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Students learn new instructions well by building on relevant prior knowledge, as it affects how instructors and students interact with the learning materials. Moreover, studies have found that good prior knowledge can enable students to attain better learning motivation, comprehension, and performance. This suggests it is important to assist students in obtaining the relevant prior knowledge, as this can enable them to engage meaningfully with the learning materials. Tests are often used to help instructors assess students’ prior knowledge. Nevertheless, conventional testing approaches usually assign only a score to each student, and this may mean that students are unable to realize their own individual weaknesses. To address this problem, instructors can diagnose the test results to provide more detailed information to each student, but this is obviously a time-consuming process. Therefore, this study proposes a testing-based diagnosis system to assist instructors and students in diagnosing and strengthening prior knowledge before new instruction is undertaken. Furthermore, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in an interdisciplinary course, since several studies have indicated that students learn more and better in such courses when applying relevant prior knowledge to what they are learning. The experimental results show that the developed system is able to effectively diagnose students’ prior knowledge and enhance their learning motivation and performance on an interdisciplinary course. In addition, two diagnostic evaluations were also conducted to assess whether the diagnoses given by the system were consistent with the decisions of experts. The results demonstrate that the proposed system can effectively assist instructors and students in diagnosing and strengthening prior knowledge before new instruction is undertaken, since the diagnoses produced by the system were broadly consistent with those of experts.  相似文献   
The widespread use of the Internet and the convenient mechanism it provides, such as easy access, easy downloads, and easy copy and paste functions have made many types of unethical behaviors easier, particularly those involving students in academic settings. Among the issues in ethics within the academic environment that can be triggered by the Internet are fraudulence, plagiarism, falsification, delinquency, unauthorized help, and facility misuse. Given these issues, the study seeks to investigate the extent to which students at a public university in Malaysia engage in such unethical behavior and their relationship with the big five personality model. This study was conducted using a survey method of 252 students in three different academic faculties. The results of factor analyses confirm and refine the reliability of the scales for both big five personality variables and unethical Internet behaviors as conceptualized through Internet triggered academic dishonesty (ITADS). The findings indicate that personality traits such as (1) agreeableness, (2) conscientiousness and (3) emotional stability are significantly and negatively correlated with unethical Internet behavior in university students. Significant differences in facility misuse are also observed between the three academic faculties investigated. This research should provide significant contributions to educators in designing the computer ethics curriculum and in allowing for educational institutions as well as other organizations in developing relevant policies and guidelines on matters pertaining to academic conduct, utilization of computers and Internet, and recruitment exercises.  相似文献   
摘要:丹尼斯·斯科特·布朗作为现代城市设计领域的杰出学者和实践者,以其独特的跨学科视角和对社会可持续发展的关注而闻名。本文通过回顾她的研究项目、学术著述和职业实践,分析其跨学科城市设计思想与方法,厘清布朗的学术贡献,并试图从中汲取启发,丰富我们对城市设计的理解和实践,创造出更加人性化和可持续的城市环境。  相似文献   
培养具有综合研究与创新实践能力、独立工作与团队协作能力的复合型人才,已成为建筑学科专业教育的重要方向。重庆大学建筑城规学院以“复合应用型”人才培养为目标,从横向拓展与纵向延伸两个维度,基于学科交叉与专业融合,通过跨学科联合毕业设计的实践,不断提高学生的整体性思维、团队协作意识、综合分析与解决问题的能力。  相似文献   
《大学计算机基础》是面向非计算机专业学生开设的计算机基础课程,通过本课程的学习,旨在使学生具备使用计算机科学领域的技术和方法,解决本学科科学问题的基本能力.随着物联网、云计算、大数据、人工智能等新兴技术的快速发展,以及学科之间交叉融合的需求不断增大,导致当前《大学计算机基础》的课程内容和教学方法亟需改进.通过深度分析当...  相似文献   
While chemical industrial development in China is growing rapidly, the corresponding safety training resources remain inadequate, which may often lead to increased risk of chemical accidents. These accidents are often associated with the negligence of safety management, poor safety hazard awareness, and lack of safety practice. In order to alleviate these prominent risk factors in chemical industries in China, our study develops a talent training model related to chemical process safety. First, we propose an approach for establishing the “talent training model” related to chemical process safety, consisting of three steps: analyzing the current status and existing problems of talent training related to chemical process safety, determining the theoretical basis and training objectives for developing interdisciplinary talents, and designing a new talent training model. Second, we establish a talent training model using the proposed method, which includes a comprehensive curriculum system, a diversified teaching pattern, and a quintuple evaluation method. Furtherly, we determine the expected outcomes of the talent training model. The research results provide an innovative chemical process safety training method that is applicable nationwide, also it works as a reference for other rapidly developing countries in the chemical process industry to improve safety within the chemical industry.  相似文献   
This paper provides an introduction and an editorial to this special issue of River Research and Applications by documenting the contributions made by Professor Geoffrey Petts to our interdisciplinary understanding of the functioning of rivers and their floodplains and their sustainable management. We outline Geoff's career, which framed not only his research but its communication through his inspirational teaching but also included very high level and innovative contributions to the management and development of several UK universities. We then explain how and why Geoff was an outstanding interdisciplinary river scientist and how he communicated his science through both integrative books and book chapters and also research papers that developed eight complementary research themes. Lastly, we introduce the papers in this special issue and show how they provide inputs to Geoff's areas of research interest.  相似文献   
Climate-driven disturbances threaten the sustainability of coastal communities in the Great Lakes Basin. Because such disturbances are unpredictable, their magnitude, number and intensity are changing, and they occur at varying temporal and spatial scales. Consequently, communities struggle to respond in effective ways. The expected intensification of climate-driven disturbances will require that community capacity and governance structures match the spatial and temporal scales of these disturbances, as the most sustainable social and economic systems will be those that can respond at similar frequencies to key natural system drivers. The Climate Governance Variability in the Great Lakes Research Coordination Network (CGVG-RCN) was recently established to address questions about the relationship between climate-driven disturbances and community response. The objective of this short communication is to introduce the ideas behind the CGVG-RCN, outline its goals, and facilitate engagements and collaboration with social and natural scientists interested in social-ecological systems in the Great Lakes Basin.  相似文献   
This paper describes support for flexibility, mobility and collaboration in engaging with, and making sense of, information. Our focus lies on the transitions people make between different, dynamic configurations of digital and physical materials, technologies, people and spaces. The technologies we describe have been developed in partnership with landscape architects over the past two years. We show that appliances and people can come together in a way that creates scope for such transitions, collaboration, and the emergence of new ways of working.  相似文献   
学科交叉融合是现代世界一流大学注重培养的新思路,也越来越受到普通高校教学研究者们的重视。《大学计算机基础》课程则是高校教改的重点和难点。就如何在《大学计算机基础》课程中引入新的教学思路,让学科交叉融合能在高等教育的开展之初就能融入到大学生的学习和研究中,进行部分实践和探索。随着计算机在现代科学研究中的重要性越来越突出,计算机教学改革势在必行。  相似文献   
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