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Abstract This article presents a study of a large scale incorporation of one data acquisitionsystem into physics teaching in Israel. By 1994 about 30% of the schools throughout the country used the V-scope, a 3-D multibody motion tracing system, in their lab programme. The views and reactions of post-training teachers, experienced teachers and students on various aspects of using the system are described, analysed and compared.  相似文献   
In many academic institutions plasma science is currently viewed as a basic physics discipline encompassing a broad range of applications including fusion, astrophysics, space physics, low temperature plasma physics for the semiconductor industry, and environmental remediation of nuclear and chemical waste. Although the applications are broad, it is accurate to state that the major development of the field has been driven by the scientific needs of a single program, fusion. As such, plasma science and engineering has played an important role in graduate education since the early days of the fusion program, late 50's, early 60's.  相似文献   
简述了中国传统职业道德教育思想;并就高职院校如何借鉴和发掘优秀传统职业道德教育资源,科学、合理、有效地运用优秀传统职业道德资源塑造当代新人进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Abstract This paper outlines the work of the Conceptual Change in Science project, funded as part of the ESRC InTER programme. The aims of this research project are to clarify and describe the process of change in learners' conceptual understandings of natural phenomena. The domain of reasoning selected for study is that of mechanics. Computer software which may be useful in exploring and developing pupils' reasoning and promoting conceptual change in this domain is being developed and evaluated. The group that is carrying out the research is based at the Universities of Leeds, Glasgow and the Open University.  相似文献   
Abstract Research has demonstrated girls to outperform boys on conventional literacy tests. The present studies concern gender differences on computerised educational tests. Seventy-one children were tested using LASS Secondary and a set of seven conventional measures. No significant gender differences were found on any of the LASS Secondary modules, although females did outperform males on a conventional spelling test. A further 126 pupils were tested on computerised and paper versions of the LASS Secondary reading, spelling and reasoning modules. No gender differences were found on the computerised versions, but there were significant differences on the paper versions of the reading and spelling modules favouring females. In a third study, 45 children were administered computerised and paper versions of the LASS Junior reading and spelling modules. There were no significant differences on the computerised modules, but girls performed significantly higher than boys on the paper version of the spelling module. It is possible that computerised assessment does not detect the established gender effect due to differences between males and females in motivation, computer experience and competitiveness. Further large-scale studies are necessary to confirm these findings.  相似文献   
对职业教育的大众性问题进行了论述、实证分析和理论、政策、改革等思考。  相似文献   
文章结合毕业创作课程的体会,从毕业创作的"果"反思色彩教学中的"因",将毕业创作课程发现的问题进行"因果"反思,提出为什么要在色彩教学中引导学生的创作意识。通过在色彩教学过程中的思考与实践,探讨如何能更好地引导以增强学生的创作意识。文章认为基础教学与创作脱离,会导致学生缺少在绘画实践和主观情感表达的领悟,教学的最终目的是通过课程训练来开发学生的创造性思维,增进绘画技能的同时也应多关注学生自身表达的欲望。  相似文献   
高等教育服务是一个具有时代特征的历史现象 ,在当前显露出全球化背景下经济行为与文化行为互动性特征 ,站在综合国力提升和国际竞争力增强的战略高度审视高等教育服务贸易的长远影响至关重要。通过政府规制改革 ,建立起本国能够负责任地采纳并被其他成员国创造性地适应的高等教育及其服务贸易发展模式是各国政府的重要责任  相似文献   
In the context of the electronic learning (E-learning) methodology, mobile learning (M-learning) focuses on the use of portable technology (such as mobiles or tablets) and the mobility of students. E-learning, and particularly M-learning, can be implemented in combination with other pedagogical methodologies for chemical engineering teaching and learning. We can consider that the vast majority of undergraduates own personal mobile devices nowadays. Moreover, many case studies have shown that M-learning is an effective methodology to capture students’ attention and to actively engage them in the learning process. In most cases, lecturers have reported an improvement in both academic performance and qualifications and have expressed a favourable opinion towards this type of initiative in surveys. In line with the increasing interest in the incorporation of E-learning, this review discusses cases studies based on M-learning within the field of chemical engineering teaching through different technological platforms and apps which can be installed or directly used on mobile devices. All the platforms described in this work offer a free version, emphasizing the possibility of extending this methodology within the university with no need for additional economic resources.  相似文献   
在当今社会,校园体育教育得到了社会各界的关注。21世纪是需要创新的年代,而校园体育教育需要更多的资源支持。简要介绍了校园体育教育资源共享的趋势,论述了校园体育教育资源共享的必要性,阐述了校园体育教育资源共享的必然性和可行性。  相似文献   
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