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张雷 《时代建筑》2004,(6):104-107
文章介绍了东莞理工学院教工生活区的主要设计特点,探讨了高密度背景下适应当地气候条件的设计方法。  相似文献   
张波 《华中建筑》2006,24(12):9-11
该文列举了当下中国建筑理论本身在自身固有矛盾、自身根基薄弱、建筑实践期待及其认识偏差的情况下所处的种种困境,分析了建筑理论遭遇困境的深层原因在此基础上.试图廓清建筑理论的先天局限性、历史积淀性、价值论、系统复杂性、实践性,并认为建筑理论的最终使命是内化为建筑师个体的观念和方法,确立现代主义道路后,建筑理论意识到并走出困境,建筑实践会有一个可以期待的未来  相似文献   
《Ceramics International》2016,42(5):5810-5822
The elastic properties and the density of ternary glass forming systems within the CaO–SiO2–Al2O3-system (CAS) were evaluated. Different glass compositions near the lowest eutectic (1170 °C) composition within the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2-system have been melted from pure raw materials. Their target compositions differed not more than 4 wt% for each component. Exact chemical compositions were measured by x-ray fluorescence. The density, and acoustic properties were determined and the Young׳s Moduli were derived herefrom. It was of special interest to obtain information on these properties and their dependencies upon small variations in the composition. The density values were between 2.600 and 2.667 g cm−3 and the packing density factors Vp of the oxides glasses using the ionic radii of Pauling were in the range from 0.559 to 0.571. The determined data were compared to different model calculations. Density model calculations show relative deviations between 2 and 6%. The values calculated from the model for Young׳s Modulus by Makishima and Mackenzie (1973) [1] were somewhat smaller than the measured ones. The correction by Rocherulle et al. (1989) [3] of the Makishima model showed better agreement with the measured values.  相似文献   
蜂窝板夹芯面内弹性模量的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂窝芯材的弹性模量的确定是夹层结构设计的基础,文章通过3D有限元方法与以往以Eule,梁理论为基础的金属蜂窝夹芯板的等效弹性模量的计算理论进行比较分析,结果表明在t/l相对较小的情况下,用W—K公式较为合适。并结合算例证实了夹芯等效弹模对整板面外刚度的贡献是较小的。  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of adhesive type, wood species, and finger joint configurations on structural performance of the finger joint. The wood species studied were oriental beech (Fagus orientalis lipsky.), oak (Quercus robur), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris lipsky.), poplar (Populus tremula lipsk.) and Uludağ fir (Abies bormülleriana Matff.) and adhesives were poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc), Desmodur-VTKA (D-VTKA). However, there is little information available concerning the bending strength and modulus of elasticity for finger joints in these field. In this study, it was aimed to determine the bending strength and modulus of elasticity for finger joints. For this purpose, samples were tested according to the TS EN 310 standard. It was observed that the highest bending strength and modulus of elasticity were obtained in beech control (solid wood) samples. As for the finger joints, after the control samples, the highest bending strength value (57.4 N/mm2) was obtained from Oriental beech wood samples having a 21 mm finger length and bonded with PVAc adhesive, the highest modulus of elasticity (8885.3 N/mm2) was obtained from beech wood samples having a 21 mm finger length and bonded with PVAc adhesive. As a result of the effects of finger joints on bending strength and modulus elasticity test, if the length of finger joints increases up to 21 mm, the properties of bending strength increase.  相似文献   
This paper presents a field-scale experimental track over a poor subgrade with an unreinforced section and a geocell-reinforced section subjected to in-situ performance tests. Plate load tests and Benkelman beam tests were carried out distributed in several unreinforced and reinforced layers. The objective was to: (1) examine the variability of the elastic modulus of unbound granular material (UGM) due the influence of its thickness and the presence of poor subgrade in its base, (2) evaluate the modulus improvement factor (MIF) generated by the geocell reinforcement in the UGM and (3) verify the most appropriate condition to apply the MIF to transport infrastructure design. The results showed that there is a significant influence of the thickness of the UGM layer on its elastic modulus when the layer is supported directly over a soft subgrade. The MIF values obtained in field suggest that its determination is mostly related to the UGM maximum elastic modulus rather than its decreased values (by virtue of poor subgrade or reduced thicknesses), and that the analytical formulation presented for MIF calculation has good predictive capability to be applied to pavement design.  相似文献   
包慕萍 《建筑师》2018,(6):6-16
本文报道了东京六本木森美术馆主办的2018年4月始、为期5个月的"建筑之日本展:基因的传承与再创造"。对展览的九个专题——木结构、大屋顶、工艺、空间、美学、形式、集住、自然以及日本建筑在国际上的影响进行了深入的分析,并在与策划总监藤森照信的问答中,揭示了中日传统文化的相同点与差异性,以求准确地理解日本现代建筑与传统的内在关联以及未来走向。  相似文献   
Are bricks passé? Or is the contemporary world just failing to realise the innate possibilities of this ancient material? Eladio Dieste once ardently stated that brick is ‘a material with unlimited possibilities, almost completely ignored by modern technology.’1 Dieste's careful inclusion of the word ‘almost’ here seems to suggest that he suspected some exceptions to the rule – that there may have been some previously untold modern technological dabblings with brick. With this in mind, Defne Sunguroglu acknowledges the innovative uses of brick in the past, and introduces her current research project: Complex Brick Assemblies. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
青锋 《建筑师》2013,(3):106-125
本文讨论了OPEN建筑事务所作品—秦皇岛·歌华营地体验中心与现代主义传统的密切关系。这个建筑成熟运用了经典的现代主义处理手段,与路斯、勒·柯布西耶、密斯等人的作品与思想有密切的关联。在建筑手段之后所呈现的是OPEN建筑事务所对现代主义建筑立场的认同。尤其是适宜理念以及以社会工程师的态度改造现实的信仰。最后本文讨论了这一信仰的合理性。并且指出建筑界对这一作品的肯定体现出中国建筑界的成熟与自信。  相似文献   
西部年轻建筑师的凤凰涅槃   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王冬 《时代建筑》2006,(4):162-165
文章试图以当今中国东西部社会经济发展与文化的地域差别为背景,分析西部年轻建筑师的现实境遇和状态,以及他们应对本土问题时的策略与方法,并指出在批判的地域主义“双重批判态度”的基础上,还应重视对当今中国社会现实问题批判的“第三重批判态度”。  相似文献   
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