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The origin of magnetoconductance (MC) in organic light-emitting diodes under bipolar injection conditions was investigated using devices containing pristine Super-Yellow poly(phenylene vinylene) (SY-PPV) or SY-PPV:phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) (x wt%) blends as the active layers. In pristine SY-PPV device, it was found that the low-field component of MC was always larger than the high-field component. Additionally, the low-field component increased and then saturated with increasing the electrical stressing time, whereas the high-field component remained unchanged. These behaviors were analyzed using empirical formula (containing a Lorentzian and a non-Lorentzian function), which suggested that the dominant mechanism in the MC response was hyperfine mixing between single and triplet polaron pairs that occurred on trap sites. The specific role of these traps, providing interaction sites for hyperfine mixing, was confirmed by controlling the lifetime of the trapped polaron-pairs states by doping the active layer with PCBM.  相似文献   
本文主要讨论了剩余类环Z/(m)上线性递归序列的周期,计数,分布以及与其相关联的Z/(m)[x]中多项式的有关问题。  相似文献   
Natural plant fibre composites have been developed for the production of a variety of industrial products, with benefits including biodegradability and environmental protection. Bamboo fibre materials have attracted broad attention as reinforcement polymer composites due to their environmental sustainability, mechanical properties, and recyclability, and they can be compared with glass fibres. This review classifies and describes the various procedures that have been developed to extract fibres from raw bamboo culm. There are three main types of procedures: mechanical, chemical and combined mechanical and chemical extraction. Composite preparation from extracted bamboo fibres and various thermal analysis methods are also classified and analysed. Many parameters affect the mechanical properties and composite characteristics of bamboo fibres and bamboo composites, including fibre extraction methods, fibre length, fibre size, resin application, temperature, moisture content and composite preparation techniques. Mechanical extraction methods are more eco-friendly than chemical methods, and steam explosion and chemical methods significantly affect the microstructure of bamboo fibres. The development of bamboo fibre-reinforced composites and interfacial adhesion fabrication techniques must consider the type of matrix, the microstructure of bamboo and fibre extraction methods.  相似文献   
The enzymes activity, texture, pectin, microstructure and colour change in bamboo shoots (Dendrocalamus latiflorus) were examined to evaluate the effect of blanching and drying treatments on quality of bamboo shoot slices (BSS). Peroxidase (POD), phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase and polyphenol oxidase in BSS will become completely inactive at 95 °C for 6‐, 9‐ and 12‐min blanching treatments, respectively. The hardness and protopectin (PP) content decreased after the blanching treatment. Meanwhile, the content of water‐soluble pectin increased initially and then decreased gradually during the blanching. After the blanching treatment, the L* and a* of BSS decreased, while b* increased, Δ> 2. The hardness of rehydrated BSS decreased by 43.57% after freeze drying (FD), which, however, decreased more after hot air drying (HAD). The pectin of rehydrated BSS was also determined to explain the hardness change in BSS. The BSS acquired similar microstructure of fresh samples after FD, while microstructure of BSS was severely damaged after HAD. The colour of BSS changes significantly after drying treatment. However, FD can maintain better colour of BSS than HAD. The results may provide a reference for industrial production of BSS.  相似文献   
探讨三组分混纺织物的生产工艺.采用蚕蛹蛋白纤维、白竹炭改性涤纶纤维、棉纤维进行混纺,通过优化纤维混纺比,充分发挥各纤维优点,以保证其独特风格和功能性;生产过程中,采用局部隔离加湿,以便保证温湿度能满足纺纱要求;并条采用顺牵伸,粗纱加大捻系数,解决了纤维间抱合力差、易产生静电等技术难题;织造工序通过增加开口量,对主辅喷气压合理设置,同时采用低后梁的织造工艺,有效减少了断经纬停等技术难题,最终使得生产出的产品达到了质量要求.  相似文献   
探讨竹浆纤维赛络纺纱的生产工艺。针对竹浆纤维的性能特点,通过对原料进行预处理,优选各工序工艺参数,实现了提高产品质量的目的。开清棉工序多松少打、尽量少落、慢车速,以减少对纤维的损伤;梳棉中大定量、低速度、小张力,以利于成网;并条头并、二并均采用6根喂入,减少总牵伸倍数,以减少棉结的产生;粗纱工序重加压、大隔距、轻定量、低车速、小张力、大捻度,以改善粗纱条干不匀;细纱工序采用喇叭口两眼距离为3.0 mm的双喇叭口,优选牵伸工艺及胶辊、上销、钢领、钢丝圈等配件,以降低管纱毛羽。通过采取以上措施,使所纺制的竹浆纤维14.8 tex赛络纺针织纱成纱质量达到了使用要求。  相似文献   
竹原纤维织物导湿透气性能研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究竹原纤维织物的导湿透气性能.对竹原纤维织物、苎麻织物、棉织物以及竹原棉混纺织物的吸水性、润湿性、透湿性与透气性进行了测试分析,发现竹原纤维织物的吸水性、润湿性与透湿性都略高于苎麻织物,明显高于棉织物;结构紧密、厚实的织物,透湿性下降明显;织物的透气率与组成织物的纤维种类无关,覆盖系数小、松散而轻薄的织物透气性好.  相似文献   
竹叶总黄酮含量的测定   总被引:39,自引:2,他引:39  
以芦丁为标准样品,建立了芦丁标准工作曲线的回归方程:C(μg/ml)=96.838A-2.8675,相关系数为r2=0.9951,利用甲醇——索氏抽提法测定并计算出了每克竹叶中的总黄酮含量为13.65mg/g,该结果与文献报道的每克竹叶中总黄酮含量基本相符,并通过重现性、回收率和稳定性实验,验证了利用分光光度法测定竹叶总黄酮含量的可靠性。  相似文献   
本文通过单因素实验和正交实验研究了叶绿素锌钠的最佳制备工艺条件,分别为:浸提次数均为两次,且每次两小时; 5%氢氧化钠浸提液体积比1:4 ;提取温度62;混合溶剂体积比(95%乙醇:石油醚)为1:5, ZnSO4浓度为10%, VZnso4:皂化液为1:1,料液比为1:15,锌代环境酸性为pH0.72。  相似文献   
竹文化 竹家具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的竹文化和古典竹家具是设计开发竹家具的基础,丰富的竹材资源是制作竹家具的有利条件。本文通过对中国竹文化、古典竹家具及其对明清木家具的影响、中国丰富的竹材资源和紧缺的木材资源的情况分析,阐述了竹家具研制开发的重要性和必要性,并提出了一些开发竹家具的措施建议。  相似文献   
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