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The ennoblement of corrosion potential (Ecorr) of passive metal immersed in seawater was investigated with electrochemical technology and epifluorescence microscopy. The in situ observation showed that the bacteria number increased on the metal surface according to an exponential law which was in the same way with the ennoblement of Ecorr. At the same time, the anodic polarization current of high‐Mo stainless steel decreased in the initial days. According to the mix‐potential theory and the characteristics of polarization curves of high‐Mo steel in natural seawater, the ennoblement of corrosion potential may be induced by the decrease of the passive current density.  相似文献   
Z. Jiang  Q. Chen  A. Moser 《Indoor air》1992,2(3):168-179
In order to cumpare the peformance of different supply diffuers of ventilation air, the airflow passern, temperature stratifiation and contaminant dispersion in a furnitured office ventilated by three kinds of air diffuer were numerically investigated. The air diffuers studied in this paper are a quarter-cylinder displacement diffuer on the floor and mixing diffuers (linear and vortex diffuers) on the ceiling. The heat sources in the of-fice are considered to be 50% convective and 50% radiative. The k-? two-equatwn model of turbulence is employed to predict the turbulent diffusion. The results show that the displacement diffuser provides a rather uniform flow field with low velocify in most areas, and the vertical temperature difference from floor to ceiling is as high as 6 K. With the linear diffuser, the air velociry is high, and the temperature is uniform both horizontally and vertically. The air velocity generated by the vortex diffuser is moderate. The distributions of the temperature and the contaminant are rather uniform.  相似文献   
Water extracts from leaves of date palm, phoenix dactylifera, henna, Lawsonia inermis, and corn, Zea mays, were tested as corrosion inhibitors for steel, aluminum, copper and brass in acid chloride and sodium hydroxide solutions using weight loss, solution analysis and potential measurements. The inhibition action was found to critically depend on metal type and solution composition. Only, date palm and henna extracts were found highly effective in reducing corrosion rate of steel in acid chloride solutions and aluminum in sodium hydroxide solutions. The inhibition efficiency increased with increasing the concentration of the extract. The inhibition was interpreted in terms of chemisorption of some active ingredients in the leaves according to Temkin isotherm.  相似文献   
Suspension cultures of tobacco cells were studied using airlift and rotary-drum bioreactors. The effect of initial concentrations of a major substrate, sucrose, on the growth and production of a secondary metabolite, phenolic compounds, was investigated. The dry weights and total concentrations of the phenolic compounds increased with the initial sucrose concentration in both bioreactors. Both bioreactors were found to have the same tendency for the effect of initial sucrose concentration. The structured model, presented previously was modified by considering that sucrose was hydrolyzed to glucose and fructose by an enzymatic reaction. The previous and the new models were applied to the above two sets of experimental data obtained with two bioreactors, independently. The hydrolysis of sucrose was elucidated to contribute slightly to the overall kinetics of growth and secondary metabolite production in these cultures. Furthermore, the levels of shear damage in each bioreactor were quantitatively compared based on the death rate constant, ki, which is one of the model constants.  相似文献   
论述复合脱氧剂的一般化学特性,并以碳化硅和硅铝铁两种复合脱氧剂为例,讨论其对改善钢的质量,进行纯净钢生产的影响。  相似文献   
本文通过焊接试验对奥氏体不锈钢绕带容器环板与绕带焊接工艺进行了研究分析,并得出了合理的焊接方法和工艺参数。  相似文献   
The corrosion of low carbon steel in natural sea-water is characterized by the formation and growth of compact and thick layers composed of oxides, insoluble salts and organic materials. These layers are the result of corrosion processes induced by local environmental conditions, water oxygen supply; ionic species; bacteria and organic matter. The exchange of various species (ions, molecules, gas) between sea-water and the rust layers or the metal depends both on the kinetics of the Faradaic reactions of the entities with either the oxides or the metal, as well as on their transport properties through the different strata of the rust layers. In this work, an impedance study was carried out using the 4-electrodes cell arrangement with corrosion products picked up on steel sheet piling immersed for 25 years and analyzed as free standing membranes. This new approach is a good way to reach the specific transport and transfer properties of the oxide without being blurred by the metal influence. The physical model developed in this work was based on a transmission line, and accurately described the experimental diagrams. The electronic resistivity of the oxide layer, its porosity, the mean pore size and the reaction kinetics parameters could be determined from the fittings.  相似文献   
凸轮进给式双管平头倒棱机   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹舰 《钢管》1994,(4):32-35,38
研制的凸轮进给式双管平头倒棱机可自动完成上料→夹紧→平头倒棱→松开→退料动作循环,同步准确,可靠性高,平头倒棱质量好。介绍了该装置的工作原理、工作程序、技术性能、设备组成以及刀具和夹具的特点。  相似文献   
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