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针对那些认为卡罗·斯卡帕的建筑是"工匠"化的观念,曼费雷多·塔夫里指出:当存在断片的时候,必然有与之相关的整体理解,斯卡帕的建筑是一种新完成模式。以维罗纳古堡修复项目为例,解释斯卡帕建筑设计中断片形式操作和整体理念的关系以及相对应的建筑设计方法。 相似文献
Mike Aling 《Architectural Design》2013,83(3):100-105
Mike Aling 's ProunStretcher project engages with the recent global revival of cottage industries, fuelled by the application of digital technologies, as a means to address ‘the manifold social issues present across our rural landscape-as-urban-extension’. 相似文献
Andrew Peckham 《Architectural Design》2007,77(5):10-15
The two key moments of Rationalism in Italy - the Gruppo 7 of the 1930s and the Tendenza of the 1960s - stand in counterpoint. The Tendenza espoused a very different ideology to its predecessor and thus remained ambivalent to the earlier legacy. Andrew Peckham reveals how this led to a history of discontinuity and, ultimately, recognition of Rationalism's limitations despite the involvement of influential figures such as Giuseppe Terragni, Aldo Rossi and Giorgio Grassi. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi 《Architectural Design》2007,77(3):6-15
Italy is renowned the world over for its vibrant design culture. Yet for decades its architectural heritage has held contemporary architecture in a stranglehold, stifling the real possibility of realising innovative schemes in historic cities. In recent years, there has been every outward sign that this situation has abated: a growing number of municipalities are actively setting out to attract signature architecture, and a new generation of architects has emerged - largely educated abroad - who are unhindered by the strictures of historicism. Though, as guest-editor Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi explains, there are plenty of reasons to be hopeful, the situation is far more complex and contradictory than it first appears, as the passage of architectural advancement in Italy constantly stop-starts and is beset by some major roadblocks. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Mark Burry 《Architectural Design》2017,87(1):126-133
Could 4D hyperlocal activism be the ultimate tool for popular resistance? This Counterpoint's title quotes the response of the main protagonist in Rob Sitch's 1997 film The Castle to developers' attempts at the compulsory purchase of his home. His act of refusal follows on from the decades-earlier writings of Herbert Marcuse and Ralph Adams Cram on the perils of capitalism and how they might be overcome. With reference to these, Mark Burry , a practising architect and Professor of Urban Futures at the University of Melbourne, considers the impact of technological enfranchisement on liveability. 相似文献
Antoine Picon 《Architectural Design》2010,80(3):94-99
In the concluding article of the main section of this issue, Antoine Picon evokes the earlier meaning of territory for administrators, architects and engineers, as lands that were integrated into nations or colonies by the early modern European countries. Picon traces how 18th- and 19th-century perceptions of territory with an emphasis on administrative separation fed into an attitude of both distance and sensitivity to landscape, as exemplified by the Romantic movement in painting and literature; a heritage that continued into the 20th century in architecture with its emphasis on rationalisation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献