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朱渊 《建筑师》2010,(3):25-31
本文通过解读CIAM会议中柯布西耶与其ASCORAL团体提出的"CIAM格网"系统,以及其他CIAM成员(Team10成员)发展的部分格网,进一步理解CIAM时期提出的一种重要的城市与建筑设计的分析工具和思维方式,希望对当今城市及建筑设计的分析有所启示。  相似文献   
Rationalism in the Netherlands is characterised by pragmatism. As Charles Rattray explains it is a practical bent that was driven in the 20th century by the exigencies of building cheaply and quickly a large amount of social housing on a relatively small amount of land. It is a strand that has been underscored by a belief in reason across time and a confidence in an analytical approach. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Peter Murray pays tribute to Monica Pidgeon (1913-2009). Editor of Architectural Design for almost three decades, Monica was responsible for establishing Architectural Design as the premier international architectural magazine. Murray highlights her immense contribution to architecture over the years, as well as evoking the experience of working for Monica as one of her ‘boys’, or technical editors. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
How can an ancient architectural heritage become a rich resource for inspiration rather than a burden or a limitation? Moving away from a conventional formal analysis of historic architecture, which identifies particular periods with specific styles or characteristics, Farshad Farahi suggests an approach that unites the contemporary philosophically and spiritually with its past - by seeking out an imaginary dimension or ‘World of Similitude’.  相似文献   
Urban planning has long been governed by the classification of human activities – work, residence, leisure and transport. However, this approach is ill suited to addressing the ever more pressing environmental concerns of our age. Alejandro Zaera-Polo – Artistic Codirector of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017 and cofounder with Maider Llaguno of architecture practice AZPML – argues for broad new urban cosmologies and an embracing of technology to enhance the democracy of urbanism.  相似文献   
城市是文化物品;技术官僚制度下的城市设计体系(Urbanism),是一个来自19世纪欧洲的产物,尽管它已被中国广泛采用,却和中国的文化环境没有多大关联。中国有自己的城市设计传统,其中一种可以在中国南方的城市中找到,它为城市活动找到一种体量化的表达。文章认为,在这些地区可以找到更多适合中国的城市设计方法。  相似文献   
The main focus of Mario Cucinella's work is an overlapping preoccupation with technology and the natural environment. In his hands buildings are transformed into complex climatic machines. Anna Giorgi explains how, when combined with an instinctive sense of place, these concerns allow Cucinella's buildings to remain open objects, fragments of a greater natural or urban system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Although presenting a utopian vision of socialist urbanisation and placemaking, French architect-urbanist Tony Garnier's proposed Cité Industrielle, conceived in the years around 1900, was responding to imperatives that were vastly different from our present-day context. Guest-Editor Jane Burry examines its potential as a beneficial predecessor that may have some important lessons for us in our virtual, synthetic, technologically ubiquitous world. Equally she also sounds a ‘dystopic alert’. There are always two sides to the urban coin.  相似文献   
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