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Shajay Bhooshan heads up the computation and design ZHACODE group at Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) and is a course master at the Architectural Association Design Research Laboratory (AADRL). Here he argues that Parametricism 2.0 has a vital role to play in the progressing of computational design. Assimilating the exploratory developments of the last 15 years, he asserts how the next phase of Parametricism will enable a further consolidation and evolution of digital practices.  相似文献   
李迅  支文军 《建筑师》2019,(3):94-99
自20世纪中叶开始,建筑学的探索拓展到了城市,建筑师通过对城市的研究,迂回地找寻建筑学的突破。如今,面对越发复杂的、超出传统建筑学范畴的当代城市问题,建筑师们逐渐放弃了以一己之力撼动学科的态度,转向更为具体的城市空间及其问题的研究,并试图从中获得对具体现象的解决策略。本文选取当代具有代表性的城市记录读本《东京制造》和《一点儿北京》为主要研究对象,结合其所在的城市背景,对两个读本的研究方法、研究视角、文本内容进行分析和总结;并探索了从记录到创作之间的关系,以及记录成果对建筑学的批判和启发。  相似文献   
土家织锦是身处巴楚文化长期融合与发酵区域的土家人对大自然和生活的一种艺术理解,反映了土家人生产生活的一种精神特质,更是体现了土家织锦对巴楚文化的精神继承。本文从西兰卡普的巴楚文化历史溯源出发,立足于史料记载和巴楚文化特征,通过西兰卡普中体现出的热烈奔放的浪漫风格、朴拙的审美情趣、兼容并蓄、果敢创新等文化精神内涵来分析与巴楚文化精神之间存在的共通性。  相似文献   
龙瑜  陈越  常青 《微处理机》2007,28(1):99-100,103
为了提高智能产品的开发速度,降低开发成本,提出了一种高速数字信号处理系统的设计思路。该系统采用分层结构,第一、二层在硬件上具有完全的通用性,第三层利用可编程器件用软件实现产品特定功能,也具有一定的通用性。利用该系统进行研发工作将快捷而便利。  相似文献   
A successful product family design method should achieve an optimal tradeoff among a set of conflicting objectives, which involves maximizing commonality across the family of products with the prerequisite of satisfying customers’ performance requirements. Optimization based methods are experiencing new found use in product family design to resolve the inherent tradeoff between commonality and distinctiveness that exists within a product family. This paper presents and develops a 2-level chromosome structured genetic algorithm (2LCGA) to simultaneously determine the optimal settings for the product platform and corresponding family of products, by automatically varying the amount of platform commonality within the product family during a single optimization process. The single-stage approach can yield improvements in the overall performance of the product family compared with two-stage approaches, in which the first stage involves determining the best settings for the platform variables and values of unique variables are found for each product in the second stage. The augmented scope of 2LCGA allows multiple platforms to be considered during product family optimization, offering opportunities for superior overall design by more efficacious tradeoffs between commonality and performance. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through the design of a family of universal electric motors and comparison against previous work.  相似文献   
Void Metabolism     
Since the Second World War, the urban fabric of Tokyo has been shaped by individual landownership and the proliferation of the detached house. For most Japanese architectural offices, domestic practice provides the mainstay of their work. This focus on the single private house, though, also limits the range of possibilities for urban interventions. Yoshiharu Tsukamoto of Atelier Bow-Wow explains how through its development of ‘Void Metabolism’, the studio has been able to turn its focus on the residential into a positive, breaking down the barriers between private and shared space in the city.  相似文献   
Platforming has become an important means of cost-sharing among industrial products. However, many firms face systemic downward pressure on commonality, with the result that many platforms realize less commonality than intended. Past research has hypothesized that divergence is the result of conflicting tensions between product customization/optimization and cost control. This article investigates the control and incentive levers available to platform managers to shape the behavior of the organization when divergence opportunities arise. Management levers are drawn from a series of 12 industrial case studies, stemming from investigations of the causes of divergences. These management levers are categorized as technical levers, financial levers, and organizational levers. This article illustrates each of the management levers with examples from the case studies.  相似文献   
Creating a series of inspirational museum spaces inside an irregularly shaped void at the heart of a massive artificial rock formation is no everyday task. To fulfil the dream that had driven construction of the Great Rock at Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden over a century ago, and to make the most of the space available, local firm PLANT – Atelier Peter Kis devised an innovative workflow that began with 3D scanning of the decaying concrete structure. Architect Péter Kis and landscape architect Sándor Bardóczi describe it.  相似文献   
文章从院与墙两个要素在空间设计中的作用出发,解读了非常建筑的涵璧湾花园项目,剖析了作品对江南建筑特征的把握与当代转化。  相似文献   
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