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Istanbul is one of the most famous historical cities in the world. However, the project alignment selected as the best of a range of alignments cannot avoid passing beneath the historical and cultural heritages of Istanbul as well as under ancient and densely inhabited areas of the city. This paper will explain some of the challenges related to the bored tunnels.

Historical buildings are vulnerable. Yet many existing residential and office buildings are old and constructed on minimal foundations. As a consequence, it is vital that any drawdown of groundwater and any ground settlements have to be minimized.

In addition, the connection between the immersed and bored tunnels will be made directly and totally underground, without the usual intermediate shafts and beneath the deep waters of the Bosphorus Strait. This operation needs the utmost control of the tunnel excavation face to ensure its stability and to minimize water ingress. Based on such considerations, tunnel excavation by tunnel boring machine (TBM) using a slurry shield and having the ability to operate under high pore pressures was recommended as the method of excavation for the main running tunnels.

The paper will explain how the design team from Avrasyaconsult – the Employer’s Representative – arrived at the final minimum, specific and functional requirements of the bored tunneling works which are to be carried out using the ‘FIDIC EPC/Turnkey Project’ conditions.  相似文献   

Water-level change is integral to the structure and function of Great Lakes coastal wetlands, and many studies document predictable relationships between vegetation and water level. However, anthropogenic stressors, such as invasive species, land-use change, and water-level stabilization, interact to shift the historical cycle (of native vegetation migration up- and down-slope) toward dominance by invasive Typha species. Knowing from earlier studies that water-level stabilization alters the historical vegetation cycle, we asked if similar shifts can occur where water levels are not stabilized. Using historical aerial photographs of three coastal wetlands (in Lake Michigan's Green Bay, Wisconsin), we determined that habitat dominated by Typha species has expanded to eliminate wet meadow habitat. Between 1974 and 1992, linear regressions showed strong, significant relationships of both meadow area (R2 ≥ 0.894; p < 0.02) and marsh area (R2 ≥ 0.784; p < 0.05) to water level in all three wetlands. In 2000, meadow area was below that predicted by the historical pattern due to the landward advance of marsh habitat during a year of decreasing water levels. In the same period, land use in the wetland watersheds converted from agriculture to urban. Urbanization and the replacement of native Typha latifolia by the invasive hybrid Typha xglauca may have overwhelmed the beneficial impact of water-level fluctuation. The documentation of vegetation shifts, as herein, is an essential step in the process of preserving and restoring ecological integrity.  相似文献   
以推动人类文明进步发展的观念为先导,以详实的地质学、岩石学、石文化史料为切入点,介绍了我国观赏石文化的起源、发展及现状;阐述了赏石审美的本质、形式、石体标准、传统性、现代性等理论要点及其以小见大、以丑为美的审美理念。对赏石修身养性、以石陶情及赏石文化与道教情结的学术价值进行了评述;对从古至今的中华文化名人为赏石理论的创立、鉴赏、收藏和发展作出的不可磨灭的历史贡献进行了评价。  相似文献   
在当代中西方艺术设计领域中,"中国元素"已经作为了一种相当普遍的现象和形式出现在了众多艺术作品和设计之中,并且展现了其独特的文化特色和历史底蕴,为当代设计艺术的发展及其推陈出新提供了丰富的创作素材和灵感。本文首先解析了"中国元素"的内涵,接着就当代艺术设计中所体现出来的"中国元素"的特征进行了分析,并剖析了其与中国传统文化艺术的渊源关系,最后论述和研究了当代艺术设计与"中国元素"的表达和融合的机制。  相似文献   
在高校开展少数民族传统优秀体育项目教学,不仅能使少数民族传统体育走向规范化、科学化,较好地展现学生的运动能力,培养民族文化情感,激发民族热情,更重要的是还能提高学生的身心健康和综合素质,有利于对民族传统体育的继承、发展和广泛地传播。  相似文献   
语文课程应是工具性与文学性并重,既不能因考试指挥棒而片面强调它的工具性,也不能脱离文化工具这一特性,不顾学生水平大搞文学鉴赏.二者要想兼顾就必须在教学过程中寻求一条连接纽带,即激发学生的兴趣.文章从实践的角度,从培养学生的"有意注意",讲究课堂艺术,恰当运用课堂提问,开展语文课外活动几个方面,提出了激发学生学习语文兴趣的一些要求和基本方法.  相似文献   
当前,医院的信息化建设飞速发展,很多中医院具备一流的网络设施和计算机设备,但是“信息孤岛”的现象却广泛存在,究其原因就是缺乏统一的信息系统标准。本文分析了中医院信息系统标准化建设存在的问题,问题出现的原因,初步探讨了解决中医院信息系统标准化建设的办法。  相似文献   
研究了香薷、鹤虱等5种药用植物挥发油对仓虫的生物活性作用。结果表明,香薷挥发油的作用最为明显,它(剂量02μL/g)及其粗分离1#~5#样品(剂量005μL/g)均有效地抑制了试虫卵、幼虫及成虫的生长发育,从而减少了试虫F1代种群的发生,其中粗分离1#样品作用尤为突出。香薷挥发油1#~5#样品的主要化学成分为4,5,6,7,8,8a-六氢-8a-甲基-2[1H]-奥酮(5264%)、百里香酚(305%)和一未定成分(2192%)。  相似文献   
近年来,正当许多发达国家努力发展本土文化的时候,我国在很多方面特别是艺术设计教育领域却忽视了具有5000年历史的中国传统文化。传统文化在现代设计教育中缺失的问题,表面上是教育体系、教育方法的问题,实际是教育理念的问题。面对西方文化巨大冲击,完善我国现代设计教育体系,确保民族文化根脉的活力,是我们必须面对、也必须尽快解决的问题。  相似文献   
美学是研究美、美感以及艺术美的学科,对于中国古代建筑环境造物艺术的美学特征,自古有之,它充分的体现了中国悠久的建筑的历史,同时表达了人们对生活的向往和热爱。本文就以中国古代建筑环境造物艺术的美学特征进行论述,从文中可以领会到中国古代建筑环境造物艺术的博大精深。  相似文献   
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