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Distilled fractions of a coal-derived liquid from the H-Coal process were upgraded to diesel fuel by catalytic hydrotreatment. The total hydrotreated products were distilled into naphtha (<180°C) and diesel fuel fractions (>180°C) and the diesel fractions were analysed for hydrocarbon-type composition, hydrogen content and some diesel fuel properties. GC—MS-analyses were carried out on the hydrocarbon-type fractions to identify individual chemical compounds. To investigate the effect of different distillation cut points on diesel fuel yield and properties, cut points for one hydrotreated product were varied. The diesel fuel cetane numbers were correlated with percentage hydrogen, total aromatics and saturates. Cetane numbers above 40 were obtained for diesel fuels containing (i) more than 75% saturates, (ii) less than 15% total aromatics and (iii) a hydrogen content above 12.8%. Compounds identified by GC—MS-analyses (in the diesel fractions) were typical aromatic and cycloparaffin compounds. Normal-and iso-paraffin compounds were not detected. By varying the distillation cut point from 135 to 180°C, the cetane number of the residual diesel fraction improved from 37 to 44. This increase is ascribed to the removal of aromatic compounds in the 135–180°C boiling point range.  相似文献   
This paper extends an earlier report of measurements and computer predictions of flows in a cubical cavity exposed on one side to the scavenging effect of an external stream. Further measurements and photographs are presented; they are consistent with each other and with the predictions of the computational model. Specifically, comparisons are made between measured and predicted mean velocities and turbulent shear stresses, and photographs are used to elucidate features of the shear layers generated by accelerating and decelerating external flows. The computer model is used to deduce approximate relations between internal turbulent activity (measured by mean velocity, turbulence energy and shear stress) and external velocity, percentage ‘window’ opening and relative position of the plane walls upstream and downstream of the cavity.  相似文献   

University students-whether adult, distance learner, or traditional age-need access to university services and quick accurate answers to their questions beyond traditional “business” hours. Students' busy schedules and changing life patterns dictate that university services meet their needs. At DePaul University in Chicago, student focus groups repeatedly pointed to the need for one central place to get an answer or solve a problem. DePaul Central was created as an information and referral service to satisfy that student need, at the same capitalizing on the value of the librarian skill set.  相似文献   
Numerous educators have proposed the development of constructivist Internet-based learning environments for students. When creating the constructivist Internet-based learning environments, it is important for researchers to be aware of students’ preferences toward these environments. Through gathering data from 659 university students in Taiwan, this study developed a questionnaire to assess students’ preferences toward constructivist Internet-based learning environments. The questionnaire, with adequate validity and reliability, included 34 items on the following seven scales: relevance, multiple sources (and interpretations), challenge, student negotiation, cognitive apprenticeship, reflective thinking and epistemological awareness. The questionnaire responses revealed that male students tended to prefer the Internet-based learning environments where they could solve challenging problems, acquire cognitive apprenticeship and guidance from experts, and promote epistemological development than did female students. The findings also suggested that, if educators intend to develop Internet-based learning environments for more academically advanced students, such as graduate students, care should be taken to create more opportunities for them to negotiate ideas, obtain proper guidance, reflect their own thoughts, and explore epistemological issues. Finally, students with more Internet experiences tended to demand more on many features of the constructivist Internet-based learning environments than those with less Internet experiences.  相似文献   
Manufacturing ultralight and mechanical reliable materials has been a long-time challenge. Ceramic-based mechanical metamaterials provide significant opportunities to reverse their brittle nature and unstable mechanical properties and have great potential as strong, ultralight, and ultrastiff materials. However, the failure of ceramics nanolattice and degradation of strength/modulus with decreasing density are caused by buckling of the struts and failure of the nodes within the nanolattices, especially during cyclic loading. Here, we explore a new class of 3D ceramic-based metamaterials with a high strength–density ratio, stiffness, recoverability, cyclability, and optimal scaling factor. Deformation mode of the fabricated nanolattices has been engineered through the unique material design and architecture tailoring. Bending-dominated hollow nanolattice (B-H-Lattice) structure is employed to take advantages of its flexibility, while a few nanometers of carbonized mussel-inspired bio-polymer (C-PDA) is coherently deposited on ceramics’ nanolayer to enable non-buckling struts and bendable nodes during deformation, resulting in reliable mechanical properties and outperforming the current bending-dominated lattices (B-Lattices) and carbon-based cellulose materials. Meanwhile, the structure has comparable stiffness to stretching-dominated lattices (S-Lattices) while with better cyclability and reliability. The B-H-Lattices exhibit high specific stiffness (>106?Pa·kg?1·m?3), low-density (~30?kg/m3), buckling-free recovery at 55% strain, and stable cyclic loading behavior under up to 15% strain. As one of the B-Lattices, the modulus scaling factor reaches 1.27, which is lowest among current B-Lattices. This study suggests that non-buckling behavior and reliable nodes are the key factors that contribute to the outstanding mechanical performance of nanolattice materials. A new concept of engineering the internal deformation behavior of mechanical metamaterial is provided to optimize their mechanical properties in real service conditions.  相似文献   
随着人类社会信息化的到来,档案学研究领域的开阔与多学科化,研究内容的丰富与深化,档案工作实践中层出不穷的新事物、新问题要求高校档案工作人员具有较高的综合素质。当今社会信息技术的发展速度已经超过了档案行业队伍建设的速度,因此对档案管理人员的培训和培养迫在眉睫。  相似文献   
大学语文要实践文化育人的理念,就要把握文化导向,坚持民族文化的主导地位,创新教学的思维理念,创新教学方法,将大学语文文本所蕴涵的丰富的“文化源”借助课程平台转化为学生个体的精神财富,培养学生文化传承的自觉意识。  相似文献   
The Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) program of the U.S. Air Force identified a need to better communicate and analyze manufacturing for the people involved in improving productivity. To satisfy that need, the ICAM program developed the IDEF (ICAM Definition) method to address particular characteristics of manufacturing. This IDEF method is equally applicable in analyzing other types of organizations. IDEF comprises three modeling methodologies: function model methodology (IDEF0), information model methodology (IDEF1) and dynamics model methodology (IDEF2). This paper reports on the Information model methodology only. This methodology is used to construct an information model that helps in understanding the structure of information needed to support the functions of an organization.  相似文献   
基于生态学思维的高校图书馆建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温新瑞 《机械管理开发》2007,(5):113-114,117
高校图书馆,是全校师生汲取知识的重要园地.高校图书馆的建设应遵循生态学的规律,不仅要重视其外部环境的建设,更重要的是加强图书馆的内涵素养,充分体现生态图书馆的持续发展观、和谐价值观与生态世界观的基本特征.  相似文献   
使用后评估(post-ocupancy evaluation)是依据建筑性能标准对建筑环境进行评价与分析的操作。后评估以建筑使用者及其需求作为评价标准和依据,以期从评价中获取信息和经验为未来创造更好的建筑提供有益的借鉴。就当今建筑设计实践的全过程而言,使用后评估是建筑设计程序中的又一个重要的因素, 它的操作和研究使建成环境和设施更加完善,使建筑设计更加科学和合理。使用后评估分为三个层次,它们是指示性后评估、评价性后评估和诊断性后评估。本文通过对使用后评估理论的梳理,针对清华大学美术学院教学楼进行后评估,将后评估理论进行了实际程序的操作,为我国建筑环境后评估提供了案例研究。  相似文献   
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