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The requirements on an object-oriented DBMS for management of information in a large, complex enterprise are presented. These requirements aid in the achievement of an environment characterized by data sharing, open architectures, application and data portability, and assurance of data integrity. They were defined from the point of view of a user of the DBMS; therefore they describe the expected functionality of the DBMS and do not specify the method of implementation to achieve this functionality. They encompass requirements on the data model, query and data manipulation languages, the system architecure, interfaces to the system, change management, and transaction management.  相似文献   
A serious problem in motion control is the occurrence of torque ripple. Since a direct drive (DD) motor with a magnet rotor uses a rare-earth magnet, the torque ripple is more serious than that of conventional servomotors. This paper presents an auto-compensation of torque ripple using a software-implemented torque observer. The frequency and amplitude of torque ripple can be obtained in the controller by using the estimated torque from an observer, and the autonomous generation of a compensating current component for a torque ripple is possible. The proposed algorithm has been verified by experiments.  相似文献   
Abstract This paper outlines the work of the Conceptual Change in Science project, funded as part of the ESRC InTER programme. The aims of this research project are to clarify and describe the process of change in learners' conceptual understandings of natural phenomena. The domain of reasoning selected for study is that of mechanics. Computer software which may be useful in exploring and developing pupils' reasoning and promoting conceptual change in this domain is being developed and evaluated. The group that is carrying out the research is based at the Universities of Leeds, Glasgow and the Open University.  相似文献   
Distinctive features of architectural-structural organization and use of memory networks are considered with the aim of choosing an optimal configuration in designing distributed computer systems.  相似文献   
直接斜率波前复原算法的控制效果分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立自适应光学系统功率谱抑制函数的概念,分析了采用直接斜率波前复原算法的自适应当光学系统的控制效果,理论分析与61单元自适应光学系统上的实验结果表明,直接斜率波前复原算法将导致控制效果下降。  相似文献   
马品仲 《半导体光电》1995,16(3):252-255
简述了人造参考星系统,并用该系统作为大型望远镜主动光学和自适应光学的Shack-Hartman波面探测系统的光源。  相似文献   
智少游 《通信技术》1995,(4):1-8,19
阐述了信息制胜战中数字战场的三种体系结构(作战体系结构、系统体制结构与技术体系结构)及信息系统技术体系近几年的发展;介绍了信息化战场提出的几种技术体系结构,进而分析指出了数字化战场发展过程中所需要开发的各种信息业务和应当注意加强研究的技术方面。  相似文献   
利用Visual C++和Direct3D对某雷达显示器的实现过程作了详细论述,包括数据采集、PPI型显示器、A型显示器、B型显示器、余晖显示、航迹显示等。通过试验证明,采用Direct3D绘图方式比采用GDI绘图方式效果好,更适用于数据处理量大、天线扫描速度快的雷达显示器。  相似文献   
Advanced online product presentation technologies such as virtual mirrors enable consumers to experience products like they are actually present with them in the real world. This study is one of the first to address the mechanism underlying this phenomenon. Inspired by literature on media technology the concept of local presence is put forward and applied to the online consumer behavior domain. A key objective of this paper is to examine whether local presence adds to our understanding of how emerging product presentation formats influence online product experiences. To this end, a laboratory experiment (N = 366) was conducted with product presentation format as a three level (pictures, 360-spin rotation, and virtual mirror) independent variable, allowing for a comparison of the effectiveness of different presentation formats in creating perceptions of local presence. As a second objective, the influence of local presence on perceptions of product tangibility and product likability, two key facets of the online product experience, were assessed. The results, obtained with the use of analysis of variance and partial least squares modeling, show the superiority of the virtual mirror in creating local presence, and demonstrate that local presence is highly predictive of product tangibility and product likability. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   
自工业革命以来形成的社会生活方式,在信息数字技术的影响下发生着悄无声息的变化.从原子到比特,数字化生存是必然的趋势.网络媒介的出现使得人们在交流和机会等方面获得平等的权利.随之产生的人们的生活方式、行为的改变已经为艺术领域带来了新的变化.通过对艺术创作的考察,为建筑领域的相关问题提供了参照、借鉴.在建筑创作中,"图"与"底"的关系正在模糊化,信息交流方式更多样化并具有一定的阶段性,动态的模数将导致更具个性化的设计,空间界面更为柔化,设计成果的生成也具有了更多的不可预见性.  相似文献   
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