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本文简述欧美艺术设计实践教学模式的发展及优秀经验,阐述我国艺术设计实践教学模式的现状。以我校环境艺术设计实践教学创新改革为切入点,介绍两个实践案例。  相似文献   
从理论上说明在一定条件下,液态硅铁合金自由出口处形成液滴的体积仅与液体的表面张力和出流孔直径有关。且当该体积液滴的重力和上部液体的内聚力相等时,液滴即可分离自由下落。据此理论进行了试验,结果表明,液态硅铁合金可直接进入冷却液中形成球状颗粒。且当出流孔径d=8mm,浇注温度为1420℃,落差H=150mm,油层/水层为700mm/1000mm时,76%的颗粒形状几乎都近于圆球形,颗粒体积与理论计算值最大偏差不超过10%。同时,这种液态硅铁合金直接颗粒化的方法与机械破碎法相比具有简易、快捷、节能、高效的优点。  相似文献   
The onset of hydrodynamical instability induced by impulsive spin-down to rest in a cylinder containing a Newtonian fluid is analyzed by using propagation theory. It is well-known that the primary transient swirl flow is laminar, but with initial high velocities secondary motion sets in at a certain time. The dimensionless critical time Τc to mark the onset of instability is presented here as a function of the Reynolds number Re. Available experimental data indicate that for large Re deviation of the velocity profiles from their momentum diffusion occurs starting from a certain time Τ≈4Τc. This means that secondary motion is detected at this characteristic time. It seems evident that during Τc⪯Τ⪯4Τc, secondary motion is relatively very weak and the primary diffusive momentum transfer is dominant.  相似文献   
时代和社会的发展对人才发展提出了更高的要求,高校计算机专业课程的教学内容、教学方法也需要更新以适应人才培养的模式,本文从师皇角度对教学中基本问题进行了积极的思考。  相似文献   
数据库案例演示和实践相结合的教学法是对数据库这门实践性较强的学科教学方法的一种探讨,本文对如何运用这种教学方法进行了讲解,并介绍了详细的实施方案和影响方案实施的因素。  相似文献   
Recent researches have demonstrated the importance of concept map and its versatile applications especially in e-Learning. For example, while designing adaptive learning materials, designers need to refer to the concept map of a subject domain. Moreover, concept maps can show the whole picture and core knowledge about a subject domain. Research from literature also suggests that graphical representation of domain knowledge can reduce the problems of information overload and learning disorientation for learners. However, construction of concept maps typically relied upon domain experts in the past; it is a time consuming and high cost task. Concept maps creation for emerging new domains such as e-Learning is even more challenging due to its ongoing development nature. The aim of this paper is to construct e-Learning domain concept maps from academic articles. We adopt some relevant journal articles and conference papers in e-Learning domain as data sources, and apply text-mining techniques to automatically construct concept maps for e-Learning domain. The constructed concept maps can provide a useful reference for researchers, who are new to the e-Leaning field, to study related issues, for teachers to design adaptive learning materials, and for learners to understand the whole picture of e-Learning domain knowledge.  相似文献   
The aim of our study was to further develop an understanding of social capital in organizational-knowledge-sharing. We first developed a measurement tool and then a theoretical framework in which three social capital factors (social network, social trust, and shared goals) were combined with the theory of reasoned action; their relationships were then examined using confirmatory factoring analysis. We then surveyed of 190 managers from Hong Kong firms, we confirm that a social network and shared goals significantly contributed to a person's volition to share knowledge, and directly contributed to the perceived social pressure of the organization. The social trust has however showed no direct effect on the attitude and subjective norm of sharing knowledge.  相似文献   
"现代办公设备"是一门操作性、实用性和应用性极强的课程,是高职计算机专业和计算机相关专业学生必修的一门课程。如何使学生掌握现代办公设备的操作技能启发学生的创造性思维,引导学生掌握核心的操作技巧。该文根据自己近几年的教学实践经验,谈谈在该课程教学过程中的几点体会。  相似文献   
本文针对数据结构这门课程在教学中存在的问题.提出了一些解决方法。  相似文献   
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