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大叶黄杨的抗寒性及其应用研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究大叶黄杨和小叶黄杨(对照)的膜透性、蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳等主要抗寒性理化指标及叶片形态,并重点调研大叶黄杨在北方地区所种植应用的表现.研究结果表明,大叶黄杨在水分、膜透性、可溶性糖和淀粉含量、蛋白质、脯氨酸的五大抗寒性理化指标,显示出良好的适应变化和低温保护反应.此项研究成果,为今后在我国北方地区引种新的常绿抗寒树种提供了参考.  相似文献   
邹德依 《华中建筑》1998,16(3):16-19
该文在回顾了中国现代建筑理论的发展史,并分析了当代中国建筑理论界的现状后,指出:应当把对建筑的引进和研究从外学科和边缘学科拉回建筑本身,以确立建筑在现代科技的支持下,为解决现代社会 服务的目标。  相似文献   
刘思跃 《中国园林》2004,20(7):25-28
根据本次规划的指导思想和基本理念,对规划区进行了植物园体系规划和园区景观规划,以实现科研、科普、生产、景观四位-体共同发展模式,并对本次规划的预期效果进行了分析和评价.  相似文献   
本案为肯特大学的学术研究院,整个建筑充分体现了一个现代前瞻的学校形象,并考虑保持其同周围原有建筑以及查塔姆海运世界遗址和海动传统的一致与和谐。  相似文献   
时空数据库技术的研究,是"数字城市"信息共享领域中极其重要的基础性研究,本文通过分析比较现有空间数据库建设模式的优劣,提出一种基于"后关系数据库"的"时空数据库"新模式,并进行了实验验证。  相似文献   
小说叙述语言因叙述视角的不同而呈现不同的审美功能,像全能视角的叙述语言注重讲故事的传奇性和超越性,提供全方位的审美感知。而外部视角和内部视角的叙述语言则注重叙事的外在客观真实性和内在主观真实性,追求典型、深刻、细腻、传神的本真效果,是拓展型的审美品味和原生态的审美透视。中国小说叙述语言在这些方面显示了突出而又独到的特点。  相似文献   
文章指出,70后中国建筑师站在计算机带来的新技术变迁的时代前沿从电脑普及化到电脑计算化,首当其冲受到技术革命带来的设计方法和过程改变的洗礼,从而对数字设计具有敏锐触觉。70后受到的教育延续布扎体系,深悉建筑本质:几何形态、空间、质感,光线和建构。"建房子"的迫切需求让70后的数字时代的建筑观具有强烈实用主义的特征,这样的特征给在中国建筑实践和教育中崛起的70后带来了产生新建筑形态语言和思潮可能的机会。  相似文献   
The rough sets analysis focusing on the ownership, locational and internalization (OLI) advantages of Chinese construction multinational corporations (MNCs) in the international market under Dunning's Eclectic Paradigm was adopted to overcome the sample size constraint in MNC research that seeks to examine the causality patterns of the factors identified. The rough sets methodology provides a solution that conventional statistical methods do not offer to ascertain how these factors are determined and their influence in the OLI analysis of the performance of Chinese construction MNCs. The rough sets approach to handling imperfect data with uncertainty and vagueness was adopted to describe dependencies between attributes, evaluate the significance of attributes and deal with inconsistencies. Based on a questionnaire survey of 31 Chinese construction MNCs, findings from the rough sets analysis suggest, among other things, that: (1) a firm is likely to perform well in terms of its ownership advantages when it has a significant advantage on its reputation and its accessibility to resources when compared with local contractors; (2) a firm may be expected to achieve better results in terms of its locational advantages if the large number of competitors from China in the host countries becomes its most important consideration; and (3) a firm that conscientiously avoids or reduces information search and business negotiation costs would tend to perform well in terms of its internalization advantages.  相似文献   
Armed conflict affects the biological diversity and biological research regime of a country. This paper takes a low-intensity armed conflict in the biologically and ethnically diverse Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh, as an example, and assesses the response of biologists to this conflict. The study spans the last 50 years dividing it into three periods: pre-conflict (1961?1974), conflict (1975–1997) and post-conflict (1998–2011). Interactions with selected researchers and a literature survey showed that sporadic, intermittent biological research was conducted in this region even during the conflict. The number of research initiatives substantially increased and became more diverse over the last decade. Research opportunity has increased mainly because of improved security and accessibility. Nevertheless, despite the research capacity and a positive attitude among the researchers, some fundamental issues still limit long-term research in this area. The continuing volatile situation due to slow implementation of the 1997 Peace Accord and the tension between rebel factions and indigenous and settler communities in some areas continue to be serious concerns for studying and conserving the biodiversity of this region. Innovative research approaches and the full implementation of the peace agreement are vital to improving the situation for biological research in the CHT. The paper underlines the importance of a biologist’s self-motivation to respond to low-intensity armed conflicts.  相似文献   
在我国当前快速城市化的进程中,城市空间结构绩效的优劣直接影响着城市的健康和可持续发展。文章通过回顾我国城市空间结构绩效的研究概况,对其内在机理、评价指标体系、良好绩效的空间结构形态以及提高城市空间结构绩效的措施等主要研究内容进行梳理和评析,并在此基础上展望未来的研究方向,以期有助于该领域在我国的研究获得新的突破。  相似文献   
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