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Abstract This paper describes an approach to the design of interactive multimedia materials being developed in a European Community project. The developmental process is seen as a dialogue between technologists and teachers. This dialogue is often problematic because of the differences in training, experience and culture between them. Conditions needed for fruitful dialogue are described and the generic model for learning design used in the project is explained.  相似文献   
Abstract In an effort to reduce the expensive resource requirements in courseware production and to allow effective management of, and communication and collaboration between authors, a model is needed to harmonize the diverse theoretical backgrounds such a process requires. To this end we look at five abstract models which where chosen for their apparent appropriateness within the general area of collaborative authoring and reuse of multimedia courseware. These models consist of a functional model of hypertext, an infrastructure model for an open collaborative authoring system, two object-oriented communication models, and a courseware production model. We attempt a consolidation of these models and ultimately make several conclusions, which are exposed during a conceptual harmonisation. The principal conclusion is that a hypermedia logical model is not by itself adequate to support collaboration and reuse. Our modeling conclusions have driven the design of a system which will be implemented and tested.  相似文献   
化学镀Ni—P镀层的X射线衍射研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据X射线衍射分析结果,对化学镀高P(含P>11wt%或19at%)Ni-P镀层加热时效时,镀层成分和加热温度对结构转变的影响作了研究,结果表明,高P共晶、过共晶(含P>11wt%或19at%)合金的结构转变有如下特征:(1)相同加热时效条件下,Ni-P合金的结构转变与成分有密切关系:(2)对同一成分的过共晶合金,Ni-P合金的结构转变与时效温度密切相关;(3)过共晶合金在290~360℃温度范围内时效处理,出现Ni_xP_y介稳相,X射线衍射分析认为Ni_xP_y为Ni_(12)P_5。  相似文献   
重点介绍有关H—Ⅱ运载火箭(以下简称H—Ⅱ)的一些动力学课题的研究状况。其中,重要的动力学课题有全箭振动、POGO、防液体晃动、分离动力学试验、动力学环境试验等。针对这些动力学课题,日本有关部门已研究多年,既作了充分的地面试验,又进行了有效的工程应用研究,最终保证了H—Ⅱ的首次飞行成功。  相似文献   
文章结合毕业创作课程的体会,从毕业创作的"果"反思色彩教学中的"因",将毕业创作课程发现的问题进行"因果"反思,提出为什么要在色彩教学中引导学生的创作意识。通过在色彩教学过程中的思考与实践,探讨如何能更好地引导以增强学生的创作意识。文章认为基础教学与创作脱离,会导致学生缺少在绘画实践和主观情感表达的领悟,教学的最终目的是通过课程训练来开发学生的创造性思维,增进绘画技能的同时也应多关注学生自身表达的欲望。  相似文献   
在高职院校的软件项目实训环节中,大多项目需要团体协作进行编程。针对如果有效提高学生的协同编程效率、团队合作意识以及合作学习能力的问题,提出了基于Dillenbourg原则的协同编程方法。通过实践证明,该方法取得了良好的实训效果。  相似文献   
The HUB-CI model is investigated in a telerobotic system in a client/server network to manage the lifecycle of engineering design and prototyping. The purpose of this platform is to support collaborative engineering design and proof of concept to enhance distributed team collaboration and resource utilization. The suggested platform is exemplified in two collaboration support tools and a physical prototyping platform. Structured Co-Insight Management is developed to support innovative idea exchanges and the consensus decision-making during the design process. Conflict/error detection management helps preventing conflicts and errors during the lifecycle of design and development. Physical collaboration over the network occurs when a team controls the telerobot operation during prototyping and testing in design cycles. A pilot system is implemented with a group project for the design of an electronic circuit (including both hardware and software designs). The functional assessment method is used to compare this platform to other collaborative design tools. The system presented offers unique qualitative advantages as an integrated collaboration support system.  相似文献   
Problems from plastic analysis are based on the convex, linear or linearised yield/strength condition and the linear equilibrium equation for the stress (state) vector. In practice one has to take into account stochastic variations of several model parameters. Hence, in order to get robust maximum load factors, the structural analysis problem with random parameters must be replaced by an appropriate deterministic substitute problem. A direct approach is proposed based on the primary costs for missing carrying capacity and the recourse costs (e.g. costs for repair, compensation for weakness within the structure, damage, failure, etc.). Based on the mechanical survival conditions of plasticity theory, a quadratic error/loss criterion is developed. The minimum recourse costs can be determined then by solving an optimisation problem having a quadratic objective function and linear constraints. For each vector a(·) of model parameters and each design vector x, one obtains then an explicit representation of the “best” internal load distribution F. Moreover, also the expected recourse costs can be determined explicitly. Consequently, an explicit stochastic nonlinear program results for finding a robust maximal load factor μ. The analytical properties and possible solution procedures are discussed.  相似文献   
Bialgebras for structural operational semantics: An introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bialgebras and distributive laws are an abstract, categorical framework to study various flavors of structural operational semantics. This paper aims to introduce the reader to the basics of bialgebras for operational semantics, and to sketch the state of the art in this research area.  相似文献   
Coordination components for collaborative virtual environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the behavior of virtual environments from the collaboration point-of-view, in which actors (human or virtual beings) interact and collaborate by means of interdependent tasks. In this sense, actors may realize tasks that are dependent on tasks performed by other actors, while the interdependencies between tasks (through resource management and temporal relations) delineate the overall behavior of a virtual environment. Our main goal is to propose an approach for the coordination of those behaviors. Initially a generic study of possible interdependencies between collaborative tasks is presented, followed by the formal modeling (using Petri Nets) of coordination mechanisms for those dependencies. In order to implement such mechanisms, an architecture of reusable and pluggable coordination components is also introduced. These components are used in an implementation of a multi-user videogame. The presented approach is a concrete step to create virtual societies of actors that collaborate to reach common goals without the risk of getting involved in conflicting or repetitive tasks.  相似文献   
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