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高校校园环境日趋园林化、景观化、生态化,校园景观文化建设正在逐步加强,但是对于民间艺术部分几乎还没有应用,文章正是以此为切入口,把剪纸艺术的表现形式融合在校园景观中,对民间艺术进入高校景观做了一个铺垫,同时为非物质文化遗产的保护和传承寻找了一个更为广阔的空间。通过剪纸的艺术特色,分析剪纸应用在校园景观中不仅美化了环境,同时增加了学生对传统文化的理解,潜意识的唤醒学生对非物质文化遗产的保护。  相似文献   
Joo-Suk Lee 《国际水》2013,38(7):859-870
This study examines the economic benefits of a river restoration project in the Youngsan River, Kwangju, Korea, using a contingent valuation method. It employs a spike model to address the high proportion of zero responses. The results indicate that a household's annual mean willingness to pay is KRW3410 in Kwangju and KRW1744 in other regions. The resulting benefit-cost ratio is 2.29, indicating that the project would be socially profitable, and that households appear willing to support it financially.  相似文献   
北部引嫩工程水质评价与保护措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多年对引的嫩江水及其大庆、红潮、东湖3个水库水质监测表明:嫩江水是Ⅰ、Ⅱ类水域类型的优质水。保护措施有工程、生物措施。  相似文献   
以深圳水库排洪河水环境综合整治工程为例,探讨在城市河道综合整治设计中如何体现人与大自然和谐相处的理念,尊重大自然,满足河道防洪安全,恢复河流活跃、多样的生态系统,美化周边环境,创造多样性功能的河流空间。  相似文献   
张莉  李陶 《西部皮革》2022,(3):94-96
国家级“非遗”大坝高装的旅游开发,面临着成本高、所需资源短缺的难题,传统的小生产模式及其思想的限制是重要原因。在价值工程、外包等现代商业理念指导下整合其他“非遗”资源进行合作开发,可以较好地克服前述难题。合作开发会使“非遗”旅游开发中的各方之间的矛盾更为复杂,最佳协调方式是市场交易。但是,市场主体之间的自发交易成本过高。根据交易成本理论可找到降低成本的方式,即在政府部门主导下组建公司制经济实体作为合作开发平台,利用公司治理机制协调各利益相关者。  相似文献   
Karezes (qanats), historically vital sources of water for multiple uses in the driest parts of the world, have been deteriorating over the past five decades. This paper provides a review of the global literature on the status and potential of karezes, and offers country case studies for Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It offers syntheses of key issues, lessons, options and proposed interventions for re-vitalizing the karez systems. The paper identifies criteria for prioritizing karez systems for rehabilitation and outlines key conditions for their effective functioning and sustainability. The paper suggests that the benefits of restoring karez systems to local communities are large and some systems, such as the Ain Zubaida in the Makkah Al-Mukaramah Region, are of global importance.  相似文献   
Wetland reclamation has been ongoing in the Sanjiang Plain since the mid-1950s,which has resulted in major changes in wetlands and the agriculture ecosystem in the region that have influenced the iron output to the Sea of Okhotsk and limited the primary productivity in the North Pacific Ocean.This study was conducted to investigate the chemical forms of iron in different aquatic environments(agricultural water including groundwater,paddy water,and canal water;wetland water including marsh water,marsh stream...  相似文献   
This article describes the ethical challenges that psychologists face when doing international humanitarian aid work. It is based on personal experience and uses the framework of the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists to reflect on the unique challenges when doing such work. The article is organized around themes of ethical challenges under the following headings: limitation of resources, local political pressure, local cultural and social realities, challenges to confidentiality, problems in obtaining consent, sequelae of colonial history, individual versus population interests, and tolerance of differences in standards. Examples illustrate these points. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
庞博 《广州建筑》2010,38(2):37-39
本文讨论了广州河涌综合治理的现状以及治理过程中存在的主要问题,提出河涌流域内综合整治,后续监控管理,培养全民河涌维护意识并建立良好的互动体系的思路,以更好达到河涌综合治理的效果与目的。  相似文献   
文章提出一种基于区块链的内河执法管理系统的设计方法,实现了区块链技术在内河航运执法过程中的应用。系统以Hyperledger Fabric为区块链框架,使用微服务技术进行封装,保证与原业务系统的交互性。该设计方法结合了传统中心化存储技术和区块链去中心化存储技术,利用区块链技术防篡改和价值自动传递的特性,可以提高内河执法的安全性和公平性。  相似文献   
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