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In view of the problems in the construction of characteristic professional groups in higher vocational colleges, the professional group of "intelligent manufacturing" is taken as the research object, and the "platform + module" suitable for the development of the industry will be constructed according to the content of the vocational ability planning courses of the post group. The curriculum system establishes the framework of professional groups, and explores and forms a strategic study to optimize and integrate professional group resources.  相似文献   
Orthorhombic-structured CaIn2O4 ceramics with a space group Pca21 were synthesized via a solid-state reaction method. A high relative density (95.6 %) and excellent microwave dielectric properties (εr ~11.28, Qf = 74,200 GHz, τf ~ ?4.6 ppm/°C) were obtained when the ceramics were sintered at 1375 °C for 6 h. The dielectric properties were investigated on the basis of the Phillips–Van Vechten–Levine chemical bond theory. Results indicated that the dielectric properties were mainly determined by the InO bonds in the CaIn2O4 ceramics. These bonds contributed more (74.65 %) to the dielectric constant than the CaO bonds (25.35 %). Furthermore, the intrinsic dielectric properties of the CaIn2O4 ceramics were investigated via infrared reflectivity spectroscopy. The extrapolated microwave dielectric properties were εr ~10.12 and Qf = 112,200 GHz. Results indicated that ion polarization is the main contributor to the dielectric constant in microwave frequency ranges.  相似文献   
实验台温度控制系统工作正常与否是决定煤自然发火实验成功与否的关键因素。在构建数据采集处理系统的基础上 ,建立灰色预测GM(1,1)模型预报温度传感器的未来工作状态 ,通过预测数据与实际数据比较根据门限值判定其工作状态 ,建立故障诊断软件进行诊断  相似文献   
王海峰 《中国矿业》1996,5(6):58-61
本文通过地浸采铀专家系统的研制,讨论了Dempster/Shafer证据理论方法的理论基础及特点,并结合铀矿床地浸采铀评价结果的生成,介绍了此方法的使用步聚。  相似文献   
本文总结了声发射现场监测预报的试验结果,提出了采场稳定性预测的综合方法,应用灰色理论预测和神经网络方法较好地解决了采场冒顶预报问题。  相似文献   
谈建筑企业的安全培训工作   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
穆秋生 《山西建筑》2004,30(12):107-108
结合建筑业的安全现状及安全生产存在的原因 ,阐述了安全教育培训的特点、原则与对象 ,指出应加强对企业员工的安全培训 ,以增强员工安全意识 ,提高企业安全管理水平 ,减少施工安全事故 ,使企业的发展真正走向良性循环。  相似文献   
黄捷  王瑜 《新建筑》1997,(4):32-35
从文化心理行为模式的角度对黎族民居空间及造型形成过程进行了探讨。认为人类在塑造自己生存立足的场所时一直伴随着对意义的追求,人赋予建筑的表征意义在很大程度上决定了建筑空间及造型的可识别性特性,构成了场所感,成为特定地域、特定场所的一种文化“原型”识别性标志。  相似文献   
章明  张姿 《时代建筑》2004,(2):120-123
文章从视距、角度、架构、片断及层面等方面对仙乐斯广场进行了建筑体验和观察开拓了建筑观察的新视野。  相似文献   
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