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回顾了体制、制度的改革和科学技术的发展给十局带来的巨大变化,就十局当前改革任务从理顺产权关系、进一步完善内部治理结构、继续深化三项制度改革、实施科教兴局战略等四个方面提出了看法和意见。  相似文献   
Reports an error in "Does reward increase or decrease creativity" by Robert Eisenberger and Michael Selbst (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1994[Jun], Vol 66[6], 1116-1127). In the aforementioned article, Figures 1 and 2 were interchanged. The figures appear with their correct captions in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1994-40652-001.) Two studies involving 504 school children investigated why behaviorists and cognitively oriented investigators have come to opposite conclusions about reward's effects on creativity. A monetary reward for a high degree of divergent thought in 1 task (word construction) increased children's subsequent originality in a different task (picture drawing). The same reward, made contingent on a low degree of divergent thought, reduced this generalized originality. These effects were eliminated by using a large reward and were restored by keeping the large reward out of the children's sight. The results suggest that reward training increases generalized creativity when (1) a high degree of divergent thought is required and (2) the reward is presented in not too salient a fashion. The findings are consistent with a 2-factor interpretation of rewarded creativity effects that incorporates learned industriousness and selective attention. [A correction concerning this article appears in Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1994(Jul), Vol 67(1), 125. Figures 1 and 2 were interchanged.] (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
岳飞《满江红》词在中国诗歌史上享誉千古,其豪迈壮烈的艺术张力和悲壮的魅力,震撼并感染了无数国人,铸就了一代代中华儿女的爱国情怀。作为爱国诗篇,其爱国情结与忠君理念相伴共生,今天我们对之作当代审视和解读,应突破狭隘的爱国范畴,将其升华为中华复兴的精神动力。  相似文献   
从分析脱硅的条件出发,引导出新的工艺操作方法、工艺参数和加料方法。用一年的生产实践说明该新工艺操作方法的技术经济效益。  相似文献   
张寿荣 《金属学报》1997,33(1):22-28
本文简要回顾建国以来我国炼铁技术路线的演变过程,并展望21世纪的前景。  相似文献   
This paper builds on a prior paper by this author, McGrane (1991). In that paper, ozone is used as the sole means of cooling tower water treatment. The paper discusses water conservation by increased cycles of concentration, greatly increased efficiency through extremely low biological populations, and corrosion data which is compared to ozonated and chemically treated towers.

New in this paper are the results from the combination of a low pressure reverse osmosis system with ozone treatment for cooling tower water. Scale formation has continued to plague cooling towers with high concentrations of calcium in the make-up water. The use of a mineral removal system in cases of extremely hard water has made ozone an attractive alternative to traditional chemicals in many areas.  相似文献   

随着中国融入世界的步伐加快,加入WTO中要求中国放开金融市场的开放程度,利率管制的放松也将逐步的实行,利率风险日益成为中国商业银行面临的重要风险之一。本文从理论和实践角度对中国商业银行的利率风险进行了分析和研究,剖析中国商业银行存在的诸多障碍,指出了商业银行风险管理中存在的问题,并提出中国商业银行利率风险管理建议。  相似文献   
The kinetics of intergranular oxidation of silicon in a 20Cr-25Ni Nb-stabilized stainless steel are reported, at temperatures in the range 1140–1230 K, in CO2 at 40 bar pressure. The depth of attack increased parabolically with respect to time, with an activation energy of 335±30 kJ/mol. The mechanism of growth is discussed in terms of classical internal-oxidation theories, and an alternative explanation based on an available-space theory is developed. The internal oxidation rates in a number of different alloys are compared with diffusivities of metals in the base alloy. It is proposed that intergranular oxidation in the 20–25 Nb steel is controlled by the rate of outward diffusion of iron or chromium in the alloy.  相似文献   
中国的稀有金属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周廉  殷为宏 《金属学报》1997,33(2):222-224
本文简要介绍了中国稀有金属在研究、生产方面的发展概况。  相似文献   
通过各种试验手段,研究了20Mn2SiVB钢不同奥氏体化温度及不同冷却方式处理后其显微组织及其强度和塑性的变化,确定了最佳的热处理工艺。结果表明:900℃奥氏体化后风冷时钢的强塑性最好;在强塑性最佳时的微观组织是铁素体+粒状贝氏体。  相似文献   
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