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本文运用一典型的人工神经网络模型─“反向传播”模型,对高氧化态(Ⅱ─Ⅳ)三核金属簇合物的构型分布进行了分析,得到了较好的分类、预报结果为化合物结构分析提供了新的工具。  相似文献   
The requirements on an object-oriented DBMS for management of information in a large, complex enterprise are presented. These requirements aid in the achievement of an environment characterized by data sharing, open architectures, application and data portability, and assurance of data integrity. They were defined from the point of view of a user of the DBMS; therefore they describe the expected functionality of the DBMS and do not specify the method of implementation to achieve this functionality. They encompass requirements on the data model, query and data manipulation languages, the system architecure, interfaces to the system, change management, and transaction management.  相似文献   
Has specialization of professional roles obstructed the holistic approach and sustainable development? A preliminary survey in Botswana involving construction professionals found that existing procurement systems have not integrated the efforts of the different project participants and also fail to fulfil the expectations of the users. A holistic approach involving the re-integration of construction disciplines by applying new procurement methods is proposed. An integrated, holistic way of working could provide a number of synergies through the consideration of the building project as an entire system. The implications include better decision making upstream, more efficient use of resources and the mitigation of negative environmental effects downstream.

La specialisation professionnelle est-elle un obstacle a l'approche globale et au developpement durable? Une etude preliminaire menee au Botswana et portant sur les metiers de la construction a revele que les systemes d'approvisionnement actuels n'integrent pas les efforts des differents participants a un projet et ne repondent pas aux attentes des utilisateurs. Cet article propose une approche globale dont le succes repose sur la reintegration de ces metiers et sur de nouvelles methodes d'approvisionnement. Une methode de travail integree et holistique, ou un projet de construction serait considere comme un systeme complet, pourrait faire naitre un certain nombre de synergies. Cette hypothese exige un meilleur processus decisionnel en amont une utilisation plus efficace des ressources et l'attenuation des effets negatifs sur l'environnement en aval.  相似文献   
This paper presents a highly stable steady-state torque control system with a feedback of a secondary current signal. The torque control system is constructed with a feedback of the secondary current (I2) signal using a quick response magnetic-field sensor constructed with an amorphous core multivibrator bridge, which can solve the secondary resistance change problem for temperature variation in the IM. Moreover, we added a state feedback to the system to improve the response speed for the unit step function of a torque order. The I2 sensor method has advantages especially at a low-speed range, in which conventional method using an integrator shows control errors.  相似文献   
Abstract This paper describes an approach to the design of interactive multimedia materials being developed in a European Community project. The developmental process is seen as a dialogue between technologists and teachers. This dialogue is often problematic because of the differences in training, experience and culture between them. Conditions needed for fruitful dialogue are described and the generic model for learning design used in the project is explained.  相似文献   
门式脚手架在已建高层建筑外装修中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍门式脚手架在已建高层建筑外排栅中的整体搭设和应用实例。  相似文献   
OSQL is the object-oriented database language developed for the Iris object-oriented database management system at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. Its three fundamental constructs are objects, types, and functions. This paper provides an overview of the underlying concepts and some important features of OSQL.  相似文献   
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