In addition, metabolic pathways of the biotransformation of 1 by Rhizoctonia solani are discussed. Finally, from the main component analysis and the differences in the yields of converted product from 1 , the 12 isolates of Rhizoctonia solani were divided into three groups based on an analysis of the metabolites. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
While Fickian diffusion models are commonly used in other applications, there are few reports of them being applied to the batch drying of a mineral concentrate. Diffusion coefficients estimated from small-scale oven-drying tests were used to predict the drying behavior of a concentrate sample 1 m × 1 m in area and 50 cm deep, with a heated bottom pad. These pilot-scale tests included both daily turning of the sample and turning every three days. The excellent quantitative agreement between the predicted and observed pilot-scale behavior gives a high level of confidence in the model predictions and suggests that a Fickian diffusion model is adequate to predict the behavior of mineral concentrates at the low moisture contents used here.  相似文献   
本文运用一典型的人工神经网络模型─“反向传播”模型,对高氧化态(Ⅱ─Ⅳ)三核金属簇合物的构型分布进行了分析,得到了较好的分类、预报结果为化合物结构分析提供了新的工具。  相似文献   
本文首先给出了一种新的2.5D 实体表示法,然后在此基础上提出了“原型”的概念。原型法的思想运用在结构库的管理中主要体现在它将模具结构与构成这种结构的零件之间的强联系变成弱联系,结构库面向的对象是一个具有整体性和可运算性的结构原型。这样的原型结构库基本上达到了通用性与开放性的要求。  相似文献   
Repeated batch operation using two fermentors (RBTF) to penicillin fermentation was demonstrated by computer simulation to improve productivity. Three operation modes were compared: chemostat, repeated batch operation using a single fermentor (RBSF) and RBTF; in each case account was made of the lag period before growth. The simulated fermentor performances were assessed on the basis of the penicillin productivity and concentration; the simulation was based on published batch fermentation data. It was shown that RBTF was superior to RBSF and chemostat. The advantage of RBTF increased as the lag period became greater.  相似文献   
A feasibility analysis methodology adopted from reactive distillation is applied to membrane reactors. A model is formulated to depict the reactive liquid phase composition on the retentate side of a continuous type membrane reactor. The effects of both the chemical reaction kinetics and the membrane mass transfer kinetics on the feasible products are elucidated by means of retentate phase diagrams and bifurcation analysis. The proposed method can be applied to various membrane processes, independent of the specific structure of the membrane. Two quaternary reaction systems are considered to illustrate the methodology. In the first hypothetical system, it is shown how selective membranes can influence the sequence of effective volatilities which in turn affects the feasible products of the system. In the second example of practical importance, i.e. the heterogeneously catalysed synthesis of propyl acetate coupled with permeation through a porous polycarbonate membrane, the dusty gas model is applied to describe the component fluxes through the membrane. For the latter reaction system, the existence of reactive arheotrope is demonstrated. Arheotropes represent mass transfer controlled feasible products of membrane separation process.  相似文献   
Bestehen ausreichende Anhaltspunkte für die Hochwassergef?hrdung, ist die Gemeinde verpflichtet, sich durch Nachforschungen Gewissheit über das Vorliegen oder Nichtvorliegen eines Hochwasserabflussgebietes gem § 38 Abs 3 WRG zu verschaffen. Liegt ein solches vor, hat sie gem § 12 Abs 1 Z 2 krnt GplG dieses im Fl?chenwidmungsplan ersichtlich zu machen. Erteilt die Gemeinde eine Baubewilligung ohne diese von der Erteilung einer wasserrechtlichen Bewilligung abh?ngig zu machen, haftet sie für die Kosten der Bauführung, die bei gesetzes-konformer Vorgangsweise unterlassen worden w?re.  相似文献   
The term ‘object-oriented database’ has been used to refer to different characteristics and mechanisms supported by semantic databases and (behaviorally) object-oriented ones. While this indicates the current confusion due to the lack of a common model, it also suggests the potential desirability of combining these two kinds of modeling facilities into the same nutshell. This paper summarizes from these two paradigms the features common to both, the features influenced/adopted by each other, and the features which are presented in one paradigm but missing from the other. After a brief analysis and discussion of these features, we conclude this paper by proposing our major theme: a complete object data model should take the union of the facilities offered by these two kinds of models.  相似文献   
The calculations of the first paper suggesting phase separation in the Hubbard model [2] are performed under modern computer facilties for the one and three-band Hubbard model. High-temperature approximations for specific heat and static correlation functions are obtained. The latter show, at these high temperatures, no tendency to phase separate in the same way as in the cited paper because our spin parallel nearest-neighbor charge correlation function is negative for all doping values. The spin antiparallel correlation function has positive and negative values for different doping regimes.Extension of this work to higher levels of iterations and to other correlation functions is in progress.  相似文献   
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